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  1. Re: New To Character Design, need a little help Great suggestion and I think you are right. I am going to go with that wonderful 350pt build of Incrdbil. I will start researching Variable Power Pools, Multipower, and Elemental control. It seems for a character like this, I will have to use some or one of these. Thanks again for the suggestions, and sorry for my noobism. Midnight Ghost
  2. Re: New To Character Design, need a little help I totally understand what you mean. I am building this toon to be a Swiss Army Knife. He has many helpful abilities that would help him fill in for what ever a team is lacking. Heck this toon is a variation of Jonn Jonzz. Here is a cool quote from wikipedia about Jonn Jonzz" Martian Manhunter has been described as "the Swiss Army knife of superheroes," possessing a great variety of superhuman powers. Many of his powers are similar to those of Superman, including strength, speed, invulnerability, flight, and "Martian vision" (a power that includes both x-ray and heat vision). In various altercations with Superman, Martian Manhunter is usually able to hold his own against the Man of Steel, but ultimately loses the fight; however, he has fought Captain Marvel to a standstill. Other than his Superman-type powers, Martian Manhunter's primary power is shapeshifting which he uses for various effects such as adopting human appearance, elongating his limbs, growing to immense size, and assuming monstrous forms. Possibly as an aspect of his shape-shifting powers, he can also turn invisible (in most Silver Age stories none of his other powers function while he is invisible), and can alter his solidity so as to become either incredibly dense or (alternately) intangible. J'onn is also a very powerful telepath, capable of perceiving the thoughts of others as well as projecting his own thoughts. He often acts as a "switchboard" between other superheroes in order to coordinate the Justice League's actions. The Martian Manhunter has sometimes been said to possess 9 different senses, although these are poorly defined and generally ignored by most writers. J'onn has also demonstrated great regenerative abilities, once able to regenerate himself from only his severed hand but with great strain (due to the loss of matter he found it necessary to incorporate new mass from Martian sand). Sorry for the long post. So yes I totally understand that this toon has a ton of powers, and that he doesnt just fit into the mold of a Brick, Speedster, Martial Artist, Skill set guy, etc. I will be starting a brand new Hero's campaign tonight with 3 other guys who have never played this system. So I wanted to make a Hero who could fill many rolls. thanks again for your help and comments.
  3. Re: New To Character Design, need a little help Wow Incrdbil that is awesome. Let me ask you a couple of quick noob questions please? Can I possible save points by combining some characteristic cost into what I have seen called Elemental control, that includes Dmg Resistance? Also instead of Radio Perception, should I get N-Ray vision to see through walls and stuff? I have been told not to put things in a Multipower that I want to use together, instead place them in an Elemental Control. Like Flight, Desolidification and possible Invisibility. What do you think? I also was told by a friend that if I want to keep Denisity Increase (I thought about dropping it) then I could create a group of powers for this with limitations based on his higher mass (6.4 metric tons!) to save some points as well as a separate group of powers when I have desolidified. I think the mental power limitations work well and save points. But Mind scan needs to be outside the Multipower group becasue it is used in conjunction with telepathy. And I possible still need to work in a little life support, I am told some attack powers that beef up my strike, some Mind attacks (Nightmares), and maybe martial arts, or some cool tricks to use with desolidification, etc. But I am not sure. Stuff where i put a hand into someone's chest and disrupt them or something. thanks again for any suggetions.....i play this toon for the first time tonight.
