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Gary Berg

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Everything posted by Gary Berg

  1. Re: Another New Guy? Don't forget the modifier: Voiced by Mike Patton. Not sure what the value would be there, but it is definitely a plus!
  2. Re: Another New Guy? The skit is indeed what I was referring to. It always starts with "I attack the darkness" and then steamrolls from there, giving me a break to go get something to drink. It works out pretty well, I just wanted to actually spring... "The Darkness" on them, and give them what they asked for.
  3. Re: Another New Guy? (Runs and looks in the powers section) haha, oh man, can this system be any more AWESOME?
  4. Re: Another New Guy? So, to bring it down in scale to Moderately Realistic, is it just a matter of AP's or as long as the player can justify that a given power of the suit can be created mechanically? Im still digesting a lot of the character creation rules, and haven't dived too heavily into power creation, so I'm not sure if there is a "heroic cap" on powers. Or is it just a matter of common sense in terms of amount of power? Geez, I may need another book here... Im going to go get my calculator in case the answer is "well 50% of it is half common sense, with the other 50% being quarter rules and quarter how much does the player bribe you with" Where the other half of the first 50% went, nobody knows... PS- is there a write-up for The Darkness? Someone always wants to attack it, and it looks like I may be able to answer that in this game.
  5. Re: Another New Guy? Oh man, I know all about it. Ive come home with books and put them on my shelf right next to the copy I already own...
  6. Re: Another New Guy? HERO Designer... check. Hudson City... check. I also went with an off-list and bought Gadgets and Gear, as one of my main players is interested in being a "crippled by the yet unnamed evil element inventor type" and will be using a powered suit and other various inventions to get his vengeance. Next payday will bring about Ultimate Skill, the combat summary book that was mentioned, and one other yet undetermined book. Thanks again for the welcome and all the suggestions.
  7. Re: Another New Guy? Wow, thanks for the overwhelming response. Looks like I have some awesome support! I will be running a DC game, vigilante style. Several of my players have already come up with concepts from Bronson to Robocop. One guy is very interested in becoming a "tinkerer", becoming the group's "Q" making things bigger (or smaller!) and better. So while they are all talking amongst themselves about their character ideas and what they want in a chronicle, I am writing up some concepts for some NPCs, familiarizing myself with the Character Creation system. In the back of the DC book I saw an ad for a Hudson City book. Im assuming this will be quite a resource. I was a big fan of the Vampire Chicago books back in the day... Anywho, any advice on what hitches you ran into in these types of games, be it from a GM or player perspective would be greatly appreciated. Other than DC and Hudson City, is there a must-have resource? A crime-fighting kit with everything from brass knuckles up to mech-style suits that fire napalm? Thanks again!
  8. Just popping in to say hi and let you know HERO had me at hello. I've been playing/GMing for about 18 years now (D&D, GURPS, WW, Nobilis, OTE, SR, etc) and this is my first time picking up HERO. After thumbing through the book, it looks like it has been a long time coming, jumping from system to system trying to find a "fit". So far I am completely floored by the versatility of the system. And here I thought GURPS was versatile.. hah! Im sure I will have plenty of system questions, as my player group is anxious for me to put the book down and talk to them again, lol. Thanks in advance!
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