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Posts posted by ChampionGamer

  1. Steve,

    Tried to post this but it did not post the first time. I appologize if you get this twice.



    I have been having trouble trying to game balance the advantages of shrinking with the disadvantages. I have been reading FAQs, books, and posts trying to figure out what would be reasonable disadvantages to shrinking.

    Here is my problem:


    I have a brick who wants to use shrinking to get around the DCV limit I have set for brick characters in my game. I am trying to be open minded and say that the brick can use shrinking but will suffer from x and y disadvantages such as he would with growth: being easier to hit and having trouble using small devices or fitting in normal size areas.


    However, there do not seem to be any disadvantages to shrinking. One I thought would make sense would be that you would move slower, but the rules explicitly state that your movement is not effected.




    1.) What are the disadvantages that a shrinking brick would suffer both in and out of combat?


    2.) If a brick buys stretching and shrinking does stretching still operate at the same distance while shrunk?


    Thank you!

  2. Steve,

    I recently ran into clinging built as:

    Clinging - normal str - 10pts

    Costs End -1/2

    Costs End ony to start power +1/4

    Increased Endx3 -1

    This power has +1/4 advantage.

    This creates a power that as I understand it has a 1 1/2 limitation.



    1.) Is the active cost of this power 10pts or 12pts. I thought you applied the advantage costs end only to start first and then applied the limitations. So that you would have 10pts * 1.25 or 12pts as the active point cost.

    The player had build the power as if Costs End and Costs end only to start power was a -1/4 limitation not as a limitation and an advantage. So he claimed the active points of this power was only 10pts. This matters for Elemental controls and for GM specified point limits: example the max active points in any power can only be 30pts.


    2.) The above power would cost 3 end to turn on, then no end thereafter to use. The player who came up with this power said that it was limited because even though it cost no end he would have to turn it off to take a recovery. Is this true? I thought a power that did not cost end did not affect a player who took a recovery.


    Thank you!

  3. Steve,

    I have been having trouble trying to game balance the advantages of shrinking with the disadvantages. I have been reading FAQs, books, and posts trying to figure out what would be reasonable disadvantages to shrinking.

    Here is my problem:


    I have a brick who wants to use shrinking to get around the DCV limit I have set for brick characters in my game. I am trying to be open minded and say that the brick can use shrinking but will suffer from x and y disadvantages such as he would with growth: being easier to hit and having trouble using small devices or fitting in normal size areas.


    However, there do not seem to be any disadvantages to shrinking. One I thought would make sense would be that you would move slower, but the rules explicitly state that your movement is not effected.




    1.) What are the disadvantages that a shrinking brick would suffer both in and out of combat?


    2.) If a brick buys stretching and shrinking does stretching still operate at the same distance while shrunk?


    Thank you!

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