  4. Re: New To Character Design, need a little help Is there a limit to the number of times you can take multipower in a 350pt build? If so what are my limitations, I need to finish this toon tonight for the first day of the campaign is on Tuesday night. thanks
  5. Re: New To Character Design, need a little help WoW thanks Gojira.I have a noob questions how does multi power work?I am going to try and google it. I have until Tuesday to get thisbuild correct. Also I was told I need to get him to 12d6 by some other peeps in this forum. Which sounds like a good idea. Let me get Hero designer up and start playing around with the numbers.thanks again"10 different ways I could take him out, I decide to use the rabbit"
  6. Re: New To Character Design, need a little help So I see where I can get some synergy with increase density. Increasing my Density will give me more STR which means I hit harder. Also it will add to my defense. So I really need to work out the numbers there. It seems to me that for a 350pt build these are the most important stats for this concept toon. Shapeshift- anyform Desolid Density Increase Mind Scan Shape Shift Telepathy Flight Mental Defense Good Str 50-60 Good DEX Good CON I think these are the things I need to focus on. The nuts and bolts of this Character
  7. Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help OK here we go The Midnight Ghost Characteristics 35 STR 25 18 DEX 24 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 18 EGO 16 20 PRE 10 8 COM -1 10 PD 3 6 ED 2 4 SPD 12 11 REC 0 36 END 0 39 STUN 0 Characteristics Cost: 119 Powers: 12 4/4 Armor 4 1 LVLS Density Increase(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),"Stone form."(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),Concentrate(-1/4) 0 8 5" Flight,Concentrate(-1/4) 1 16 EC (20),"Ghost Powers.",Concentrate(-1/4) 16a) Desolid,Vulnerability: Magic 4 16b) 6D6 Mind Scan,+5 Plus To Roll 4 20c) Shape Shift,any shape,0 END(+1/2) 0 13d) 8" Stretching,No non-combat stretching bonus.(-1/4) 4 16e) 8D6 Telepathy 4 3 Acting 13- 3 Tracking 13- 2 TF,Other Air Vehicles,Small Spaceships 2 Radio XMIT/REC,"communicator.",OAF(-1) Powers Cost: 131 But I need Inviso. How do I fit that in? Also on disadvantages, is Magic good enough. Or do I need to make it something more common?? thanks
  8. Re: New 2 Character Design, need alittle help Wow thanks for the great responses. Also thank you for making a noob feel welcome. I picked the Martian Manhunter because I believe he is a swiss army knife type hero, and since I am new to this system I wanted to have some versatility. So my concept is the Midnight Ghost. Basically he is like The Martian Manhunter except his powers are mystical in nature. Kind of like when Jonn Jonzz became Bloodwynd for a short time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodwynd So lets see. If I base him off of the Martian Manhunter 250 build as a template. The Midnight Ghost Real Name: Malcolm Stranger Occupation: Odditys and Curiosity's Store Owner Characteristics 35 STR 25 18 DEX 24 18 CON 16 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 18 EGO 16 20 PRE 10 8 COM -1 10 PD 3 6 ED 2 4 SPD 12 11 REC 0 36 END 0 39 STUN 0 Characteristics Cost: 119 Powers, Skills and Equipment 12 4/4 Armor 4 1 LVLS Density Increase(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),"Stone form."(200kg,+5 STR,-1KB,+1 PD/ED),Concentrate(-1/4) 0 8 5" Flight,Concentrate(-1/4) 1 16 EC (20),"Ghost powers.",Concentrate(-1/4) 16a) Desolid,Vulnerability: Magic 4 16b) 6D6 Mind Scan,+5 Plus To Roll 4 20c) Shape Shift,any shape,0 END(+1/2) 0 13d) 8" Stretching,No non-combat stretching bonus.(-1/4) 4 16e) 8D6 Telepathy 4 3 Acting 13- 3 Tracking 13- 2 TF,Other Air Vehicles,Small Spaceships 2 Radio XMIT/REC," communicator.",OAF(-1) Powers Cost: 131 Disadvantages Base Points: 100 15 No Longer Identifies with Common Humanity 20 Hunted,"by magicians and mystics.",as powerful, non-combat influence,harsh,appear 11- 15 Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,strong 20 Psych Lim,"Distances himself emotionally from others. ",very common,strong 10 Rep,"The Ghost who walks.",occur 11- 10 Unluck,2D6 20 Vuln,"Magic",common,x2 stun 5 Watched,"by the U.S. government.",as powerful,non-combat influence,mild,appear 8- Disadvantages Total: 115 How does this look?? thanks again for all of your help
  9. Hi peeps, I am brand new to this system. I am starting a new game next week and I haven't had a chance to look at all of the books. I am attempting to build a Ghost like character that is very much like Jonn Jonzz the Martian ManHunter. I am just confused on how to build the starting character. I have seen some conversions on the web, but I only have 350 points to start with. So does anyone have any suggetions on how to start this character? Not sure how much I should spend on characteristics, and how much on powers. I can figure the 150 disadvantages, but not sure about the rest. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks The Midnite Ghost PS. I hope this is the correct forum for this. Sorry in advance if it isn't.
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