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Posts posted by chrisv

  1. Re: Trying to create a character


    Excellent advice folks, and thanks for the various links and stats that were put up.


    I totally realize that it's impossible to get that sort of power when you're working with - according to the rules - a low level superhero. I didn't think it would be possible, and the whole thing is to gain power as the game progresses.


    Yup, I'm for all intent and purposes a newbie when it comes to this game. Last time I played was WAY back in 84-85. =)


    So, as we play (probably won't be for a few months) I'll be here asking a lot of questions, and I'm pretty sure that our GM will be dropping in as well.


    Sean - Well, at this time none of us know. I'm sure that the GM doesn't know either. =)


    Again, thanks everyone for giving me plenty of suggestions.


    Man, this game is difficult! Ah well, by the looks of it, it'll be worth all the effort to learn it.

  2. Hi, again folks...


    Even though it's still probably a few months down the road before we get a chance to play, I'm struggling through the basic rules and I am trying to create a character.


    I'm a huge fan of Mystique. Naked, blue, sexy... deadly.


    Also, I just recently read a book by F. Paul Wilson called Masque. It's a cyberpunk novel that centers around a 'mime', a clone that uses genetic templates to change his shape, sex, appearance etc. A super spy owned by a corporation.


    Essentially, I would like to create a character that's similar to Mystique.


    The GM has already decided that the campaign will involve 150 pt charactes with a maximum of 100 points in disadvantages.


    Now, the concept is pretty simple. A metamorph. I was thinking of making this character a criminal, one who has basic shapeshifting abilities (only human, can't morph clothing, etc.).


    He uses his abilities to appear to look like anyone, to pull off his robberies, and put the blame squarely on the shoulders of another person (haven't decided if he just mimic's random people or goes after specific people yet).


    I was also planning on giving the character the following skills: acting, climbing, concealment, conversation, persuasion, security systems, shadowing, slight of hand, stealth, streetwise.


    The powers would be shapeshifting of course, but I was also thinking of something along the lines of telepathy, so he could read peoples minds, in order to be able to act like those he's impersonating.


    Finally, I don't fully grasp the concept yet, but I was figuring that he would keep some static statisticss (Int, con, and presence), but could have a variable power pool for stats, so that he could have different strength, agility, body, and com, depending on the person he was trying to imitate.


    This is a big question, so could anyone give me a hand here in putting the basics together?


    Thanks folks!



  3. Re: Champions or Heros version 5?


    LOL! It all depends on how quickly we get into the game. See, we're currently playing Year of the Zombie (my year long campaign) and then we have my friends Shadowrun adventure to finish off.


    After that, we're going to give Champions a try.


    We were debating on trying Mutants and Masterminds or one of the other various D20 systems, but since we've played YotZ and D&D for so long we're willing to give another system a chance.


    And we've all heard about Heroes, but never tried it. Well, in my case, that's not entirely true, I remember playing it for a few months way back in highschool (20+ years ago), but my recollection of the game is faint, at best.



  4. Re: Champions or Heros version 5?


    Sidekick eh? Ok, that sounds like a good place to start. See, I wasn't too keen on forking over a pretty heafty chunk of cash for say, Heroes 5.0 and then find out that I could have gone with just using the champions.


    But, maybe I'll pickup sidekick and my group and I will check it out, see what we think.


    By the way, sorry for the mispelling of heroes in my opening tag line. I'm typically a lot more careful than that. =)


    Ok, let me clarify one thing. If I get the Heroes 5.0 (assuming my group enjoys Sidekick), does it have all the same powers, advantages and disadvantages that you'd find in Champions? Or does Champions simply add a wider variety to what you get in Heroes 5.0?


    Trying to figure out what is the best route to go for my hard earned $$.



  5. Howdy, folks...


    My gaming group is thinking about trying out a super-hero system. Blame it on the show Heroes, I think we all got the bug from it.


    Anyhow, my question is this - which should we shell out our hard earned cash for? Heros 5.0, and use it, or should we start with the Champions system?


    Feedback would be greatly appriciated in this matter.



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