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Posts posted by Amnesia

  1. For my character to go evil is all too easy, as my character is a mentalist who's powers are growing (read earning Xps with more games played). So it becomes easier and easier to control peoples minds.

    As power currupts...

    Mentalists in my opinion are especially prone to this.


    I can set the world right, make it a better place for one and all, no more war no more suffering, everyone will be happy and peaceful, all I need to do is just "fix" that persons mind, and that person as well, and you, and you too...

    And down the slippery slope they slide, where they stop... why world domination of course.

    Because Mentalists "know" whats best for every one.


    Do I need to draw little pictures too, or are you with me ?




    All to easy for a poor little Mentalist to fall into the shadow...

  2. Answer: I think you'd just better let him finish


    Q: Oh no, it looks like Dr Destroyer is going to destroy the world (again) and once again all humanity will be obliterated by his cunningly evil doomsday weapon! Say Mr. Punisher, sir, don't you think, we really ought to stop him. I mean if we dont the world as we know it will be taken over by the cockroaches and who knows what distorted civilization...


    A: I wouldn't do that if i were you.

  3. LOL

    I do like the Lemming's approach, it has a certain dircetness one can savour.

    So how do we squash the Bat with a giant penny?


    I have just envisioned it, picture this if you will...

    Our insitgator is someone who can enlarge items (turning a simple small penny into a 20' diameter Disk of Squishing.

    Commite a minor crime to get the Bat's attention (preferably in a large open area). Wait for the Bat to eventually arrive. The Bat will normaly talk to you first, especially if you dont act violent-like (so don't act violent-like, if you can take the disadvante of pacefist do so). The Bats will probably ask for your surrender. You then respond by saying, that you can't quite make up your mind whether to go quietly or to put up some form of a struggle, but if the bat would be willing to toss a coin for you it would speed things up. The Bat is probably now very dubious (being a person of a suspicious mind), but before he does anything flip your penny over to the Bat, and say, heads I go queitly into the night, Tails you beat me up before I go quietly into the night. And generally encourage the bat to toss the coin up into the air. When he does, because you did ask him so nicley, you enlarge the little penny into the Disk of Squishing on its way down, and with your free hand you dive for cover.


    Result one squished Bat. Return peny to normal size to leave coroner with a real conundrum. And walk away, with your hands in your pockets, whistling a little old ditty, you didn't see a thing.




    Nice one Lemming.

  4. How to Kill the Batman...


    You know this is the question that all of DC's villan's (esp. that Bat's) repeatedly ask themselves and anyone crazy enough to be listening.


    My solution requires a Major Leage Telepath (Think Psylocke - but with out the over fondness for admiring ones own handy-work). Then zap the bat with the voodoo you kin do.


    Form what I understand of Batman he doesn't have any natural psionic defenses, but can create a gadget to help him in that aspect (if he hasn't done so already). So what you will need to do is apply your telepath subtly and slowly. Find out who the Bat is (secret id), there are people that know, enter your telepath to root out said info. Once info is at hand, ie you know the Bats secret id, insuante Telepath into secret id's life, and slowly apply the pressure by disrupting the Bats secret id life (nice little distraction) and then whne he's really sufferring strain, Telepath hits him with every thing they got hopefully causing enough cerebral damage to kill or vegetate the Bat in secret id self, and whats more there will be no cause for alarm. Cause he just had a stroke whilst under all that pressure, he could cope, and thats what the coroner will say, willingly or unwilling (enter Telepath again).


    However this does require a few months work, and the key is slow and steady with the Telepath, insiduous attacks work best when they remain so.


    Well thats my 2 pence worth... say do I get change ?

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