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Posts posted by Supabeasto

  1. VIPER uses snakes as little assassins, supercharging their bite

    This will probably be the go-to if nothing else. "Oh no! Mr. Politician, Mr. CEO, and Mr. Police Chief have all turned up dead from a snake bite!"


    VIPER uses snakes to spread terror ala Hitchcock's Birds then demands ransom

    This will most likely also happen, just because snakes. Lots of snakes. "Oh no! Grandma Mildred has been eaten by that giant anaconda!



    King Cobra hasn't been introduced yet, but this would be something interesting to do in the future.


    @Lord Liaden

    I'm not sure yet about the method of control, though I'm thinking general commands for the larger serpents like anacondas, and guided intelligence for the little guys. Also, thank you for the information! That's some good stuff to think about.


    Try to increase the snakes intellect. Mutate them so they have wings.

    These are definitely part of the plan. "Oh no! Downtown has been overrun by mutant flying snakes!" (All I picture is the scene from Jurassic World where the pterodactyls break free and terrorize the guests)

    Attempt to summon Quetlequatl
    This wasn't part of the plan, but it is now.


    Have the epa declare several of them endangered and arrest the heroes for attacking the snakes.

    Oh man! I would love to do this! If I didn't know my players would see this as a troll worth gutting me for, I would totally do it.


    Extortion: corner the market on a rare anti-venom, then send mind-controlled snakes (of the appropriate breed) after prominent/wealthy figures and their families, sell them the anti-venom for 5000x the previous rate

    This is great! I may do this instead of straight assassination.

  2. To my horror, GM'ing has taught me that I'm actually not all that creative. Case in point: this VIPER plot.


    After a series of mishaps involving an impromptu tag team formed with an undercover VIPER wrestler, my players let a notable scientist get kidnapped.


    Using the scientist and his research, VIPER has seemingly gained the ability to control serpents both large and small. Buuuuut, now what?


    The only thing I can think of to test their experiments involves assassination.


    Does anyone have any ideas for making better use of these serpentine fellows?

  3. How would you run the wilderness encounter beyond just a roll here a roll there and checking for provisions?

    Maybe you could do something like a small village being oppressed by local militia? Then the players could decide whether to intervene at the risk of losing time and possibly blowing their cover.


    Any idea of how to make  "Supers Space Station" dungeon crawl more exciting?

    I'm not sure if you addressed what caused the station to crash, but that could be an interesting bit. I saw some mention of "aliens", but maybe the station had a team conducting research on xenobiology and some of the alien lifeforms are still alive and kicking. You may also find some interesting things to add by considering what the purpose of the space station was to begin with. Also, it could be the crazed surviving hero wasn't the only survivor, and the players meet and are then tasked with protecting the remaining survivor(s).


    Hoping there are some floorplans for a spacestation someone can direct me to purchase somewhere, or (even better) free online

    You can find some pretty sweet floorplans with a google image search.

    If you're willing to shell out a bit of cash and don't mind getting a little crafty, I would consider looking into some of these maps, especially this one.

  4. Playing around with a plot generator for another game called Straight to VHS, I came across a plot that sounds amazing for a Champions adventure:


    "Our heroes must escort a for-real wizard out of the magical worlds of classic literature which have entered our world in the public library via a dark ritual cast by Turgantia, a cruel witch who never learned to read. To complicate matters, the dead are rising!"


    I would love to hear some ideas some of you may have for/from this.


    For instance, I'm thinking of changing the rising dead to paper doll type representations of classical figures to fit the theme a little better.





    Also, for anyone curious, here is the aforementioned plot generator: http://tools.libove.org/generators/r/70/

  5. As an aside, I think one way around the problems for the GM getting them to a certain level in a year could be mitigated by having there be an interlude at some later point. Maybe three quarters of the year through, after the characters have had the chance to slowly build up, and have the attachment to their characters grow(and their character concept develop), have a point that represents a passage of time in which they were doing epic things that lead into the end part of the campaign. Give them X number of points that will leave them close enough to the goal ending point total for where there characters are to get that they can get there with the remaining time.


