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Nero Grimes

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Posts posted by Nero Grimes

  1. Aside from the eastern cultists and their "exotic majicks", there's nothing in Temple of Doom worth keeping in the Raiders canon, IMO. And nothing whatsoever from Crystal Skull worth keeping. In my household, only Raiders and Last Crusade are canon. The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles are iffy at best.



    For me, the Sloppy Seconds from Daddy keeps Last Crusade out of the canon. And on a personal note: EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!


    There are some interesting 'Fan Edits' of the Lesser Movies, Crystal Skull included.

    While none of theLesser Movies are canon, the novelazations are, so that the choice bits can be taken from them.


    A friend and I 'fan proofed' the Crystal Skull novelazation. In the book, Cate Blanchett's charatcer, Colonel Doctor Irina Spalko, had more defined psychic abilities. From that we reverse engineered  that the Russians took control of an ancient Romany cult that breeds psychics.

  2. When the "Raider-verse" no longer has a protagonist who can ride out a nuclear explosion in a refrigerator. At which point, of course, it's no longer the "Raider verse."


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary observes that, brilliant or not, your ideas might sound better - or read better anyway - if you proofread them


    That is so unworthy of you.


    The 'spielberg factor' - Early Onset Artistic Hubris - is why none of the Lesser Movies are not fully canon. 


    Atomic Fridge is the new Jump the Shark.


    Fixing Indiana Jones 4 short of a Lucas/Spielberg murder/suicide pact. (shameless blog plug)


    Fixing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull  (A shortcut to Catholic Skywalker's post).



    The whole Indy/Cthulhu thing started while I was surfing CoC pages hunting for pulp stuff.


    The mash up looked good on paper.


    I guess Indy will be at best be thwarting earth shattering powers rather than cosmos crushing Evil. I will probably keep some of the tone and temperament. More Night of the Demon than The Dunwich Horror.


    I still have work to do on the sub-genres Treasure Hunting, Lost Worlds, and Weird Menace: Super Science.

  3. So, you want a game where "All myths are true" EXCEPT the ones Lovecraft had a hand in?



    csyphrett is repeating what zslane already said:



    You're trying to define a difference between the universe Indiana Jones has his adventures in and the universe of Call of Cthulhu, and you're going to have trouble defining that difference because there isn't one. They could be the same universe. Professor Jones could easily be in correspondence with colleagues at Arkham University. The only important difference is in the tone of the story being told.




    It's an order of magnitude - in the Yehweh-verse Cthulhu is not stranger than we imagine it is stranger than we can imagine. We couldn't see the forest for the trees.



    Repeating is a classic literary device.

  4. It's not about power. It's about the tone of the campaign. Indiana Jones is about a world filled with ancient wonders that can be used to accomplish things, and the ability of adventurers to save the day. Call of Chutulu is about a universe that doesn't care and things above men as we are above insects.


    It's not about how much power is involved in raising Hecate, it's about can the hero stop it without losing his mind at some horror that he can't comprehend.




    The two universes cannot co-exist or cross over. The Yahweh-verse is the trivial ranting of a trivial people of a trivial race.


    I may be thinking more in terms of ambient supernatural.


    In the Raider-verse the supernatural is only experienced through artifacts and relics.


    The Arabian Nights world is a universe of miracles; the supernatural is everywhere and in all things.


    I guess what I would take from Cthulhu is the everpresence of the unknown the heroes are heading to.


    When would the supernatural in the Raider-verse become the moral equivalent of the supernatural  Cthulhu-verse? 

  5. The Ark was also supposed to be a divine weapon of antiquity.


    But more important than any of that, the tone of the Indiana Jones series is utterly non-Lovecraftian.


    I'm still working on the 'divine weapon' part. If memory serves, in the Yahweh-verse if Big Daddy wanted to lay down the law, He'd send some of his boys, with flaming swords, to smote the snot out of people.


    In the Expanded Raider-verse All Myths Are True, particularly in the comics. Powerful dieties come into play, the comics understand the ramifications if 'it is all real'.


    How much more power does it take between raising Hecate with a cult of Greek cultists and opening he door way into the Cthuhlu-verse?

  6. It's been a while since I've read the canon. I was hoping to pick collective brains because I'm am loath, and most likely unable, to plow through the material again.


    If enough people post enough memory fragments, I may be able to piece the Raiders EU back together in my mind. It's based on the same theory postulating that a thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters will sooner or later produce the works of Shakespeare.


    First collective piece: Indiana Jones and The Peril at Delphi. Thanks. It suggests Greek Mystery Cults.


    And away we go.

  7. In the Expanded Raider-verse, what level of paranormal anything can be reached before it becomes Call of Cthulhu?


    Relics/artifacts work - a given.


    Fetish Magic - see the voodoo doll in the novelization of Temple of Doom.


    Potent Mesmerism - see the voodoo prince in the novelization of Temple of Doom.


    Classic Wicca - the original novel Indiana Jones and the White Witch


    ESP - see Colonel Doctor Irina Spalko in the novelization of Crystal Skull.



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