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Posts posted by mikelbarnz

  1. Complimentery Skill Rolls


    Isn't there a rule somewhere that states that one character can make a skill roll complimentery to another character's? Maybe it was a house rule we used, but to use your example of two scientist working together on a problem, scientist #1 makes a skill roll, and if he is successful, that roll is complimentery to scientist #2's.

    Not sure how to do combined feats of strength, though. And my copy of Fred is on loan (to Mark Bennett, author of Fantasy Hero Companion 2, who's finally going to run a game again, after a loooong hiatus)

  2. Danger International


    I was flipping through Danger International last night, and I thought I would post its rules for high explosive rounds. They are NASTY.


    First the rules, from page 59: "Roll the explosion damage listed, and apply it to any target in the same hex.For each hex away from the target hex, remove the largest die: the target takes the remainder. For the SHRAPNEL (emphasis mine), roll an attack roll using the OCV listed. All targets are DCV 0, unless they are Prone, in which case they're DCV 4. The shrapnel damage works like Autofire;for each 2 points the roll is made by, the target takes that much damage.


    The yhave info on grenade rounds for launchers, hand grenades, mines, mortars, and HE shells. I'll post the entire chart if ther is interest, but here are the stats on a 500 lb. bomb.


    500 LB Bomb 26d6x OCV 15 R MOD -1/2" Shrapnel 2d6


    So using average effect, a taget in the targeted hex would take an initial hit of 91 stun and 13 body, then assuming a to hot roll of 11, against a dcv of 0, the taget would take 8 seperate 7 body/21 stun hits. I think thats going to do some damage to a station wagon.

  3. Now now, Steve, don't blame the crap they play on the radio on modern music, blame it on the modern music INDUSTRY, and the modern radio INDUSTRY.

    Just like in gaming, where you have to look outside the mainstream (d20), to find the quality (Hero), you have to do the same in music.

    But I do have to say, if Billy Joel, James Taylor, and the Eagles are what you're listening to around the house, I need to send you some discs...

  4. Re: Outlines


    Originally posted by lemming

    9. ??? Though it certainly sounds Champion like



    Hexworld was a "game center", for lack of a better term, in Austin in the mid 80's. Not really a game store per se, more like a very small gaming convention, that was open every night of the week. You paid a small fee, they had snacks, a game library, big tables, chairs, etc. It was a bit of a clubhouse for the Austin Hero mafia, as well as the Steve Jackson crowd. A lot of GURPS and Hero playtests were done there.

    Amongst the many games I played in there was based on "The Network" from Danger International, run by none other than Ray Greer.


    And how about this for entry into the Old Farts Club


    13. Playtest credit.


    Fantasy Hero Companion II. Never even got my copy, though.

  5. Originally posted by Mike Basinger

    New ways to join the OFCL.


    4. If you ever dialed-in to Red October BBS.


    5. If you ever debated Champions/Hero System on rec.games.frp (not .misc or .superhero). Bonus points if you remember SeaWasp. Extra bonus points if you ever had a Champion ruling flame war with him:).


    6. If you ever refered to Bruce Harlick as the new guy at Hero Games.


    7. If you own a complete set of Adventure's Club magazine, which you bought new when they were released.


    8. If switch from Superhero 2044 or Villian and Vigilantes to Champions.




    I'd like to add a few more possibilities:


    9. If you ever played a game at Hexworld


    10. If you have copies of Danger International, Justice, Inc, or the original Fantasy Hero.


    11. Four words-"Golden Age of Champions"


    12. Two more words: "Autoduel Champions"

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