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Lord_Winter's Achievements

  1. Re: Multipower of naked modifiers... please help THX for the clarification everyone. Last question: so the pts of cost will be 55 or 37? the -1/2 limitation of HA applies?
  2. Re: Multipower of naked modifiers... please help So the Multipower offered by Hyper-Man will be a viable and legal option? And what happens if the STR base is more than 10? I've to bought more active points in the Multipower? For Lord Liaden: If my char (NPC, I'm the GM) has 20 STR, to buy the STR with Variable Advantages I've to pay it: 20x(1+1and3/4 [Variable,till+1,limitedgroup])=55 pts ... right? Or I still have to apply the -1/2 for HA ... 37pts? Luca P.S.: after the replies to the questions above, expecially the one for LordLiaden... ... what happens IF a companion cast on me Aid STR, making it greater?
  3. Hi everyone, I would like to build an exotic fighters. This is my idea. I've placed on him STR 20. I would like then to build him a Multipower of a certain amount of Points, and have in each slot, accordingly to the active points, those advantages: * STR punches are Penetrating * STR punches are 1/2 end * STR punches are NND simulating exotic combat tactics. Now my question is: How I calculate Active point to be applied? the +10 on str? directly 20? Help please
  4. Re: Killer Damage and Stun Damage Our characters are very low power superhero, for now only 225 pts. Maybe I'll post the sheets. My concept is that I would like to avoid combati resolving in a single salve of strikes, like 2 to 3 phases due to stunning and so on. Acutally I0ve a little highened the non-resistant defences, in addition to the one resistant in the armor/Forcefield and I've just decided we won't use Hit location chart, that's too much random, and we'll try with the Fixed X3 stun Multiplier with Killing Attack. What do you think on this? The campaign is young, so we can change rules during the way...
  5. I'm somehow perplessed... My old GM used tu apply the procedure: Roll to hit Roll Location Subtract defences Multiply body and stun accordingly to the location I've read instead that Killing damage multiply the Stun Value before armor subctraction. I feel this strangely new, since in this Way Killer Attacks will do A LOT of stun, while I was used to think: Normal Attacks principally does many stun and Low body, Killer Attacks does Body and not-so-much stun. I'm perplessed...
  6. Re: A new Player here Uhm... Rapier nice too... But the 5 pts HTH skills is, maybe, the skill you can assign either in OCV, DCV or in Damage Class (using 2 of them)?
  7. Re: A new Player here So it could sound: +9 Dex, Only for Combat Values, no figured chars/skills (-1/2), Focus (Armor, OIF, -1/2), Skill Roll PRE vs PRE on who is in combat with (- something, don't remmeber) Since is a characteristic, I don't have to buy constant/persistent/always on... looks, nice.
  8. Re: A new Player here Really nice point of view. How much is worth the limitation: "only for combat"? And about the PRE vs PRE, I'll use the Skill contest, or I'll apply the Limited Power limitation? Thanks for your opininon... now I have many ways to make the power.
  9. Re: A new Player here I've just read the book, the chapter regarding presence... but In this way making a Presence attack, even if 0 phase action, will be intended as an interactive, purposal way to inspire fear; I would like instead something that doesn't need the character "verbal" interaction. Simply, he inspire fear. Always. Also, PRE attack normally strikes the Morale and technically the DCV... I'm somehow still perplessed on how I can make this working, since Hero System has many methods.
  10. Re: very basic knockback Q Uhm... sorry for the dumb question... but... Breakfall is used only to jump up from the Knockback as a Zero-Phase action or maybe also used for reduce/halve the KD damage?
  11. Hello everyone, it's Luca from Italy. I used to play 4th ed. Hero System years ago, and recently I've set up a campaign where I'm GM. I'm reading everywhere to catch info and news, and principally I'm here for two goals: 1) Maybe someone can help me in have a look if the characters made are somehow equilbrated 2) Maybe someone can help me passing me some resources/adventures/and so on 3) Rules question. While point 1 and 2 are personal (if someone of you would like to me my mentor...) I would like to start with point 3: I would like to build this power effect: A character is wearing an armor that, among other powers, has the power to "fear" opposing characters attacking him, reducing their OCV. I'm not sure if the best way is build it with NegativeCombatSkill level or Environmental change (only OCV, no temperature, movement...) Actually, this is the version I've made: Change Environment 2" radius, -2 OCV, Personal Immunity, 0 END (26 active points) Require a Skill roll (PRE roll vs opponent EGO roll, penalty of -1 each 20 AcP) Focus OIF: armor But I'm not 100% full convinced, since: 1) I would like to have the power always on (forbidden with Focus!) but, if possible, not Persistent (when you're stunned, people don't fear you) 2) I would like the RSR contest like a "Save Roll", each opponent attacking you make the contest. Who fails is scared, who made is safe. Can some of you help me with suggestion? By the way, actually I've 5th Edition (not revised), some various stuff and HeroDesigner 2.39 I think it's time to update... Hope to hear of you soon Luca
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