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Posts posted by Knightgoblin

  1. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Hey! I just noticed that there is an English option for this character maker now!:eek:


    Sorry, if I just pointed out the obvious. I'm just excited. I also found that it works a lot better with Internet Explorer than it does with Mozilla.:drink:

  2. Re: Champions Universe History and Continuity


    Absolutely agree. But then he'd have to buy a book.
    It's all good. I'm willing to buy a book. I was just being cheap;).


    By the way before 5e, was there a team called Champions? If so who were the members.


    I have the old 4e main book, and there is this villain on the cover shooting a blast at a martial artist. Is the villain Dr. Destroyer? Who is that martial artist guy?


    Did that cover picture inspire the destruction of Detroit?


    I'm working on my master's degree in history. That's part of my curiosity here. Being a historian I'm always asking about the history.:D

  3. I am curious as to what the Champions game was like when it was 4e and before. Are the 5e books Champions Universe, Champions, and other 5e champion books the same universe as the previous editions of Hero Games? Was there not a team called Champions until the 21 Century? I find this strange....:ugly: How do I find out about the Champion Universe before 5e and not buy books?:confused:

  4. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Good stuff here, guys. The ideas I'm getting from you guys are great.:thumbup: Thank you! I now...Feel like this project can be a fun campaign and do able:)


    Clonus, are you a professional writer? The way you are able to think out side the box is amazing. Thanks:D

  5. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!



    Your campaign sounds fascinating. How have your adventures been so far. What are some pros and cons to every player having such a wide range of power?:eek: What have you learned so far? Do you have any adventures you'd like to share?:drink:

  6. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    One disad they might ALL have is

    "Watched by equally powerful entities" since even if there is no formal "Space Patrol" or "Green Lantern Corps" the galactic level heavy hitters may well all be keeping tabs on each other.


    I'm thinking something along the lines of that. It seems like gods are always keeping an eye on each other; there seems to be a hierarchy for all life forms no matter how powerful and/or sentient.

  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Thank you, mvoncannon! Your my best friendjoint.gificon4.gif. You were the wise man that built his house upon the rock. People like you should be in congress so we wouldn't be in the trouble we are in now. I'm guessing you investing in gold since you saved this designer.

  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


    Log-Man wrote:

    I tried to download the flash files several times, but it never worked. Unless he can be convinced to release the original files, I'm afraid it's adios, beloved art site.
    Man, that bites:( ................Wait, maybe someone who can speak/write Portuguese can email him/her to ask for a copy? If you do and give me a copy you can be my best friendicon17.giflove.gif
  9. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!



    So, 2,000 plus disads?


    Sounds good to me.:)

    Should the starship be a base or a vehicle?

    Up to you. What ever you feel fits more.:thumbup:



    By the way Hero Designer v3 is well worth it. But, I know what it's like to even be strapped for $20.:cool:

  10. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Originally Posted by Roman Virtue

    Making characters relatable is essestial to good roleplaying, because if you don't understand the character how can you play him? I suppose you could play up the "You couldn't possible understand why a being such as I does the things I do." angle, but that would get old quick.

    I believe your right. Looking at many mythology stories and other folklore there always seems to be a human element in the deities. Maybe this is why there is not to many personal adventure stories about God w/G. Until you get you get to the Messiah story. God in a human body brings interest and something people can relate too.icon17.gif


    The Cosmic background to your universe sounds interesting. I like how it seems to be open to many new mysteries, and other more powerful avatars. A climatic journey, to search for the creator…I like how that sounds. Lots of great ideas here…;)



    Do you have a character write up for Mechanism? I would love to see it! Does Mechanism also have a virus filter when it comes to philosophy? I know religion and philosophy can both be madness. I really dig how Mechanism is an advanced AI and still has a nonhuman sense to his character and actions. Mechanism background was a fun read also.

    Thanks for the ideas, guys!:thumbup:

  11. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Here is my attempt at posting a character...:nonp:





    Val Char Cost

    70/120 STR 60

    22 DEX 36

    35 CON 50

    40/50 BODY 60

    40 INT 30

    44 EGO 68

    30 PRE 20

    20 COM 5


    14/114 PD 0

    7/107 ED 0

    6 SPD 28

    21 REC 0

    70 END 0

    93/103 STUN 0


    6" RUN 0

    2" SWIM 0

    14"/24" LEAP 0

    Characteristics Cost: 357


    Cost Power

    225 Armor (50 PD/50 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4) (225 Active Points)

    40 Desolidification

    40 Mental Defense (99 points total)

    20 Power Defense (20 points)

    91 Immortal Regeneration: Healing 10 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (250 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

    50 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per year)

    21 Flight 6", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (21 Active Points)

    32 Faster-Than-Light Travel (6 Light Years/day)

    10 N-Ray Perception (Sight Group)

    3 Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)

    5 Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)

