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Witch Doctor2

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Witch Doctor2's Achievements

  1. Re: Need help with character - Uriel How's this look? Player: Brian Newman Val Char Cost28 STR1823 DEX3918 CON1613 BODY618 INT823 EGO2630 PRE023 COM7 6 PD04 ED05 SPD1710 REC036 END036 STUN0 6" RUN02" SWIM05 1/2" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 137 Cost PowerEND10 Angelic Being: Elemental Control, 20-point powers 10 1) Angelic Splendor: +20 PRE (20 Active Points) 5 2) Direct pipeline to the ultimate source of all life: Healing BODY 1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (25 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 014 3) Divine protection: Combat Luck (12 PD/12 ED) (24 Active Points) 10 4) Sense Evil: Detect A Single Thing 13- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Range, Sense (20 Active Points) 05 5) Sword of Judgement: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) 27 6) Wings of Fire: Flight 10" (20 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) [Notes: Uriel's wings manifest only when he wants them to. They are not bird-like at all, but gossamyry spans of empyrean fire.] 210 7) Made of sterner stuff: Energy Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points) 010 8) Made of sterner stuff II: Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points) 011 9) Inspire: +2 with All Combat, Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +1) (32 Active Points); Requires A Skill Roll (RSR Skill is subject to Skill vs. Skill contests; Oratory; -3/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 35 Purity of Mind: Mental Defense (10 points total) 018 Switch between Jason/Uriel: Multiform (207 Character Points in the most expensive form) (Instant Change) (46 Active Points); Personality Loss First Roll After 5 Minutes (-1 1/2) [Notes: If Jason let's Uriel be in "the driver's seat" for too long, he risks personality loss. Not the other way around.] 013 Uriel's True Power: Succor Angelic Being 5d6, [two powers] simultaneously (+1/2) (37 Active Points); Activation Roll 13- (vs Jason's Ego; -3/4), Side Effects (Enraged or Berserk - attacks all the sinners; -3/4), Visible (covered in fire; -1/4) 4Powers Cost: 128 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver16 +4 HTH Damage Class(es) 4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 3 Defensive Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Block, Target Falls 5 Disarming Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 53 STR to take weapon away; Target Falls 5 Passing Disarm: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Disarm, 58 STR to Disarm; FMove 4 Weapon Bind: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Bind, 58 STR 5 Flying Grab: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 58 STR for holding on; FMove 5 Grappling Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Grab One Limb, Block 4 Joint Lock/Throw: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 3d6 NND ; Target Falls 5 Joint Break: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 2 1/2d6 , Disable 5 Flying Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +4 DCV, Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove 3 Flying Tackle: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 9 1/2d6 +v/5 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove 3 Grappling Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 11 1/2d6 Strike; Target Falls; Must Follow Grab 5 Killing Throw: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 2 1/2d6 , Target Falls 5 Passing Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 9 1/2d6 +v/5; Target Falls; FMove 3 Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 10 1/2d6 Strike, Target Falls 4 Reversal: var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 63 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs 4 Fast Strike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 11 1/2d6 Strike 5 Defensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 9 1/2d6 Strike 4 Killing Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, HKA 2 1/2d6 4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 11 1/2d6 Strike 4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 NND 5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 13 1/2d6 Strike 5 Passing Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 9 1/2d6 +v/5; FMove 4 Sacrifice Lunge: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -2 DCV, 9 1/2d6 +v/5; FMove 5 Sacrifice Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, 13 1/2d6 Strike 4 Shove: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 63 STR to Shove 4 Root: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 63 STR to resist Shove; Block, Abort 4 Martial Flash: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Flash 8d6 1 Weapon Element: Blades Martial Arts Cost: 137 Cost Skill3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Analyze: Combat 13- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Bureaucratics 15- 30 +6 with HTH Combat 10 Defense Maneuver I-IV 3 Oratory 15- 5 Rapid Attack (HTH) 15 +5 with any three related Skills [Notes: applies to Analyze: Combat, Tactics, and Teamwork] 