    That way, the GM gets to start at the level chosen, the development gets to be fairly natural, and the characters still end up at the level of superhero the campaign calls for them to end at.


    This right here is basically what I had in mind. My general idea was to have them handle various scenarios session-to-session, with an occasional "big event" every few months or so that would give them a boost. That, combined with a wee bit of time passage, is how I figure my players could make big advancements.


    Other than that, I actually ended up using the Same Page Tool at my intro session last night and set the expectation that kills do not necessarily equal XP, and that XP gain will be rather slow. I have the advantage of my players consisting of 2 players new to TTRPGs (so no deeply ingrained murder hobo tendencies...yet), a very understanding former GM, and 2 experienced players from my last run.


    Also, aside from XP per session, I figured I would use a variation of the resource points rules from the APG. Would anyone mind taking a look? Bad or good idea? Link to page.

  6. When people are use to playing games where the object is to 'kill the bad guy' playing in a Champions game can be a difficult transition.

    This is exactly what happened in the last game I tried running. My players went from anti-heroes to pretty much villains right off the bat. For my first session I tried running a slightly modified version of the "Road Kill" adventure.....my players ended up blowing up the bar and feeding both bad bad guys and civilians to their summoned plant monsters. The campaign then ended up becoming a Saints Row-esque city takeover.


    Ask them to build a life and character before the guy got superpowers.

    I'm not sure if you had a chance to check out the guide I wrote for my players (linked in the original post), but there's a whole section devoted to just that. So far it's gotten me some pretty great results. One of my players is a washed up star athlete who more or less burned all his bridges and is looking to start fresh. Another is a famous luchador who has his eyes set on the Oval Office.


    Have them give you 2 NPCs important in their lives with at least a basic one paragraph sketch on who they are.

    This is great and I'm totally doing this!


    Run a series of adventures enforcing the genre.

    This is pretty much my main plan and is actually one of the main focuses. The premise for my campaign is that the players are basically professional heroes, so saving people from disasters (both natural and supernatural) is actually within their job description.


    Try to work in at least one character's complication and back story into every adventure.

    I did a very bad job of this last time :(. That said, I now know a little more and will definitely be trying to do this.


    Allow tweakin characters inbetween adventures

    I was actually pretty unsure about how to approach this. In my last game, I allowed the players to tweak their characters in between sessions. For this game, I figured I would do the same, but I was thinking any big changes could be done in-game (similar to a Shadowrun game I was in where karma pretty much had to spent in game through RP).

  7. Sit everybody down; have the "What flavor of superheroes do we want to play?" conversation (above); establish the character creation guidelines, power levels etc; and then discuss how the PCs fit together, both in terms of power sets and how they relate together as individuals.

    I've actually taken this to heart already and schedule a character building / intro session on Thursday.


    My advice: Start everyone at 400 points. Run through a couple of the published adventures. Get used to the game, the system and the genre conventions. Give the players a taste of what it feels like to be a real superhero.

    I believe I will be following this closely, but not quite. I think I can still keep most of my original plans and start my players off at 300pts. I feel like I may still be in too much of a D&D mindset, but I can't help but feel like it's what I want to shoot for. This campaign isn't really intended to be a very long-term campaign. I've only been playing TTRPGs for a few years now, and the longest game we've managed to run was a 1.5 year Pathfinder campaign. I'm hoping I can be lucky enough to have to my campaign run for a year before switching systems (Given that most of my group is also new to TTRPGs and are eager to try different systems, the switch is inevitable).


    As for choosing a starting city. I would say to choose a RL city that you know and then add supers to the city.

    We're actually based out of Vegas, and as cool as I think it would be have Sin City be the campaign city, general consensus seems to be against it. My players hate it here :(


    Hudson City and Vibora Bay make good Resources too!

    Similarly, Hudson City is where our last campaign took place and has thus been vetoed as an option by the group. That doesn't mean I haven't already transplanted the Card Shark organization though, hehe. Right now Vibora Bay is my top contender, with Millennium City as my second choice.



