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  1. Re: New Power - "Eternal" Thanks Everybody - This is the feedback I needed. I've found the LS table in the book (5th ed) and I'm off and running with my evil-doer. - Jojo
  2. Hi Everybody - I'm new to the forum, and just recently returned to Hero Games (I played back in the 80's a bit). I'm trying to define a new power, and I'm not sure how. (Please forgive me if an answer to this is already in the literature somewhere.) So I'm setting up a campaign where the master villian is 'Eternal'. That's not immortal, mind you, but eternal. The difference being that an eternal can be killed - shot, stabbed, drowned, etc. He just doesn't age. So I'm thinking my master villian is a Moriarty type from way-back-when, bent on world domination (a real mustache twirling evil-doer). So, do I assign some special power that prevents aging? Do I just ignore the power, assign him a boat-load of skills (from vast experience) and contacts? It's a low-powered campaign, where each PC has one dominant super power, or several small ones, but for the most part each relies on skills (and player wits) rather than energy beams and super strength. Basically, my master villian doesn't have to be cosmic, just evil. So, any thoughts are welcome. Jojo Crako
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