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Everything posted by jackleg2007

  1. Re: HERO - Champions I understand that HG does not or possibly cannot put out various surcebooks like SJGames does for GURPS and letting them sink of swim on their own merit. The Champions universe has a long history and it is something you can duplicate on a regular basis, and put it out in a 128 sourcebook. I did receive a PM asking did I have any ideas for new settings. In reality I did not when I posted the question, but really just wanted the question answered. And also not to get flamed. ;-) Possible ideas if the flames were held to my feet would be from comics I have read over the years. -Psycho: The US gov't never developed an atomic bomb but did develop a formula to give an individual superpowers. In fact WWII was ended when the first person to receive this formula killed Hitler in Berlin. He was dropped from a B17(sans parachute). After that the formula was stolen by the USSR and it was used by various gov't's to create their own super beings. The formula is available on the black market for about $800K or you can get it thru gov't agencies, as long as you work for them. The formula does have the side effect of either killing or driving the subjects crazy(with powers), but that is a low percentage. The powers are usually a mish-mash or just one power. Written by the guy who does the Nocturnals & Gun Witch, Dan Brenetan(sp ?). -Cold War 2007: the USSR never fell, and super beings are usually in the employ of their gov'ts. Supers fight each other to advance their gov't's agendas or to shore up allies,(3rd Mechanon squad, deploy! Yes, Sir!). -After the Big One: World war or natural disaster. Most of the population is gone. Supers now have to help rebuild civilization. Gadgeteers would be hurt the most as most hi tech is gone. Those with non-tech powers would shine, but the real struggle may be forming what ever gov't follows. Those are the ones I could pull from memory. I did have some notes somewhere about others..... Maybe some fan out there could expand on this a maybe do sourcebook on their own.
  2. I have a question for the people at HERO. I have been gaming a long time, starting with AD&D, and my 1st Champions game was with the 1st edition rules. My question is will there ever be a superhero world book that is not set in the Champions setting? Looking at the sheer number of books being put out just boggles the mind, especially since they all seem to have one author. Of course the success of the company and the fan support shows the love for the Champians universe. But will the Hero system always be tied to Champions? I always thought D&D's longevity has been tied to the number of settins TSR/WotC/Hasbro have put out over the years, Greyhawk, Eberron, DragonLance, Forgotten Realms, etc. Also, the main problem with the Traveller rules was the company, GDW, never expanded beyond the 3rd Imperium. And thus their problems with the setting, ie MegaTraveller & T:TNE. Not looking to get flamed, but just a question.
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