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Scowling Dragon

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Everything posted by Scowling Dragon

  1. Nice to see an alive community here. I guess a strange part of RPGS now is how we now have to factor in fan support as much as RPG or third party support. =P
  2. The first one. 6th edition. The first book of the two. Is there any way to ease into the system? Like....Its giving every option all the time, which is just intimidating and confusing.
  3. Alright so far this ain't that complex, the rulebook is just written in gargoneese.
  4. What I want to specify to ask (Sorry about the wrong spot), is can I repeatedly take a skill to raise my skill thing? Like is every skill point just +1 in a skill? Or is it something weirdly needless about changing the DC around or something?
  5. I'm a new player with some previous RPG experience, so I'm going to ask some questions both system wise and general: How do skills work in this game. Like I'm confused as to what purchasing a skill actually does. Is there a default difficulty for anything or do I have to modify the base difficulty of 9+Stat/5? Is there a point to having Core stats that are not a multiple of 5?
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