3 Tactics 13- 3 Teamwork 14- Skills Cost: 81 Cost Talent16 Combat Sense 14- Talents Cost: 16 Total Character Cost: 499 Val Disadvantages15 Distinctive Features: Undeniable Aura of Power (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 15 Physical Limitation: Doesn't understand modern technology (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) 10 Psychological Limitation: Aloof and Superior (Common, Moderate) 10 Psychological Limitation: Constantly shooting his mouth off (Uncommon, Strong) 20 Psychological Limitation: Believes he is sanctioned by a higher power (Common, Total) 10 Psychological Limitation: Callous (Common, Moderate) 15 Reputation: He's a true blue angel, 11- (Extreme) 15 Social Limitation: undue attention by religious nuts (Frequently, Major) 10 Social Limitation: Noblese Oblige (lower class = humans) (Frequently, Minor) 10 Social Limitation: Sees any stranger as a potential opponent (Frequently, Minor) 15 Psychological Limitation: Prefers the Direct Approach (Common, Strong) Disadvantage Points: 145 Base Points: 350 Experience Required: 4 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0
  2. Frankly, I suck at point distributions. I could really use the help of a kind soul on this game board in writing this character up. The game is for a Justice League level campaign (ie. the best of the best). Starting points are 350 and Max Disads are 150 (max points from one category of disad is 50, 75 for psych disads). Uriel will have "reluctant to kill", Jason will have "will not kill". Active power cap is 75 with one power being 90 (as long as it doesn't intrude on another character's schtick - which, in this case, I don't see how it possibly could). Powers I see for this character are below. I want to provide the background story first so you have a context for the character's powers. The shadow of the angel stood in bold relief against the blood stained sky. In his arms hung a chain of the brightest light falling away from him and towards a second being that kneeled in submission before the throne which they both faced. The throne was occupied, but wrapped in such brilliant radiance that neither of the two could see the visage of the king upon it. It didn't matter. They were here for one reason - the passing of judgement. The endless war had finally ended. The judgement was now to be given. Lucifer, on his knees, with the chain of light around his neck fully expected to be destroyed. It was what he would have done had he won this war. But that was not to be the case. The one seated upon the throne surprised all with his judgement. Lucifer would be exiled from heaven, but would be given leave to wonder the earth below. Uriel, the angel of judgement, tightened his grip around the chain as the words came down. His knuckles showed white. This was not what he'd fought for. This was not what he'd seen brothers and sisters die for. He raised himself to his full height and before he knew it, he had begun to speak. "My lord, this creature deserves no less than your full wrath! He dared try to usurp your throne! He split heaven asunder and begun a war which stretches back to the beginning of time. The skies themselves are soaked in the blood of your faithful as a result of his actions. Condemn him and do it most strongly. This is the only fair judgement for his deeds." "You dare tell me what is fair and just?" the being on the throne replied, "I who created those heavens and the blood of angels which paints them with the signs of his deeds? I who created the earth on which he will be condemned? I will keep my counsel alone in what is just. You dare tell me what is fair and just? What pride you show. Is it not the same as Lucifer, my beloved, once showed? Are you not setting yourself up as he once did?" "My Lord, it is not, that was not my intent. I am out of line." "Yes, you are, Uriel. But do not let it be said that I am without mercy. I know the price you have paid in this war. I know the pain you hold in your heart and I know that it is from that pain that you speak. You will go to earth with him and you will watch him and observe that he does not step out of line, except for in this one thing. You will not interfere with his free will, nor that of the people I have put upon the earth. You will watch. You will defend and you will do my will." The expanse of the African scrub land under the piercing sun was dizzying to anyone not acclimated to it. Jason was not acclimated to it. He sat under the tent fanning himself with the fedora from his head. He had bought it back in the states thinking it made him look like Indiana Jones. Now, he felt more like what he was - sweat-soaked, worn out meat. He watched his professor as the grey headed man tirelessly poured over some of the artifacts the team had pulled out of the dirt this morning. This was, they thought, once the capital city of Sheba - the city mentioned in the Bible. Jason D'Arc was excited. This was making the text books come alive. Still, archaeology was hard work. His professor, Dr. Adams was working at a feverish pitch. They were running out of time. Civil unrest was breaking out over race tensions in the area. The Government had sworn to offer them protection, but the two soldiers they had provided