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Everything posted by Fellick

  1. So I was trying to build an Assassin's Creed-esque character and I was trying to figure out how to do the hidden blade. Right now my thoughts are on a Killing Attack with invisible power effects, requires a sleight of hand skill roll. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  2. Hey, I've been looking around for a bit and maybe I just plain ol' missed it, but what would the limitation be for requiring an attack to target a specific location? The attack I am making, for example, is a rogues dagger to the foot (resulting in a DEX drain, I was thinking, or something), but I want to make the attack to require the -8 OCV. Are there rules set up for that somewhere? Thanks a bunch!
  3. Re: First Adventure Questions In all games that I have played in more than just the monk can buy martial maneuvers. If you have the Ultimate Martial Artist (Which I highly suggest you get if you don't) have your other fighter players look through for a style that fits their fighting style, for example I just made a Centaur Brute (basically a barbarian) and he uses the Weapon Combat martial style which is meant for the crusader with a big sword type characters. Or there is the Brick Trick listing, for characters with high strength or Speedster one for characters with a high speed/velocity. Also about the Hammer, for non-killing attacks you know that the body is +1 for every six and 0 for every 1 and the total stun for the attack is just the total number on all the dice? Anyway, welcome to the game! I personally think this is the best and most versatile system out there.
  4. Fellick


    Re: Whip Yay, awesome. Thank you all very much for looking. And kudos to EvilEmpryss for finding it.
  5. Fellick


    Re: Whip *shrug* The GM doesn't want people making up powers this time around, normally it doesn't matter, but he doesn't want our full plate mail (normally 8/8) to be 15/15. Anyways I checked out the Fantasy and the core books under entangle and the closest I could find was handcuffs.
  6. Fellick


    I've been trying to find a prebuilt instance of a net in my source books and haven't been able to find a single one. The game I'm in requires all equipment to be from a book and I for some reason can't find a bloody net anywhere. If anyone has seen one in a book and could either post it here, or what book they remember seeing it in that'd be great! EDIT: I feel dumb I named it Whip when it should be Net.....
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