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Posts posted by Shadowwind

  1. Re: Lost world of the Warlord


    I feel bad that the story will not continue.

    Shakira was my favorite character in the series. I have used her in many of my role playing. Now, the question is 'is she a cat that changes to a woman or a woman that changes to a cat?'

    I do recall they shown a male verision of her in the comics. What was his name? I can't seem to recall.

    The sad part was the warlord was never reunited with his son. I believe he was last seen with the short wizard that enjoyed a good stiff.

  2. Re: [Campeign Creation Project] Pirates of the Naebbirac Astroid Belt


    I have an idea of what kind of setup that would work for the pirates. If you remember 'Firefly' series. The ports of call that the ship landed would be idea. I figure where the ships land would be the pirates would do most of their business due to they would want to be near their ship to take an emergency takeoff if any wrong people show up.

  3. Re: Character: Daredevil (compelete)


    I am impressed with your work on Daredevil. He can't not be a easy character to put on a character sheet. :thumbup:


    I know another character that is hard to put on a character sheet without spending a LOT of points, Logan in the X-men. I wish anyone luck on doing that one.

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