seemed hardly sufficient given reports of insurgents running around the countryside at night. They all knew that the sooner they found what they came for, the sooner they could get back to safety. Still, Jason had the feeling that Dr. Adams had not yet told him what he was looking for. "I know you need to start your journey tomorrow, but we have one more night. I wanted to show you the view of the stars under Jerusalem from the temple. It is something you had to see before you leave. Besides, I have a boon to ask of you." This was the last night King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba would be together and there was something critical the man purported to be the wisest on earth needed to ask of the beautiful young woman. He held in his hands a package wrapped in the finest purple cloth. She wondered what it might be and why his tone expressed such deep loss and desperation. He unwrapped the package to show her a blade. It was four feet long and made of the brightest metal. It was sharp on both sides and wove back and forth in an "S-shaped" pattern. She'd never seen anything like it. Her hand reached forward and was about to touch it delicately as her eyes lifted to his. He pulled the blade away." Jason woke to the sounds of screaming. The campsite was on fire. Gunshots pierced the night like a lion tearing apart an antelope. It took him a moment for his rational mind to make sense of the chaos around him. He rolled out of his bag and felt and smelled blood. Opening the flap of the tent carefully so as not to draw attention, he peered outside. He was keenly aware of the fact that Dr. Adams and the crew had not retreated from the area before the insurgents had found them. Mercenaries moved about outside. Jason drew his blade and cut the back of his tent hoping to slip away in the darkness. He was hoping it was instinct that was guiding his actions. Of course, thinking it was instinct was a sheer sign that it wasn't. He tried not to think about that to hard. As he stepped out, he heard the sound of alarm from one of the mercenaries shouting at him. He started to run. "Long ago, my people, the Jews witnessed many miraculous things. In those days, God was not some thing we speak of as a being unseen. God was real. He walked the earth with our ancestors. He fed our people with mana. He shook the city walls of our enemies. In those days, his judgement was absolute, without mercy, and without bounds. His angel of judgement walked the earth in the flesh." He paused looking at the incredible temple that had been built and the sense of great loss had come upon him once more. "This temple will fall soon and be forgotten. The people have lost their way. I have led them astray. God's judgement will come back to us once more and all will be lost unless we take action. We cannot prevent what will happen - what is just, but if you and I work together, we may be able to alleviate it. This is the sword of judgement. It is the sword of Uriel, the angel of judgement. God gave to Isreal the secret of binding his angel into this blade, but if the blade falls into the hands of the unworthy..". The Queen didn't need him to explain in words what might happen, the vision she could see reflected in his eyes, in his face, in the way he held himself upright, was all she needed to know how serious this was. He continued, "The temple will fall within a century. The sword, unless sent far away and hidden from the eyes of men, will be subverted to evil. Only the bloodline of David can wield it. You have my child inside of you. That child is of the bloodline of David. The sword must be protected and the bloodline must be protected. There will come a time when both will be needed." Jason fell. He couldn't see himself falling. He hadn't been able to see anything for a long time, ever since he'd left the campfire far behind. He was lost and he knew it. He expected to become a meal to one of the native animals soon enough. As he wondered about trying to figure out what to do now in the middle of the inky darkness, he fell. His legs just gave way and he started to slide as if the earth itself had swallowed him whole. He started to scream and then realized that he had come to a stop. He was in a cave. Picking himself up, he looked around. It took him a moment to realize that there shouldn't be any light down here, he was just grateful that there was. Then, it took him a moment longer to figure out where the light was coming from - an altar - more precisely, a sword on the altar. He made his way to the blade and laid his hand upon it. His body burnt with a radiance that seemed to drive him mad, then all was still. In his mind, he knew, he was not alone. In his skin, he felt there were two spirits. Uriel awoke as if a sudden dagger of light had pierced the darkness and driven itself directly to his eyes. The angel's disrupted slumber tore away in one piece and he stood to his full might even as his brain raced to figure out what had happened. Looking down upon his hands, he realized, he was flesh and blood - human flesh and blood. The cave he was in seemed far too small. Then he realized, it wasn't the cave. It was his skin. There wasn't room. With that realization came another, he felt there were