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Everything posted by Gilifron

  1. Thanks. After finding all the RPG stuff in the loft I went searching for a local club to join. Which I found and now have DM'd four sessions of D&D 5e which I'm not keen on - it just creates such powerful starting PCs who expect to go up a level after every encounter (well one of mu 2 PCs does!). I can't explain to them the fun of protecting and nurturing weak starting characters and working with your friends to stay alive and the joy of just surviving 😄 That's probably why I've gravitated back to FH to design my idea of a humanocentric fantasy world ala Lankhmar or Thieves World.
  2. Alcamtar Thank you for a very informative and detailed reply. I think I will stick with 1e and add the two PDFs above. Although I might buy the 6e just to have a reading resource - as you can never have too much of that! Sincerely, thank you for the effort you put into your reply. John
  3. Hi folks First post so be gentle! After many years (like 35+) I have found all my RPGs in the loft, retrieved them and sorted them. One of them is FH 1e rules with the Bestiary. Doing my research I have found the 6e version is/was a 482 page tome. I always liked FH for the total freedom it gave you and am keen to write up my fantasy world without elves and halflings (although I like dwarves so they're in!) My question is - is the 6e 482 page tome worth buying? Thank you for your thoughts John
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