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About Undertaker

  • Birthday 12/19/1962

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  • Occupation
    House painter

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  1. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus BS:eg: He's some kind of aquatic elf and that's a fin on the back of his head. Are you going to believe me or your own eyes?
  2. Re: (Sigil Campaign)Record of Brill Simple is best for Brill. I think he's used to being beaten if he ask's questions. It's to bad you can't send "Christoph" to be trained too.
  3. Re: [sigil Campaign] Typhus nice rundown. we should all have to do the same but I don't want to. Good job Rick. aka: suck-up
  4. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus He looks awsome. Thanks.
  5. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus I'll let you take Undertaker home if you will post his picture too.
  6. Re: Character background, pre-game journal Ah, dial up! For any who didn't know Typhus's lame backgrownd. btt
  7. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale Did any of you notice that I was shot. Right here and look at the damage to my costume it's going to cost a fortune to fix. I need a bath I'll be right back. Undertaker
  8. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus And it was a very nice costume too, hand taylored from my home world by the finest taylors Liberty has to offer not that you'd ever be able to tell, Mr. rot-n-ruin. Yeah, I took your gold and I'll see you in the morning because Typhus and his ilk always bring the best kind of violence. Typhus is a magnet for trouble and the people he atracts are powerful and wealthy. Anouther bonus is that when they die no one seems to mind. So I hang around (old, dead and slow) 'cause one day he's going to bring me the one person I came for. Undertaker
  9. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Ranger's Tale "I'll give Silent all my gold if he doesn't shoot me when I come out!" The password to give the tall elf when exiting a building he's covering the exit of. hehe This post is to prove that I do check in once in a while. Christoph
  10. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Good morning. We'll see if I can get more written now that I can post here. It took an hour to download the java stuf. see ya later
  11. Re: [sigil Campaign] The Journal of Typhus Christoph Garnett - a.k.a. Undertaker Yet another eventful chapter in Sigil life. I overheard a conversation two men were having; it seemed they were planning to stop a shipment of sorts. They had knowledge of an object coming into Sigil that they were going to intercept and take to another party before it reached the one that had contracted the job. I motioned for Steelweaver to come with me and we followed the two out into the streets. We then attempted to follow them to see were they might lead us but they must have spotted us because at the first chance they teleported away. We told the group what I had heard and we had seen and asked if the group wanted to intervene (either to take the package ourselves or to help who ever it was that was expecting the package) after much deliberation we decided to investigate the matter ourselves and decide what we’d do after we found more information. The info we turned up wasn’t good, it seems the person expecting the package was some well to do person in Sigil that a body shouldn’t cross (Shemeska-an information expert). I didn’t feel like talking straight to her so I tried finding more information on my own. I totally struck out, mainly because I wasn’t ready to stick my neck out dropping names. So I spent most of my night talking to a bartender (Griff) at the Black Sails tavern. Typhus however decided to go straight to the source. He told of how he was privy to a conversation about the taking of her merchandise (A book) and asked if he and his friends could help. I’m not sure what else he promised but he came to the Blackbird and told the rest of us that we now had a job protecting the package and its curriers (ok not so much the curriers). He also had a location for the port of entry, an arch with an angel with a broken wing in The Arched Gardens. Which we decided would be the perfect place for someone to try an ambush. We staked out the Arch Gardens and placed ourselves in strategic places. I had borrowed a cart from the Mortuary (my place of employment) and some dustmen’s cloaks as a disguise. As the time grew nearer to the arrival of the couriers we moved in, keeping an eye on the gate in which they were to enter the garden. There were several people around the same area anyone of which could be the ambushers. Two figures came through the arch of the broken winged angel. Both looking around and moving swiftly through the garden. As I got closer I spotted a man bending down to the ground and disappearing into a hole. I had discovered earlier that the ambusher’s could be ware rats and so a sudden appearance of a hole meant to me that an attack was taking place I yelled “Ambush†and moved in to intercept. Marv who had positioned himself on top of a walk way jumped down and started for the fight. I tried to explain to the two couriers that we were here to help as ware rats started poring out of the hole. I positioned myself along side of one of the curriers and began fighting off the rats. Steelweaver came like a blear from my left and engaged a rat man and, in one swift blow to the head, killed him instantly. He seamed to dispatch them as quickly as they emerged from the hole. I fought on with the opponents that came my way and also the ones engaged against the couriers. Marv came to my aid and I no longer worried about the vermin on my left. Steelweaver went to what looked like a hole in the ground and folded it up like a map. What a cleaver man. Typhus exchanged small talk with the couriers then he and Steelweaver went with them to the Fortunes Wheel. I took the dead bodies of the wear rats (now in human form) to the Mortuary. Using the cart, I made it back with no trouble. I disposed of the bodies and tagged them so they’d disappear for good. No one was going to find them and talk to them like some of our wizards do. Talking to the dead now that’s just wrong and I wasn’t going to have my identity given up by a dead guy.
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