two spirits. The way I conceive of him, he's an angelic super soldier and an expert swordsman. He's got three basic power sets - angelic nature, expert tactician, and swordmanship. He's the angel that brought Lucifer before the throne of God and, thus, is conceptually incredibly powerful. However, somehow (which I'm going to leave in Jack's hands as a plot point - maybe something Jason discovers in the course of the game), Jason is, perhaps subconsciously, keeping Uriel from using his full powers because he fears that the more of his intrinsic power Uriel can access, the more likely Jason will lose control. If Jason loses control, he fears, Uriel will go all "wrath of God" on people - slaughtering all the sinners (which is just about everyone). (Uriel and Jason have different personalities though they influence one another.) So, I'd like to put his power on a sliding scale where the upper bounds are rarely used because of the _fear_ that they will lead to loss of control. (ultimately when, if ever, Jason actually does lose control rests fully in the hands of the GM, but his fear of it happening is a core point of the character concept). I've thought about giving him three aspects in a multiform - one is Jason, one is a controlled Uriel, one is a raging but still somewhat contolled Uriel (a fourth one would be the theoretical one where the character passes into the hands of the GM). An alternative that I've considered is giving him two aspects of a multiform; one is Jason, one is Uriel (and, of course, there'd be the theoretical third) and the second form has succor self only (representing Jason allowing Uriel to draw on more of his power) as a power with a disadvantage representing Jason's unwillingness to use it. As for specific powers, as I said, angelic nature, expert tactician, and swordsmanship. Under "angelic nature", I'd like him to have various powers tied to having a high PRE. Maybe he'd be able to increase his defensive ability by manfesting "angelic splendor". Maybe he'd be able to add more DCs to his sword (which manfest as the sword bursting into flame). I'd like him to be able to detect evil. I see him as being able to heal his wounds quickly and, since he was born in the primordial fires of the Universe, he has full life support. Under "expert tactician", he's a veteran of aeons of warfare against the true forces of evil. He knows tactical countermeasures for strategies that most people haven't even thought of yet. I see others being able to fight better when he is beside them. I see him as being able to use his high PRE to have lots of "shock and awe" abilities. Perhaps he has a fairly modest Dex for a weapons master, but a lot of combat skill levels. Under "swordsmanship" I see the sword of judgement (the weapon the character carries which has bound Jason and Uriel together) as being arguably the most powerful magical weapon in the world (personally, I don't like to deal in absolutes, but "arguably" works). It is not a focus as it cannot be seperated from either of the two characters. If Jason tossed it into the Atlantic ocean while on vacation, it'd be propped next to his X-box when he got home. The sword is probably restrainable though (that seems to make sense to me). One thing that I thought about doing, I don't know if this is legal, is giving him a lot of martial arts skills with a weapon element and lots of damage classes and all of them with a +1/2 variable advantage (this would give him a lot of options in combat). Some powers he might have as a result of being such a highly skilled tactical expert include combat sense, danger sense, defensive manuever, and lightning strike. Skill wise, he doesn't have any modern skills (a computer is just a paper weight to him - Jason handles the modern tech). He does have oratory (he's the freakin' Angel of Judgement -of course- he has Oratory) and Bureacratics (the joke is that human governments have nothing on the Celestial government when it comes to red tape). He has "reluctant to kill" and "pestered by religious bigots looking for self validation". I'm thinking that he (and Jason through their link) both get headaches in the presence of self-righteous hypocrites. Jason comes across as a pretty stereotypical college sophomore. Until finding the sword, he bounced around from major to major not knowing what to do with his life. Since he got the sword, he's become a religion/anthropology major. He tends to strike people as not taking the world or his role as a member of the Global Guardians seriously, but he's actually rather overwhelmed by it and his new role with regards to Uriel. He will not kill and is a firm believer in the basic goodness of human kind. The sword itself is four feet long and made of the brightest metal. So, its hard to conceal. It seems to have its own intelligence to it and it doesn't like to be seperated from Jason/Uriel (imagine him leaving it behind when he goes to class only to find it propped next to his desk, him not even having seen it materialize there, but there it is anyway - he's taken to keeping it with him at all times and just trying to keep it concealed - those closest to him know about the sword and about his secret identity, but he still doesn't like to attract attention).
