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Everything posted by sacolcor

  1. With regard to the thread at: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/84400-Variable-Advantage I was actually wondering what happens when VA is used to add a non-extant Advantage with fixed properties. For example, I have a (+1/4) VA, and I want to use it to add Indirect to a power that is not already Indirect. However, Indirect at the +1/4 level requires fixing the source point at the time the power is purchased. Do I specify the Origin point for the Indirect at the time the VA is purchased, at the time the VA is allocated, or can I not use it to buy Indirect at the (+1/4) level at all?
  2. How does Variable Advantage interact with Advantages that have properties that are fixed at the time of purchase, such as Indirect at the +1/4 level, which requires specifying the origin point, or AVAD, which requires specifying the defense? I can see at least three possibilities: 1) The character cannot allocate VA to such Advantages at all. 2) The character can allocate VA to such Advantages, but must specify any fixed properties at the time the VA is purchased. 3) The character can allocate VA to such Advantages, and can redefine the 'fixed' properties when they reallocate the VA.
  3. 6E1 268: "...since the tradeoff of a Multipower [...] is a lot like Multiform [...], some GMs may consider this balanced and non-abusive, and so forbid it." Should this be "unbalanced" and "abusive", instead of the reverse?
  4. If I have a Differing Modifier power to grant 20m of Running, can I use it at half power to only grant 10m?
  5. On 6E2p152, are the darkness penalty reductions for the various light sources backward?
  6. Hi Steve, Could you provide a bit more clarification on your previous answer regarding range affecting advantages on Find Weakness?: "Appropriate Sense Modifiers and range-affecting Advantages can be applied to [Find Weakness] with the GM’s permission." Of course, the GM can permit (or deny) anything, but it would be helpful to know what the official position is. 1) The 5ER FAQ says that "No Range Modifiers" is allowed...is that just a specific exception? 2) In particular, is "Line of Sight" permitted? 3) Does it require first adding "Ranged", since the power is technically not already Ranged? A strict reading of the rules would seem to say it does, but the power on TU-Mentalist p186 does not. Sorry for asking for "official" rulings, but I'm trying to use Hero Designer to build that power the way it is in the book, and it won't let me. Thanks!
  7. Background: HS5R p174 indicates that "Find Weakness" is a Sensory power with Range: Self. The FAQ notes that "No Range Modifiers" may be applied to it (which appears to be an exception to the rule on p267 that Sensory powers should use "Telescopic" instead). "The Ultimate Mentalist", p186 builds the power "Distant Discernment", by applying "Line of Sight" to FW, which (by a strict interpretation of the rules) would seem to require first adding "Ranged" (and Hero Designer enforces this). Questions: 1) Should "Find Weakness" be a Ranged power? 2) What range-related Advantages and Limitations can be applied to FW? ("Line of Sight", "No Range", etc). 3) Can/should one add "Telescopic" to FW? Thanks!
  8. The FAQ says: -------------------------------- Q: Do Adjustment Powers (particularly Suppress) work differently if only the effects of the power, as opposed to the creator/originator of the power, is present? Examples would include Suppress Summon against a demon to “banish†it (even though its conjuror is not present) or Suppress Mind Control after the victim’s already been affected. A: No. -------------------------------- A few subquestions on this one: 1) Is it correct that the to-hit roll to affect the effect is vs. the D(E)CV of the original effect's target (the demon, or the victim of the Mind Control), and not that of the owner of the effect? 2) If a Drain is used, does the owner of the original effect lose APs from his power, or is only that instance of the power affected? (i.e. The mind control on /this/ victim weakens, but others are unaffected) 3) If a Transfer is used, does the owner of the Transfer gain APs? 4) If the owner of the original effect has Power defense, does it apply? If not, what construct would you suggest for making a Mind Control that was difficult to drain away? Thanks!
  9. 1) Referring to the "Champions" maneuver "Characters as Weapons", if a character has missile deflection vs. thrown attacks, and gets her KOed teammate thrown at her by an enemy brick, can she missile deflect the poor unconscious sot to a soft landing? 2) What if the enemy brick throws one of his own teammates, using a "Fastball Special"? Could the fastball be reflected back?
  10. 1) Can a character abort to a defensive Dispel? 2) How do adjustment powers (particularly Suppress) work when only the effect of a power (as opposed to the originator) is present? Some examples of this: a) Someone wanting to use "Suppress Mind Control" on a mind controlled victim to temporarily free them. A Wall of Force spell (Force Wall), targetted by a Suppress Magic. c) Someone shooting a lightning bolt (RKA) into an anti-magic zone (Continuous AE Suppress Magic). Would it make a difference if the effect was Uncontrolled?
  11. Does Difficult to Dispel affect Drain or Transfer the same way it affects Suppress?
  12. 1) If a character purchases Missile Deflection multiple times (perhaps from different sources), does the cumulative -2 penalty accumulate on the character, or on each instance of the Missile Deflection (meaning each could be used once at -0, then once each at -2, etc)? 2) Can a character place only the reflection portion of Missile Deflection in a Multipower?
  13. 1) If a character that has Stretching with the "Does Not Cross Intervening Space" adder executes a "Grab and Drag To Yourself" maneuver on an object, does this allow the character to retrieve the object regardless of any intervening barriers? What if the object is another character? 2) Can a character with Stretching and a ranged attack effectively treat the ranged attack as Indirect (within the stretching range), by stretching the emitting body part/focus to the desired location before firing?
  14. Character A has a "Flame Powers" EC, containing Flight and Energy Blast (among others). Character B has a "Gravity Well" power, bought as Suppress: Flight (Without any advantages). Character C has an "Extinguish Flame" spell, bought as Suppress: Any one fire-based power (+1/4) It makes sense that if A's Flight is hit by C's suppress, his EB is also affected (it's in the same EC, and the suppress targets its SFX). However, it makes less sense for B's suppress to do this; it's targetted at the effect of a particular power (Flight), not the SFX of the EC (Flame). If B had attacked A at an earlier point in A's career (before A learned to use his flame to fly), A's other powers would have been immune to B's suppress. The question: Shold adjustment powers at the base level affect ECs as a whole, or should this require at least the (+1/4) level advantage so that they are targetting the SFX of the EC?
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