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Everything posted by stitches

  1. Re: please help a newbie great input. thanks.
  2. I'm fairly new to roleplaying games in general, and have not played Champions yet, but one of my friends is an experienced player and wants us to try out a game, and it sounds like a ton of fun. He says he's got an idea for a Dark Champions beginner campaign. I was hoping some of you more experienced players might be able to advise me on ways to set up the following character: I'd like to play a deadpool/bullseye (minus the insanity) type character, who's lethal with any kind of projectile weapon. I want him to basically be a smartass and a thrillseeker who doesn't take much seriously, and doesn't seem scared of much of everything. I intend for him to have been a CIA assassin who faked his own death and became a vigilante under an assumed name mostly just because he got sick of everyone in the CIA being taking everything so seriously. I'm not sure if there's a way to actually make marksmanship superhuman levels, or just peak human levels. Also, I'm not even sure at this point, how many starting points we'll be given to create our characters, so just some general advice, ideas, and guidelines would be great at this point, and as I get more details, I'll pass them on. Thanks in advance.
  3. I'm fairly new to rpg's in general (other than computer based ones, anyway), and have a friend that's been playing Champions and Dark Champions for a while, and wants to set up a game for a few of us to try. It sounds like it could be a ton of fun, and I've got some ideas for the character I'd like to create, but I wanted to get some initial advice from all of you. I'd like for it to be a sarcastic Deadpool/Bullseye (minus the insanity) type character with either superhuman aim, or just incredibly good aim,and maybe some kind of Longshot-style luck power that would give his already amazing marksmanship a boost. Any ideas on how to do that? I could also use help on any other skills you folks would recommend. Thanks in advance.
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