  3. Frankly, I suck at point distributions. I could really use the help of a kind soul on this game board in writing this character up. The game is for a Justice League level campaign (ie. the best of the best). Starting points are 350 and Max Disads are 150 (max points from one category of disad is 50, 75 for psych disads). Uriel will have "reluctant to kill", Jason will have "will not kill". Active power cap is 75 with one power being 90 (as long as it doesn't intrude on another character's schtick - which, in this case, I don't see how it possibly could). Powers I see for this character are below. I want to provide the background story first so you have a context for the character's powers. The shadow of the angel stood in bold relief against the blood stained sky. In his arms hung a chain of the brightest light falling away from him and towards a second being that kneeled in submission before the throne which they both faced. The throne was occupied, but wrapped in such brilliant radiance that neither of the two could see the visage of the king upon it. It didn't matter. They were here for one reason - the passing of judgement. The endless war had finally ended. The judgement was now to be given. Lucifer, on his knees, with the chain of light around his neck fully expected to be destroyed. It was what he would have done had he won this war. But that was not to be the case. The one seated upon the throne surprised all with his judgement. Lucifer would be exiled from heaven, but would be given leave to wonder the earth below. Uriel, the angel of judgement, tightened his grip around the chain as the words came down. His knuckles showed white. This was not what he'd fought for. This was not what he'd seen brothers and sisters die for. He raised himself to his full height and before he knew it, he had begun to speak. "My lord, this creature deserves no less than your full wrath! He dared try to usurp your throne! He split heaven asunder and begun a war which stretches back to the beginning of time. The skies themselves are soaked in the blood of your faithful as a result of his actions. Condemn him and do it most strongly. This is the only fair judgement for his deeds." "You dare tell me what is fair and just?" the being on the throne replied, "I who created those heavens and the blood of angels which paints them with the signs of his deeds? I who created the earth on which he will be condemned? I will keep my counsel alone in what is just. You dare tell me what is fair and just? What pride you show. Is it not the same as Lucifer, my beloved, once showed? Are you not setting yourself up as he once did?" "My Lord, it is not, that was not my intent. I am out of line." "Yes, you are, Uriel. But do not let it be said that I am without mercy. I know the price you have paid in this war. I know the pain you hold in your heart and I know that it is from that pain that you speak. You will go to earth with him and you will watch him and observe that he does not step out of line, except for in this one thing. You will not interfere with his free will, nor that of the people I have put upon the earth. You will watch. You will defend and you will do my will." The expanse of the African scrub land under the piercing sun was dizzying to anyone not acclimated to it. Jason was not acclimated to it. He sat under the tent fanning himself with the fedora from his head. He had bought it back in the states thinking it made him look like Indiana Jones. Now, he felt more like what he was - sweat-soaked, worn out meat. He watched his professor as the grey headed man tirelessly poured over some of the artifacts the team had pulled out of the dirt this morning. This was, they thought, once the capital city of Sheba - the city mentioned in the Bible. Jason D'Arc was excited. This was making the text books come alive. Still, archaeology was hard work. His professor, Dr. Adams was working at a feverish pitch. They were running out of time. Civil unrest was breaking out over race tensions in the area. The Government had sworn to offer them protection, but the two soldiers they had provided seemed hardly sufficient given reports of insurgents running around the countryside at night. They all knew that the sooner they found what they came for, the sooner they could get back to safety. Still, Jason had the feeling that Dr. Adams had not yet told him what he was looking for. "I know you need to start your journey tomorrow, but we have one more night. I wanted to show you the view of the stars under Jerusalem from the temple. It is something you had to see before you leave. Besides, I have a boon to ask of you." This was the last night King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba would be together and there was something critical the man purported to be the wisest on earth needed to ask of the beautiful young woman. He held in his hands a