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Everything posted by 22_Ronin

  1. Thanks to those who replied - some good ideas for me to work with. Particularly like the Entangle and autofire suggestions - i had not considered those. I'll throw some of that down and see what comes out. Thanks all
  2. Hello all, Currently relearning the system after a 20 year hiatus. I have Champions Complete and for my Hero campaign i have devised an NPC organisation - The Hundred Handers. They are primarily martial arts based and the gadget is an exo-skeleton giving then an additional pair of arms. So my questions are: I'm assuming the extra limbs power is the go to however i want these to be an advantage to the group for combat - bonus strikes, simultaneous grapple and strike etc Does it come down to the way i put together the martial art strikes? Adding some sort of modifier. Look forward to your replies on the subject Thanks
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