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Posts posted by shnar

  1. Re: 6th Edition Hero System


    Hmmm... I will probably be somewhat of a nay sayer here. I have been a Herophile since the very first publication (I even got Steve Petersons autograph on some convention Teen Titans characters). I feel that if any of the changes BWDemon were to be implemented' date=' it would no longer be Hero but rather a spin off and I would be forced to remain with 5th Ed. This type of radical change to a basic core methodology is one of the reasons I quit playing D&D. When they started adding prestige this and skill point that the system became Non-D&D. Does D20 work? Sure it does but it's not the D&D that I grew to know and love. Would changing the game system work for Hero type games? Yes, but then it woud no longer be Hero. As for tweaking... I don't beleive you can create a system that would not require some sort of tweaking or house rules or explanations. As soon as you allow a new player to pick up the game and open the book, there will be questions, or suggestions as to how they might want to improve your new simple core system. So my vote... Keep the core the way it is.[/quote']


    I'll second this. My other favorite system has to Rolemaster (the popular version known as Rolemaster2, or RM2), and they created a "new" version called RMSS (RoleMaster Standard System) and a revised version later called RMFRP (RoleMaster Fantasy RolePlaying). The system was "streamlined" as some are here suggesting, and while I did buy it, I never played it. I always stuck with RM2. ICE has finally realized this and now 10 years later created a RMClassic, basically a reprint of RM2, and they're getting a lot of fanbase back.


    If HERO did the same thing, I'd feel quite rejected and simply stick with HERO5. There is simply *no* better system for Superhero RPGing. Some of the heroic gaming could maybe use some tweaks, but the core system is just great. I *love* how DEX & SPD are used to make combat/initiative smooth and fast. That and many other things.


    The only suggestion I'd make is what HERO4 did, separate core rules into just rule books, then have add-on genre books.



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