    22 Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group)

    5 Mental Awareness

    5 Infrared Perception (Sight Group)

    12 High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)

    10 Microscopic ( x100) with Sight Group

    6 +4 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group

    75 Multipower, 75-point reserve

    7u 1) Shrinking (0.0594 m tall, 0.0026 kg mass, -10 PER Rolls to perceive character, +10 DCV, takes +15" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points)

    7u 2) Growth (+50 STR, +10 BODY, +10 STUN, -10" KB, 86,016 kg, -6 DCV, +6 PER Rolls to perceive character, 15 m tall, 8 m wide), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points)

    300 Star Power: Multipower, 300-point reserve

    60m 1) Energy Blast 24d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (300 Active Points)

    60m 2) Sight Group Flash 48d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4) (300 Active Points)

    750 Cosmic Power: Variable Power Pool (Cosmic Pool), 300 base + 450 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (750 Active Points)

    0 1) Shape Shift (Sight, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, any shape), Cellular, Imitation, Makeover, Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (198 Active Points) Real Cost: 198

    0 2) Telekinesis (200 STR) (300 Active Points) Real Cost: 300

    0 3) Force Field (50 PD/50 ED/50 Mental Defense/50 Power Defense), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (300 Active Points) Real Cost: 300

    0 4) Aid Energy Blast 15d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (300 Active Points) Real Cost: 300

    Powers Cost: 1856



    Cost Skill

    43 Power 31-

    9 Inventor 20-

    9 Mechanics 20-

    13 Persuasion 20-

    3 Scientist

    4 KS: Milky Way Galaxy 13-

    4 KS: Jah 13- [Notes: It has been some time since Tahus has been to Jah...Things have changed..]

    2 KS: Wei 11-

    Skills Cost: 87


    Cost Perk

    120 Follower

    105 Vehicles & Bases

    8 Contact 17-

    Perks Cost: 233


    Cost Talent

    20 Universal Translator 17-

    Talents Cost: 20


    Total Character Cost: 2553


    Pts. Disadvantage

    10 Hunted: Some of the Jahni people are hunting Tahus 8- (Less Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

    15 Hunted: The dark sect of the Yah-ni are hunting Tahus 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

    15 Dependent NPC: The Jahni people 8- (Incompetent)

    Disadvantage Points: 40

    Base Points: 2500

    Experience Required: 13

    Total Experience Available: 15

    Experience Unspent: 2

  12. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Here is a brief background to an example player character. Can anyone tell me how to cut and paste a character from hero designer? I tried it and it was messy:ugly:. Thanks


    In the beginning, Tahus was alone. He existed in the darkness of space. For eons he lived alone in the void of space. To bring comfort to himself Tahus gave up much of his power to create a race of beings to exist in the cold void of space with him. Like him, they were made immortal and given free will. For a while Tahus felt the warmth of a society. The loneliness he felt had subsided. Yet, Tahus grew tired of his creation bickering. Sacrificing more of his power Tahus formed life upon a plant (Jah) nearby. This life was not gifted with immortality, but still had free will. Tahus learned much from the life on Jah. Yet many of his first creation (the Ya-ni) manipulated the life upon Tah and a Celestial war began. After many millenniums of Celestial war (Between the Ya-ni) and wars upon Jah ( between the mortal Jahni people), Tahus cursed the Ya-ni by revoking their power to create a physical body (this act drained much of his power). Tahus left behind his creation in hopes to find other life.


    Tahus Traveled the universe for thousands of years and found a race of simple people on the planet Wei. The people of Wei had advanced technology yet still lived in harmony with nature. To learn more about these people Tahu disguised himself as one of them and lived among them. After sometime, Tahus fell in love with a beautiful Wei woman name Xilia. He then took her as his wife. Tahus kept no secrets from Xilia. She knew who he was, what he could do, and how the Ya-ni and Jahni constantly implemented violence upon each other. Concerned about her religious belief of reincarnation, Xilia asked Tahus to not interfere with her mortal body: “When this body perishes it is my time to move into the next life.” Tahus and Xilia had a daughter named Lil. Like her father Lil was born with great power. After Xilia died, Lil and Tahus grieved.


    Later, they later left Wei to explore the Cosmos together.


    Currently the Ya-ni can interact with the physical world by possessing a Jahni. The Jahni are capable of advanced faster than light space travel and have conquered many Star Systems. Malnos, (the first created and the leader of the evil Ya-ni) is searching the Galaxy intending to find Tahus. He believes that if he kills Tahus that he will gain not only Tahus’ power but he will also gain Tahus original power before he created life.


  13. Is there a place online where one can go to see the colored art for the characters of the Champion Universe and/or other Hero Game products? Is there anything:confused: I remember before they revamped this site I would see varies Champions characters in color on the top left of the website.

