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Everything posted by DharienCthaeh

  1. Hi, I want to run a campaign of Skilled Characters, not super humans. And I have no idea of how to balance my party and create enemies, like minions, servants, villains and bosses. For example I have a really good concept for an antagonist, but is one character, so how do I make him a villain that can fight 4 other characters but not so overpowered that he can kill my players so easily? Sorry for my bad english, I am stilll learning!
  2. I would really like to know if there is a way to print my character sheet with two extra characteristics. The core rulebook 1 suggest that is possible for things like Mana. I would like to know if there is an application or something that could let me add Offensive Magical Combat Value and Offensive Magical Defense Value. This may be in conflict with OMCV and OMDV but I am thinking I can change the names. I am very sorry if I make some mistakes writting, english is my second language and I am still in the learning proccess.
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