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  1. Re: Villan creation question Sorry, should have clarified that a bit more. I feel it’s more of a self defense maneuver, he’s immune to the effects but I’d like to have it sort of act like in comics where the “hero” gets swarmed by enemies and burst out of it only attempting to do actual damage.
  2. This is submitted for a bit of help. I’ve been breaking my brain trying to figure out how to do this character for a campaign. I’m trying to make a villain who’s power is that he explodes. Yes, HE explodes for 12D6 of damage. He’s got a decent amount of PD/ED but takes 1.5 stun from water based attacks. When he only has 1/3 of his body left he has 3 phases before he goes boom. Right now his stun is 75/body 30. Any suggestions on how to create this? Thanks for the assist you all rock!
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