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Posts posted by Midspec

  1. Re: Social effects


    You are overlooking the obvious solution to this quandry. Simply instruct the PC that social situation 'A' is not not what he believed and to RP accordingly. Sure the player might know that the situation is bogus, but that should not stop him him from playing his character as if the situation were genuine.


    The mechanic behind the change in the situation is a moot point. As long as the GM is acting responsibly and has good reason to dictate this change, it should all be kosher. If the GM is not, the the player should find another GM.


    if the player can't handle it, then the GM should find another player.


    This is, after all a role-playing game. If the player needs incentive, offer bonus exp for playing the situation accordingly.

  2. Steve,


    I am sorry if this has been covered previously, I tried researching the nature of this question, and found one topic that is the closest match to my question at http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=45065&highlight=line


    My question has several parts, and I am referencing the diagram used for defining AOE:Cone on page 249 of the revised 5th Ed. rules.


    Your hero has an AOE:Line attack with a ranged modifier. The villain is positioned 4 hexes away, in the direction of a hex's point (in the above mentioned diagram, the villain would be 2" to the right of the hex marked '5'.) The hero fires off the attack, targetting the villain's hex. Assuming the to hit roll succeeds...


    Question 1: What direction does the line travel from the villain's hex?

    a. Random 60 degrees to the left or to the right continuing away from the villain's hex (GM decides.) If this is the case, is the power acting like it also has the Indirect advantage?

    b. Straight line from the villain's hex onward, in the direction of the top point, intersecting two hexes every other row the line travels beyond the villain's hex.


    Question 2: If the answer is b, in the rows in which the line intersects two hexes, does it affect targets in both hexes?


    Question 3: If the answer to question 2 is no, is it then assumed that the affected hex in a row where the line does intersect two hexes is just a random determination (or GM decision, if required)?


    I guess the same type of question could apply to any directional type AOE with a ranged modifier.


    Thanx for your input. :thumbup:

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