    Thank you all for the ideas! I'm using what I've learned so far and scheduling a short session on Thursday to get my bearings. Hopefully that will help and I will no longer feel like my constant worry will lead me to commit seppuku for disappointing my players >.>


    What is the inspiration for the GM?

    At this point, kind of everything hehe. Stories I've read on these forums, old cartoons like X-Men and Batman animated series, SWAT Kats, a bunch of comics I've read over the years, and maybe a bit of inspiration from the Champions Online and City of Heroes MMOs.


    Campaign Setting Feel? Superhero meets Anime?

    Aside from using the anime to create a Hero Association and Classes (read: license), there isn't much of an anime feel. From what I've gathered from my players, we'll most likely be going with a typical superhero feel, if maybe just a bit cartoony.


    What kind of Superhero game do the Players want to play in? My PC's always shape the Campaign?

    Two of my players are new to tabletop gaming in general and were a bit confused by this type of question when I asked. That said, I figured I'd be going with a more episodic approach as the players gain XP and "climb the ranks".


    Character Creation Guidelines must be clearly thought out in advance?

    At this point I wouldn't say clearly, but at least a vague idea of what their character growth can be expected to look like. For instance, one player is looking to become a full-fledged speedster, another is looking at teleportation based abilities, and another is just looking to make a luchador.


    MOST IMPORTANT! Character Creation should be done as a GROUP!

    I....have not done this D:

    I stressed the importance of teamwork in the guide, and I set up a group on Facebook for everyone to communicate and share ideas. However, they've been creating their characters individually.


    Champions, for Hero System 5th Edition is highly recommended!

    Hehe, unfortunately, all the books I've bought have been 6th edition with the exception of a couple source books from 5th.


    Villainy Amok for Hero Games for Champions, Hero System 5th Edition is a great resource for GM's

    Thank you, I'll look into this!


    Champions Complete 6th Edition for Champions. Checkout Starting Levels. 200 pt characters are nit going to be LOW POWERED!

    I was actually using the points guidelines from CC, as well as a few recommendations from the Champions, and 6E books. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the anime at all, but Class C heroes are usually street avenger type heroes along the lines of Daredevil, Punisher, Kick Ass, etc, though usually with a minor gimmick power. So far my players' character I have looked over look to be on par with this. Almost like a Hudson City Powers campaign from Dark Champions: The Animated Series. My intentions here are to start them off at a fairly low power level, then have them grow into the powerful badasses, akin to a D&D campaign where players go from level 1 to 20.

  9. Buenos Dias.


    This will be my second time trying to run a Champions game, but I'm at a bit of a loss as far as knowing what to prepare. I've read a lot of fun stories here, and ideally I'd like to be able to emulate them.....I just don't know how ( -_-)


    My last campaign went fairly well, but things got a bit out of hand fairly early on (mainly due to me not doing my due diligence in checking my player's character's for balance). The campaign then pretty much fell apart when half the group ended up dropping out.


    But now I'm back! With a new group and a hunger for more Champions. For this campaign, I've more or less replaced UNTIL (though pretty much in name only) with the Hero Association from the anime/manga "One Punch Man". I've also implemented a Hero Class system from said anime (basically just power level / access guidelines).


    To help my players I put together a players guide that is an amalgamation of a wonderful guide I had found on here, tidbits from the HERO and Champions Complete books, and some other stuff.


    We'll be using 6th Edition, starting at 200pts.


    With that out of the way, my question to you fine folk: Where do I start?


    I've read the Champions Universe book multiple times, as well as Champions Complete, Dark Champions, and the HERO book. I've looked at the plot seeds and instant plot generator, but for some reason it's not really clicking for me. I can't even decide what city to start them in.... (I've picked up the books for Millenium City, Vibora Bay, San Angelo, and even Bay City from Champ: New Millenium).


    So far I've come up with a few basic scenarios for like a house fire, a small bank robbery, and stuff of that nature, but overall I just feel like I'm super underprepared.


    Anybody got some ideas for a struggling newbie?



  10. Did you specifically want PRIMUS?

    If you just wanted a SHIELD type organization, there's always UNTIL.


