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Everything posted by CHellsmith

  1. I like all these ideas! I was thinking of maybe taking the "Ablative" Limitation that you can apply to defenses, and applying that to the DCs of their attack, to represent the waning firepower as members get injured or killed. That might have the effect I'm looking for, but it might take some fiddling around. Allowing them to break past the speed limit for the campaign is also a great idea! Definitely a good way to simulate having more bodies than just a single Space Marine or what have you. This list is full of great ideas, thank you for your contribution! 😃
  2. Howdy! I'm running a HERO System game in the 40k universe, and one of my players had a great idea -- He wants to play a squad of guardsmen. This sounds like a fun character concept, but I'd much rather avoid using the "Duplication" power because it adds a bunch of complexity with the extra characters, instead I'm looking for an easy way to put the character's damage output on a "sliding scale" as indivdual guardsmen get killed (Body reduced by X amount). Do you fine folks have any excellent ideas for how to make a character who represents multiple actual bodies, but is still fun and easy to play? Thanks!
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