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  1. Re: throw and attack airborne target Ok, I have 2 ideas about how to do this. 1) Use CrosshairCollie’s idea and have Durak hold his action to get 2 Phases in a row. Hold Phase 12 until Segment 2. Throw on 2. Attack on 3. 2) Do it as a Sweep (throw and then attack). The problem is that the second attack has modifiers that the throw doesn’t: range, zero-G, etc. I like the Sweep idea for one reason. I think anyone who does this is planning from the start to attack after the throw. You can Abort the attack, but midway you can’t suddenly change your mind and take a different action.
  2. CKC, Eurostar side bar lists a move where Durak throws a target into the air and the others attack the helpless target. Realistically, if Durak throws the target high enough, he should be able to pick up a car and throw it at the airborne target, or at least wait at the landing point and hit the poor guy as he comes down. How do you work this in Hero terms? I guess my main question is, how long does it take for something thrown to land?
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