    In fact, there was an UNTIL 5e book that had a bunch of stats and templates that could easily be repurposed for PRIMUS.


    Edit: Just realized you also asked for Golden and Silver Avengers. The only stats I know of are for Silver Avenger Mayte Sanchez from Champions Universe (6e).

  11. If you don't figure out a way to increase his fury in steps, there is no good way to decrease it either. Calming him down, whether its by Black Widow's "lullaby" technique or some sort of mind control, requires some value (other than STR) that can go up and down as these external factors work upon it. The STR merely tracks this other value as a side effect.


    So, I may be making this more complicated than it needs to be, but in the 6e Martial Arts book under the video game abilities section is a possible solution: A Rage Meter power and a Rage Meter Energy Pool. Filling the pool would be a way to measure how angry Hulk is, with a full pool signifying max rage. From there, you can buy increased STR with an increased END cost (or regular END cost and the pool has an increased decay rate).

    Adding to this, you could also buy the Power Up ability (to replenish END) and have it be triggered by anything that angers Hulk. 

  12. I recently picked up and started reading Ultimate Base when I noticed it had rules for Kingdom creation and combat.


    Has anyone used these rules to make organizations for their games?


    I'm super hyped to start using them for my games, but I was hoping someone could share what they have so I could have a bit of a guideline. For instance, how much strength would a unit of thugs be? How many thugs in a unit? For that matter, how many units in a thug?

  13. How about a psychokinetic brick?


    You could manifest a large Psi-Giant "armor" like Psimon (Villains - Vol.2 for 6e) and have huge telekinetic strength you use to bash and beat your opponents.

    Or, the brick could be a separate physical manifestation of your telekinetic powers.

  14. If by any chance you've looked at the Hudson City and Predators book, I basically took one of the gang leaders and gave him Steel Commando's stats and powers.



    Steel Command's Hunteds and Rivals may also be interested in the gun. There's a "seasonal plot arc" right there. In effect, the gun will be paid for by extra Complications. Whatever the PCs do, certain other interests will be likely to get involved. That assumes, of course, that they use the gun in anything resembling public. Does anyone know that they killed Steel Commando?


    There are definitely people who want this gun. Namely ARGENT, whom I said SC stole the gear from. Paying for the gun in complications sounds like a pretty good approach.


    As for if anyone knows, pretty much all of the city knows now. The PCs made a very public display of SC's death.

  15. Really I just figured how this gun is handled will set the precedent for future loot.


    I have several goons with high tech weaponry and power armor, not to mention ARGENT itself is a presence in the city. I figured I should establish some kind of baseline for how this type of loot is handled. If it weren't for the fact that one of them burned a hole straight through SC's chest, they would've looted the suit too.


    Right now I'm thinking of implementing Kits and Armories from Dark Champions, but I like some of the things you outlined. They definitely do not have WF to handle it, or a means to maintain it, or even know what kind of ammo it uses.

  16. @Assault: Those are some pretty good idea, thank you!


    @SteelCold: I actually just picked up Underworld Enemies the other day, so this works out great.


    @grandmastergm: I like these ideas, especially for using the Kyphotic Man. Now I have an excuse to work beastmen into the campaign, haha.


    @TheQuestionMan: Thank you for the suggestions, I will look into these.


    @bubba smith: I think I actually like HOJ being somewhat overpowered. He makes for a good late game antagonist if my PCs really do end up becoming ruthless villains.

  17. I am running a Hudson City campaign in the vein of the Saints Row and similar games. Starting off as a small team with pretty much nothing, their goal is to bring the city under their control.


    I am basically using the same criminal organizations presented in the Hudson City book, with some tweaks. Aside from adding superpowers to each faction, I also tried to give each one a specialty that the PCs can inherit once they take over the faction.


    - The Mafia: One faction led by a council consisting of representatives from the 5 families. So far the only superpowers this group has come from the various hitmen and enforcers the families use. Specializes in blackmail/extortion and has many high ranking social contacts.


