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evil homer

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  1. I should have been more clear. We are currently playing Pathfinder but I think we are switching to Savage Worlds. I'm not interested in converting PF spells over. What I am interested in is dumping the SW spells into HERO to have a basis of comparison for the creation of new spells. For instance SW doesn't have (as far as I can tell) a Damage Shield, or a way to link power effects, for instance a Dispel/Counter-Spell linked with a Power Point Drain. I want a way to create new spells for SW but balance them against the currently existing slate of SW spells. The other thing HERO should allow me to do is create systems of Magic based on limitations and requirements or advantages and be able to import that magic system. The end goal would be a rough conversion factor for Real Cost vs SW Power Points. I worked on the SW Bolt and Blast spells some yesterday got a rough number of 7 (7.5 Rounded down) points of real cost = 1 power point in SW.
  2. I was looking at several systems to run an Urban Fantasy game with a settled on Savage Worlds for a variety of reasons. However, for my core Fantasy campaign I will be converting from Pathfinder into Savage worlds and I'm looking a the SW magic system and it's pretty generic and simple. That's fine. What I want is a way to balance spells I may want to introduce into Savage Worlds against the spells that already exist. The toolkit nature of Power Construction in HERO seems like it would lend itself to that kind of analysis but some baselines need to be established, namely converting the core SW spells into HERO terms so there is a basis for comparison. Question 1: Am I off base in assuming that HERO lends itself to performing the kind of analysis I am looking for? Question 2: Am I crazy?
  3. I'm new to the whole HERO thing. Long ago, I'd guess in the era of 4th edition I encountered HERO for the first time. I was heavily into D&D at the time and wanted to use HERO to fix the issues with D&D magic. Stopped gaming for 10 years (or rather played tabletop mini games instead) but have been running Pathfinder for the last year or so. I still want to use HERO to fix some of the issues I'm having with D&D (PF). My setting is based in large part on Magic the Gathering cards for ideas. The ability to implement magic systems, and easily restrict power access or caps based on what each color can do is highly intoxicating. In any case I'm looking to run a side game right now, mostly as an excuse to really learn HERO. My options are some kind of World of Darkness influenced urban fantasy, or a supers game run as a kind of 'Bring in the B Team' concept. Does anyone have suggestions on which is going to be easier to new initiates of the game? I'm willing to put in the work to make it right, That's not an issue, its more of a where to start and I'm open to suggestions kind of thread. I have 6E1 and 6E2 books but they have little in the way of context to apply to a given situations.
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