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Posts posted by Starlight

  1. Re: What is your most humous story


    My most humorous story? With so many candidates how can I choose just one. There's the tale of the Warlock's Coin. The Saga of Seventeen. The curious incident of the Quick and the Undead deserves a mention of course. But the first chronologically speaking occurred in a 1st edition Champions game long ago. It has the added advantage of being short to relate and needing very little back story. We were all comparatively new to the rules and full of enthusiasm. That enthusiasm hasn't changed much over the years at any rate. Champions is still my favorite game system.


    The hero team were on the 27th floor of a downtown business building talking to a witness of the kidnapping of a DNPC to one of the heroes. Glancing outside the stockbroker's office another of the heroes spotted a known villain entering a bank. Raising the alarm she opened the window and leapt out,


    Hero #1 exits via window: "I superleap down to the opposite side of the street."

    Hero #2 exits via window: "I fly down towards the bank."

    Hero #3 exits via window: "I shoot out a webline and swing down to the bank entrance."

    Hero #4 exits via window: "I leap out and..." at this point his brain caught up with his excitement and he realised he didn't have a suitable movement power on his character sheet, "uh, plummet like a stone to the sidewalk."

  2. Re: help! multipower at random?


    I believe an argument can be made that neither of the passages quoted by Hyper-Man applies to the situation described by the original poster. The quoted passages refer to the situation when slots in a Multipower have limitations and define the circumstances under which the reserve can also have a limitation applied. I have to admit I hadn't remembered those passages and needed to read them a couple of times before making up my mind they probably didn't apply. The passage of most direct relevance, I think, occurs earlier on the same page of 5ER.


    If a limitation affects only the Multipower as a whole, or only the character's ability to change slots, then it applies only to the Multipower reserve. The most common example of this is taking Charges for the entire Multipower (see below). Other possibilities include extra time (it takes the character longer than normal to distribute his reserve points)


    The situation described by the original poster is a limitation on the Multipower as a whole, affecting the ability of the character to distribute his reserve points. Either the selection of a slot is random or it takes extra time. I cannot see any restriction within 5ER on taking Variable Limitations only on the reserve when the limitation is acting on the Multipower as a whole.

  3. Re: help! multipower at random?


    Looking at the example situation described by the original poster it's clear this is a case of the utility of the multipower being limited by either extra time OR random selection of multipower slot. In other words a variable limitation. So that, I'd suggest, would be a good starting point for building such a construct.

  4. Re: Remote Control


    The details are all important of course, but as a potential power construct could this be done using Summoning?


    There should be correlation between the result of a summoning and the specifics of the item being controlled. A child's tricycle is rather less of a threat than a heavy construction bulldozer for example. Basing the points available in Summon to the Body of the item of machinery might be one way to do this.


    Also the abilities from the Summon ought to be limited to what is reasonable from the specific item being controlled. An SUV is not going to fly. Except briefly after being driven off the side of a cliff of course.


    I leave open the question of how long it's going to take a player to define an appropriate Summon build when using this power in the midst of combat.

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