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Posts posted by AJMile

  1. The trailer for Ant-Man and The Wasp dropped today and I had a question about how they use their powers and how to best represent that in Champions.

    The characters shrink and regrow repeatedly and quick succession. When they shrink they're incredibly hard to hit. How would you put that in? Speed, defense, Dex? I was just wondering how best to utilize those abilities and what would be the smartest way to conserve points in creating them? 

    Thanks for your input. 

  2. I just decided to get back into Champions. I grabbed the 6th edition, (miss my hardback 4th) and would like to find a game either in person or online. I've been out of the convention stuff for a long time too. Any thoughts or help would be great. BTW, the first Champions I had was a 1st edition from a long defunct game store on East Colfax in old downtown Aurora. No, I don't know if I still have it in a box somewhere. 


    Look forward to seeing where this goes. 

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