    - Chinese Tongs: Changed to a single faction with 3 subfactions (A martial arts focused sub, an arcane sub, and a more modern, business focused sub) each with their own leader. The faction as a whole is led by a powerful sorceror. I would like this faction to have a mystic specialization, though I am now sure what that would entail yet.


    - The Russian Organizatsiya: Consists of 4 gangs warring for supremacy. The gang leaders are just modified versions of members from Red Winter. Specializes in arms trading and high-tech weapons.


    - The Mexican Cartels: The Mexican faction is a single group, backed by the Cartels, consisting of 3 levels, each led by one of 3 brothers. The lowest level consists of common street thugs. The second level is the faction's muscle and consists of thugs who have undergone the Bastion Process from Bastion Alpha (from Cops, Crews, and Cabals). The third level has the closest ties to the cartels and directly oversees the operation of the other two levels. Specializes in the drug trade.


    - The Yakuza: Now consists solely of the Sawakiri-Gumi and is a large part of the backstory for one of the PC's. Aside from being financial gangsters, it is also the shadowy ninja faction (similar to The Hand from Daredevil). Specializes in extortion of corporations and assassinations.


    - Independent: This is a collection of the various street gangs and independent villains that make of the rest of the territory in Hudson city. Aside from a run-in with the Chinese, the PC's have really only interacted with an independent biker gang led by a mutant who is a modified version of Blackguard.


    - ARGENT: Just a typical ARGENT branch doing typical ARGENT stuff. Mainly serves as a source for high tech equipment.


    I was hoping I could maybe get a few plot ideas for each of these factions. According to the HC book, they are all pretty much into the same illegal activities (gambling, extortion, drugs, arms dealing, etc), so I was looking for some alternatives. For instance, maybe the Tongs have taken a page out of DEMON's book and are kidnapping people around town as sacrifices for a ritual. Or perhaps the Cartels and the Organizatsiya are on the verge of a deal that would strengthen the groups' standing in the city.


    Ideas for heroes in the city that typically fight these factions would be cool too. So far I've got a group of heroes for the Tongs and the Cartels, and I was thinking of assigning the Harbinger of Justice to the Mafia.

  18. I would like to submit: El Minotauro Negro


    El Minotauro Negro is a very large and powerfully built luchador who works as an enforcer for the Mexican Cartels. He is heavily scarred and hairy, with a chestful of coarse, black hair. He wears a stylized black and silver luchador mask with matching tights and wrestling boots. Aside from heavy silver bracers, his only other accessory is a gaudy championship belt he won during his time as professional wrestler. Possessing super strength, durability, and a vast array of wrestling techniques, El Minotauro Negro is also capable of transforming into an Enormous sized black-furred minotaur (like his namesake).

  19. But there is actualyl a third option in APG I 191 - the rules for Resource Pools.

    These put managing stuff like Weapons, Vehicles/Bases and Contacts into a VPP like construct. You get some points for free. You can buy more points for XP at an increased rate. And the GM can give out extra points based on session results, as a more granular and more directed alternative to XP.


    This is awesome! Thank you for this, it's pretty close to what I was trying to go for.

  20. I finally got a group together, and in a not entirely unforeseen turn of events, my players have become villains.

    Our campaign is now the takeover of a superpower-adapted Hudson City.


    Since my players will now likely want to rob banks and take over drug trades, would it be fair to allow them to spend money on character points? Ideally I would like to give them some sort of mechanical reward for building up a bunch of riches. What would be a fair conversion rate? A couple thousand dollars to a point?


    Alternatively, would it be a better idea to simply give them a bonus XP for each "Business" they acquire and successfully maintain? I'm still not very sure what a good amount of XP to give players at the end of a session is.


    Thanks for any help!

  21. Having a Champions 101 would have been very helpful!


    Instead I'll be trying to run my very first game as a GM tomorrow, with very little plot outlined. I basically just came up with some sample scenarios I could use on the fly and just try to wing it.


    Eventually though, I'd like to make my overarching story the return of Cosmic Shadow Hitler and the rise of the Fourth Reich.


    Of course, I have no idea how I will accomplish this, hehe.

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