  14. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    HawksmoorSD, that is a most impressive writeup of the Silversurfer! I really like how precise you were with his powers under the Power Cosmic variable power pool.:thumbup::celebrate


    I definitely will take the buckets full of dice problem into consideration.

    My thoughts on resolving it are to multiply the dies in the ten's category by 3 and roll the last odd dices. i.e. Silversurfer's EB 14d6 would be 30 +4d6 damage. Of course I'd still most likely use hit location multiplies too:eek:


    Roman Virtue, I like your Avatar idea. Question, I'm curious if you ever implemented that idea for a group of player Characters already at their full Avatar power potential? Also how would you or did you go about giving a reason such powerful beings to be grouped together in a campaign or adventure?

  15. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Both of you have great points. Most likely the campaign will have to be done like you suggest. :cool:

    How I’m picturing things right now are that; the cosmic beings are 2,000 point characters that have a Herald (500+pts). They of course pay for their herald. I don’t see this Cosmic Being ruling any more than a star system. Most players I believe will not choose to rule a planet. And if they did rule a planet or a solar system. Their hegemony is meaningless when a 5,000+ pts Galactus type character comes to visit hungry. I definitely do not want to jeopardize the galaxy or universe with every adventure. I tend not to threaten the city with every adventure in normal super hero campaigns. Drama and soap stuff is the usual entertainment with a dash of violence here and there. I wonder, what would be the equivalent of a common four color super bank robbery type scenario in a cosmic campaign…?:confused:

    I’m viewing these 2,000 point characters as what Silver Surfer maybe be like in a few millenniums. He may be a little more detached from humanity but still does cares about mortals and their affairs. He may have a sidekick (herald) who is more interactive with less powerful life forms.

    I’ve come up with an example character for this game, but have not finished creating it. Right now I have finals to study for and my Senior Thesis to revise. I will return in a week to post a concept character. While I am gone from the boards I want anyone reading this post to feel from to make 2,000 point characters and post them here. I want to know what kind of concepts people could or would come up with using 2,000pts.:help:

  16. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Lord Liaden, I am sorry to lose you in this creative endeavor. I was really looking forward to brain storming with you. I read many of your board writings and you seem like just the person I would like to talk too. If you change your mind, please feel free to express your thoughts and ideas.:)


    I would like to avoid having this campaign to over powered. So I propose an experiment…:eek:


    Feel free to create characters (Cosmic Entities) and post them here. The base points for character creation is 2,000 points. If you decide to write a story or background for the character; try to put a few love interests in the being’s (cosmic entity’s) life. For example, it can be another cosmic entity, a planet, a race of people, an object, etc. Also try to right a background that would give a connection between the being and mortals throughout the Universe (Show some humanity in the entities background).

    The purpose of this experiment is to see if a character made at 2,000 points is to powerful and/or is a character that players cannot relate too.

    I look forward to seeing your creations.:drink:

  17. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    I saw a Galactus write up for 4th edition. The points put into it were a little over 5,000. So right now I'm pondering the point cost for player's characters. Right now, I'm thinking around 1500-2000 points using 5e rules. I want them to be powerful enough to have a herald as powerful as Quasar or a green lantern. Just to give you an idea these Cosmic entities do now rule Galaxies. They may rule a star system or two. But they also may rule nothing. They have the potential to be the King-god of a planet if they want to.:king:


    Here is the 4e write up og Galactus.



    How many points do you think Galactus would be with 5e rules?

  18. Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


    Too much alienation from the human level makes character development a bit difficult, IMHO. On an ongoing level at least. You can make a good story out of characters who are alienated in that way, but that can get old real fast.


    You may be right.:( It is hard for me to imagine how to run such as high power level game and still keep things interesting.:confused:


    I'm trying to look at this subject as with a can do attitude though. I don’t know if something like this has been done successfully, but I believe it can be.:drink:


    I have run also sorts of RPG games ranging in all power levels but the Cosmic entities level for player characters.


    I’m definitely going to look into the authors you mentioned.:) That sounds like an excellent idea. I’m also thinking of reviewing some mythical stories especially the Hindu myths. To get an idea of what the Universe may seem like to greater gods and cosmic entities.

    Keeping the game interesting for the players is an important part of this project. I’ve was pondering about comic relief in the game. Because several cosmic beings in comic books seem to not have much of a sense of humor. But I’m a firm believer in comic relief in a game… And then I remembered Q in Star Trek and a few other cosmicly powerful comic reliefs in fiction. So I know that aspect of game fun can be played out. I also believe if there is a form of cosmic law for cosmic beings then there would be some order to the campaign. Plus if someone brakes a cosmic law then things might get real interesting story wise.

    Everyone, please feel free to brainstorm ideas here. But remember I’m looking for a can do attitude. :thumbup:

    Lord Liaden, thanks for the link. Champions Beyond sounds likes a great idea in the works.:celebrate

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