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Theren's Achievements

  1. None taken Ordering a few modules and these few posts sum up my experience with this website, so thank you for your answer
  2. I was first introduced to Hero System in the late 80's, before Hero 4th edition came out. I enjoyed the system as it was a way to bring to life the characters floating in my head... having them interact with other heroes, facing off against dastardly villians… I loved it... not when Dr. Destroyer kicked us around like a hackysack, didn't like that... and to be honest having a chance to run a Golden Age campaign, which I never thought I would, and meeting new players that seem to be fired up as well is just Awesome!
  3. Okay... how do I do that? I'm looking but I don't see a way to contact him... but then again it could be right in front of me and I may not notice it...
  4. Here's a question, where can I find out more about the Adventures that were mentioned where the Nazi's went to Ganymede? I'm looking to start a new campaign and I'm using the GAC 6th edition, but I didn't see any source material for this location, just that the Nazi's had gone there and were working with alien ants that they found there. Any ideas?
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