package wrapped in the finest purple cloth. She wondered what it might be and why his tone expressed such deep loss and desperation. He unwrapped the package to show her a blade. It was four feet long and made of the brightest metal. It was sharp on both sides and wove back and forth in an "S-shaped" pattern. She'd never seen anything like it. Her hand reached forward and was about to touch it delicately as her eyes lifted to his. He pulled the blade away." Jason woke to the sounds of screaming. The campsite was on fire. Gunshots pierced the night like a lion tearing apart an antelope. It took him a moment for his rational mind to make sense of the chaos around him. He rolled out of his bag and felt and smelled blood. Opening the flap of the tent carefully so as not to draw attention, he peered outside. He was keenly aware of the fact that Dr. Adams and the crew had not retreated from the area before the insurgents had found them. Mercenaries moved about outside. Jason drew his blade and cut the back of his tent hoping to slip away in the darkness. He was hoping it was instinct that was guiding his actions. Of course, thinking it was instinct was a sheer sign that it wasn't. He tried not to think about that to hard. As he stepped out, he heard the sound of alarm from one of the mercenaries shouting at him. He started to run. "Long ago, my people, the Jews witnessed many miraculous things. In those days, God was not some thing we speak of as a being unseen. God was real. He walked the earth with our ancestors. He fed our people with mana. He shook the city walls of our enemies. In those days, his judgement was absolute, without mercy, and without bounds. His angel of judgement walked the earth in the flesh." He paused looking at the incredible temple that had been built and the sense of great loss had come upon him once more. "This temple will fall soon and be forgotten. The people have lost their way. I have led them astray. God's judgement will come back to us once more and all will be lost unless we take action. We cannot prevent what will happen - what is just, but if you and I work together, we may be able to alleviate it. This is the sword of judgement. It is the sword of Uriel, the angel of judgement. God gave to Isreal the secret of binding his angel into this blade, but if the blade falls into the hands of the unworthy..". The Queen didn't need him to explain in words what might happen, the vision she could see reflected in his eyes, in his face, in the way he held himself upright, was all she needed to know how serious this was. He continued, "The temple will fall within a century. The sword, unless sent far away and hidden from the eyes of men, will be subverted to evil. Only the bloodline of David can wield it. You have my child inside of you. That child is of the bloodline of David. The sword must be protected and the bloodline must be protected. There will come a time when both will be needed." Jason fell. He couldn't see himself falling. He hadn't been able to see anything for a long time, ever since he'd left the campfire far behind. He was lost and he knew it. He expected to become a meal to one of the native animals soon enough. As he wondered about trying to figure out what to do now in the middle of the inky darkness, he fell. His legs just gave way and he started to slide as if the earth itself had swallowed him whole. He started to scream and then realized that he had come to a stop. He was in a cave. Picking himself up, he looked around. It took him a moment to realize that there shouldn't be any light down here, he was just grateful that there was. Then, it took him a moment longer to figure out where the light was coming from - an altar - more precisely, a sword on the altar. He made his way to the blade and laid his hand upon it. His body burnt with a radiance that seemed to drive him mad, then all was still. In his mind, he knew, he was not alone. In his skin, he felt there were two spirits. Uriel awoke as if a sudden dagger of light had pierced the darkness and driven itself directly to his eyes. The angel's disrupted slumber tore away in one piece and he stood to his full might even as his brain raced to figure out what had happened. Looking down upon his hands, he realized, he was flesh and blood - human flesh and blood. The cave he was in seemed far too small. Then he realized, it wasn't the cave. It was his skin. There wasn't room. With that realization came another, he felt there were two spirits. The way I conceive of him, he's an angelic super soldier and an expert swordsman. He's got three basic power sets - angelic nature, expert tactician, and swordmanship. He's the angel that brought Lucifer before the throne of God and, thus, is conceptually incredibly powerful. However, somehow (which I'm going to leave in Jack's hands as a plot point - maybe something Jason discovers in the course