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    Herbalist, Juggler, Artist
  • Occupation
    Game Designer

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  1. Re: Fantasy Imperium? Hello All, I'm Mark, the maker of FI. Anyone interested should take a look at the website, where I also have a forum: www.shadowstargames.com The game may be acquired by any game store that uses Alliance Distribution, so most stores can order it. I'll also sell direct to stores, if they contact me. I'll also send out books directly to anyone that wants one, tho this takes a lot of time and I'd rather the distributors handle it... Von D-Man was one of the guys that really taught me how to role play... his Champions games rock! Too bad you had to move so far far away... I did send you a copy, but I think the mail svc ate it or something... I'll send another one this week. The story about it being called an Interactive Storytelling Game is that when ppl asked me what kind of game it was, I told them it was a rpg... and most ppl didn't know what that was (some ppl thought it was a computer game).... ok ok.. I was talking to non-gamers.... so anyway, I started calling it an ISG instead and since I now create entirely different kinds of adventures with a structured scene based system, there is a bit more storytelling than a typical rpg.... but the system of how to do this (which isnt in this first book...it'll be in the third book, The Storyteller's Guide)...can be used for any game really... so an ISG is a type of rpg. Anyway, the main difference in FI is that you can make any kind of character (well..no super heroes).... and it has fast combat... (20 minutes for 5 against 5).... which forces you to come up with more plotstuff.... So while a typical rpg will have one plot point per game session, I'll have 4, 5, 6 or more.... So thats the quick answer.... Check out the website! btw, is anyone going to GTS/Origins/GenConIndy? Drop by and say hello at my booth if you are. HERO system will of course remain one of my favorite games tho.. btw Bik, whats the name of your local game store? I'd like to send them a copy.
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