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  1. Thanks for the example Hyper-man. Although I admit most of it might be over my head because of my using 5e in HD and is the only book I own right now. Apologies for not making that clear up front. I might be better off just posting the rough draft I have to give you more of an understanding of what of going for. The basic character concept is different from your example speedster, in that the characteristics are not tied to his speed power. Only his running and "molten skin" are tied to each other, effectively they're the same power or come form the same source. please note that the powers in the multipower "Comet Carte Blanche" are not tuned or even going to remain there. Thanks again for any feedback! Real Comet.hdc
  2. Thx eepjr2r, hope it doesn't end up costing more somehow lol.
  3. Rebooting an old speedster and need some advice please. I'm trying to link a compound power that has a force field, damage shield etc to my running, but I want the lesser compound power to always be "on" when I start running. The link limitation let's you use the greater power(running) w/ out using the lesser power... that's not what I want as I've said. Do I need to add a trigger?
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