of the game), Jason is, perhaps subconsciously, keeping Uriel from using his full powers because he fears that the more of his intrinsic power Uriel can access, the more likely Jason will lose control. If Jason loses control, he fears, Uriel will go all "wrath of God" on people - slaughtering all the sinners (which is just about everyone). (Uriel and Jason have different personalities though they influence one another.) So, I'd like to put his power on a sliding scale where the upper bounds are rarely used because of the _fear_ that they will lead to loss of control. (ultimately when, if ever, Jason actually does lose control rests fully in the hands of the GM, but his fear of it happening is a core point of the character concept). I've thought about giving him three aspects in a multiform - one is Jason, one is a controlled Uriel, one is a raging but still somewhat contolled Uriel (a fourth one would be the theoretical one where the character passes into the hands of the GM). An alternative that I've considered is giving him two aspects of a multiform; one is Jason, one is Uriel (and, of course, there'd be the theoretical third) and the second form has succor self only (representing Jason allowing Uriel to draw on more of his power) as a power with a disadvantage representing Jason's unwillingness to use it. As for specific powers, as I said, angelic nature, expert tactician, and swordsmanship. Under "angelic nature", I'd like him to have various powers tied to having a high PRE. Maybe he'd be able to increase his defensive ability by manfesting "angelic splendor". Maybe he'd be able to add more DCs to his sword (which manfest as the sword bursting into flame). I'd like him to be able to detect evil. I see him as being able to heal his wounds quickly and, since he was born in the primordial fires of the Universe, he has full life support. Under "expert tactician", he's a veteran of aeons of warfare against the true forces of evil. He knows tactical countermeasures for strategies that most people haven't even thought of yet. I see others being able to fight better when he is beside them. I see him as being able to use his high PRE to have lots of "shock and awe" abilities. Perhaps he has a fairly modest Dex for a weapons master, but a lot of combat skill levels. Under "swordsmanship" I see the sword of judgement (the weapon the character carries which has bound Jason and Uriel together) as being arguably the most powerful magical weapon in the world (personally, I don't like to deal in absolutes, but "arguably" works). It is not a focus as it cannot be seperated from either of the two characters. If Jason tossed it into the Atlantic ocean while on vacation, it'd be propped next to his X-box when he got home. The sword is probably restrainable though (that seems to make sense to me). One thing that I thought about doing, I don't know if this is legal, is giving him a lot of martial arts skills with a weapon element and lots of damage classes and all of them with a +1/2 variable advantage (this would give him a lot of options in combat). Some powers he might have as a result of being such a highly skilled tactical expert include combat sense, danger sense, defensive manuever, and lightning strike. Skill wise, he doesn't have any modern skills (a computer is just a paper weight to him - Jason handles the modern tech). He does have oratory (he's the freakin' Angel of Judgement -of course- he has Oratory) and Bureacratics (the joke is that human governments have nothing on the Celestial government when it comes to red tape). He has "reluctant to kill" and "pestered by religious bigots looking for self validation". I'm thinking that he (and Jason through their link) both get headaches in the presence of self-righteous hypocrites. Jason comes across as a pretty stereotypical college sophomore. Until finding the sword, he bounced around from major to major not knowing what to do with his life. Since he got the sword, he's become a religion/anthropology major. He tends to strike people as not taking the world or his role as a member of the Global Guardians seriously, but he's actually rather overwhelmed by it and his new role with regards to Uriel. He will not kill and is a firm believer in the basic goodness of human kind. The sword itself is four feet long and made of the brightest metal. So, its hard to conceal. It seems to have its own intelligence to it and it doesn't like to be seperated from Jason/Uriel (imagine him leaving it behind when he goes to class only to find it propped next to his desk, him not even having seen it materialize there, but there it is anyway - he's taken to keeping it with him at all times and just trying to keep it concealed - those closest to him know about the sword and about his secret identity, but he still doesn't like to attract attention).
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