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Everything posted by BossMorgrum

  1. So, some backstory. I'm porting Cthulhutech over to Heroes (The system it runs on is garbage). The players each pick an entity from the Cthulhu mythos to evoke when they need to hulk out and thrash some cultists [Multiform: Cthulhu Monster]. The player in question wants to channel a flying polyp, and those things are noted as having minds too alien for the Great Race of Yith to possess or control. The player actually suggested "just buying a trainload of MD," but I was working from the assumption that the Great Race was probably just throwing a huge Mind Control [Human Class of Minds], so just having the polyp form be an invalid target would be a clean and simple way to simulate that. Having said that, a pile of MD with a bunch of "you're half-possessed by an incomprehensible monster" Side Effects is probably more flavorful.
  2. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but is there any more correct way for a PC to be one of the nonhuman mind types than to just make up a Talent [(Alien Mind) 10pt]?
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