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  1. Alright guys, here's some info. Kerrigan is as an Infested Terran / the Queen of Blades http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Sarah_Kerrigan http://prototype.wikia.com/wiki/Alex_Mercer http://worm.wikia.com/wiki/Panacea http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Joshua_Foley_(Earth-616) http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-040 Here's an interesting set of links I found (of fan-based insight) discussing two of them: http://necromoprhvsfellowship.blogspot.com/2011/10/back-for-blood-sci-fi-championship.html http://necromoprhvsfellowship.blogspot.com/2011/12/kerrigan-vs-mercer-prologue.html http://necromoprhvsfellowship.blogspot.com/2011/12/kerrigan-vs-mercer-final-showdown.html
  2. Well, okay. So how do you stat out each, as examples? Or a character that makes sense as a bio manipulator? Let's for us on a minion-creator focused type. How would you do at that, as an example?
  3. All of the characters have access to a large amount of control over biology, whether they use it to make minions, heal or change others, puppet others, make viruses, give themselves powerful claws and strength, make companions, etc., differs from the character to character.
  4. Hi, I'm trying to come up with some reasonable ways of statting characters that use 'biological manipulation' (or one of the related powers with names like 'DNA manipulation' or 'wet nano/biotech' or 'biological essence manipulation' or any of the sciency variants) as their core powerset. For the most part, this would be for a superhero game, and I've been looking at various examples in different roleplaying game systems, and I decided that I should look into how HERO/Champion would do it, as a comparison to other systems. The problem I've been having is the sheer variety of effects that could happen under the aegis of 'biological manipulation', that these characters and those like them exemplify! From ways of permanently enhancing the base character itself, to attacks of acid, hot chemical spray, spider-silk based attacks, to various sorts of shapeshifting into animal-like forms (which some might be able to do, though more common is slow ways of changing the self), to ways of manipulating the physiology of others to their detriment or benefit, to the sorts of things that are possible for biological systems to do (like have electricity attacks, or biological radios, which are possible to have evolved, even if it didn't), to all the various sorts of healing and regeneration, to all of the awesomeness of being something like 'genetically perfect', to plant manipulation, to puppeting creatures, to making temporary 'minion' creatures by shaping some sort of temporary force (meatspace? All that regeneration matter has to come from somewhere... same for the plant growth matter...), to being some sort of hive queen (psychic communication? direct power manipulation? radio communication with the minions?), to plagues... Argh, it's just too much. If I were to stat it out based on all the effects I might want a character to plausibly have, it'd be wayyyy overcosted. How might one stat some of the 'example' characters for this power, and what would be an efficient way to get the most important effects? Hell, how do you determine the most important effects that exemplify this type of superhuman? What methods does the system have for Siloing abilities together, or providing a set of points that can be adjusted on the fly, or other ways, presumably not using that sort of method, of making things a bit saner? Any help would be appreciated!
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