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Posts posted by CoreBrute

  1. Re: Rehabilitating 'evil' Super powers


    Rebuilding after what? The Government is the only organization that can issue pardons. It would have to be a big deal.

    In the comic I am talking about 'irredeemable' the rebuilding takes place after the Superman expy of that universe went insane. He destroyed his home city,flooded Singapore (think it was Singapore) and killed millions worldwide as he kept the world in fear. So yes, it is quite a big deal.

  2. Re: Rehabilitating 'evil' Super powers


    If the heatless change of state the Melter produces is temporary -- i.e.' date=' if the material re-solidifies later -- he has several ways to become ridiculously wealthy. For a start, gemstone consolidation: I'm pretty sure a 100-carat diamond is worth a lot more than 1000 tenth-carat diamonds. DeBeers might pay him a great deal of money to do this. Or, possibly, pay him a great deal of money *not* to do it, so as to preserve the extraordinary value of the large natural stones.[/quote'] it's non-reversible as far as I can tell. But maybe he never tried?Otherwise brilliant idea.
  3. Re: Rehabilitating 'evil' Super powers


    Question re the Melter: does his power involve heat' date=' or is it a direct change in the state of matter from solid to liquid? If the latter, he would be invaluable in rescue work for trapped persons. He'd have plenty of opportunities in demolition/construction as well.[/quote']

    The comic character is simply changing states of matter. But do you think that if he was a Human Torch who couldn't 'Flame off', it would be impossible for him to find employment?


    Guy with a knife: is knife-work his specialty' date=' or is he deadly with any weapon? Assuming the former, a career as an entertainment knife-thrower act is a possibility. With sufficient motivation and years of study, he could become a brilliant surgeon. If he's Jewish he'd easily find work as a kosher butcher.[/quote']


    He is actually proficient in killing with all manner of paraphanelia-Guns, knives, pencils, fleas. So he might make a good surgeon, because he knows exactly what movement of the scalpel will kill the patient-and avoid it.


    If he's willing to learn arabic he could also make Halal meat. I don't think it specifically says anywhere the person killing the animal needs to be Muslim, so that could work without changing his religion.


    Legs: In most jurisdictions in the United States' date=' Sexual Surrogate is a recognized profession -- providing therapy for men with sexual disfunction. If actual physical contact is not acceptable, she could provide assistance with sperm-bank donations.[/quote']


    Brilliant! For the most part, touching wouldn't be necessary since most do it telepathically, but yeah either works.


    Now we just need to figure out what to do about our eternally burning Human Torch.

  4. Hey true believers. I came across an interesting idea while reading Irredemable yesterday. The leader of the Justice League equivalent, offered full pardons to supervillains who helped with the rebuilding effort. The resident team genius argued that certain villain's powers made them impossible to have a constructive use for the team or society as a whole.Taking that challenge, I wonder if, taking the role of career advisors we (myself and you genii who use this forum) could offer alternative employment opportunities to supervillains with destructive or 'evil' powers.


    Some rules: you can't recommend 'being a superhero' or 'joining the military' as jobs. We are attempting to take them out of a life of violence and stress. By that same logic, you can't recommend government jobs that involve the term, "Wetworks" or "interrogation". Those are too similar to their existing professions, and just bring back old habits.


    Also, you can't assume the power grants them something that relies on them having other skills or training. For example while some Telepaths have training as Psychologists like Emma Frost, being able to repair a psyche doesn't come automatically with the powers. We presume that the individual has no other skills or training besides their powers-otherwise scientist villains like The U-Foes could easily find employment in their respective fields. However, do not be afraid of recommending a profession that usually requires training-Microbe the bacteria manipulating New Warrior for example, would have done a lot of good as a doctor or research scientist. Despite the time required to train in medical school and expense.


    Here are our first three villains-I'm sorry 'Empowered Individuals'.First is the Melter. He has been a supervillain for several years-his ability is the power to melt everything he touches without wearing a suit. Quite the Midas touch-he can't turn off his powers, but luckily he is immune to his own touch, or things could get awkward. Note, this is melting not disintegration like Dr Manhatten.


    Second is an individual who refused to give me his name, and after what I saw him do with a knife, I felt it would be rude to pry. His power is, in his own words, "Super Murder". From what I can tell it is similar to what the Killer (I&II) can do in Wanted (the comic book). So what can we do for this young man?


    Finally we have a young woman (she has a variety of aliases but the least profane one is 'Legs')whose ability is to inspire arrousal and attraction in men. Similar women with this power include Pretty Persuasions (Heidi P. Franklin), Stacy X and Alisha Bailey one of several unfortunate British 'Misfits' who were struck by lightning over 3 years ago. Now I think it is fair to say, that prostitution is not legal in either Britain or the US, but even if it was we would not recommend that.


    So what can we do for these poor souls? Do you know of any other powers that could make an empowered being unemployable? Who else can we save from a life of crime?

  5. Re: World-building: When what works for the heroes works for everyone?


    Population is more resource. Higher population = higher number of metas. That makes "normal" technological advantages less usefull ("So you have a dozen satelites? Captain Cosmos can knock them down in 2 hours)...

    Expect Isreal to fall or hire/breed superhumans. They always relied on technological advantages and had a lousy population (under 8 Million).


    Actually, if powers started showing up in the 20th century, you've forgotten one important fact. Hitler would be less able to exterminate jews in concentration camps, given the fact more could escape (teleportation, bend metal etc) or throw off the oppression. So infact, there might be more jews, thus Israel could have a larger population.


    Also Israel has both compulsory military conscription, and their commandos and Mossad are some of the most well trained fighters in the world (unless you've got balls of steel, Krav Maga still hurts). So don't count Israel out yet.


    Also, if we consider technological superiority, what about the genius level inventors in Israel? If they could build half the stuff Reed Richards or Dr Doom could make, numbers is not as much of an issue.

    Expect some nations to be ruled/overthrown by superhumans.


    Or, they could be elected in repeatedly, if a super is incredibly charismatic as a power.

  6. Re: A super school


    The problem with this separation. I want all the PCs in the same class. So if one wants to be a mutant and the other magical - they would not build a strong bond.


    If I remember Harry Potters, people in different houses still attended the same classes. Malfoy is in a lot of Harry's classes, especially in the early years. And in Britain, you pick your classes, so it doesn't matter which house you belong to, there are only a limited amount of teachers. So there could be members from all the houses in the same Meta-human Martial Defense class, or even Temporal Physics class.


    Some schools make the houses a big deal, cause that's where you spend a lot of your time, but rarely are you not allowed to visit each other's houses before curfew begins.


    This might count as thread necromancy.

  7. Re: Experiment-Comic collision


    Batman (bronze age)

    Bruce Wayne cleared up the streets of Gotham, by taking the name of Batman and associating it with fear instead of comedy.

    In his early years, he managed to avoid the limelight, acting as an urban myth. People even began to think there were multiple batmen, working in unison internationally. Crime rates began to fall, as people feared batman was watching them all the time.


    Batman adopted a young boy named Jason Todd, whose parents had been killed by loan sharks, when they couldn't pay them back. Batman had just managed to save Jason, who was clearly traumatised. He was only 10 at the time.


    At first Bruce wanted to keep him out of the crime fighting lifestyle, but when Jason began to start fights with kids who didn't go to his new private school, Bruce started teaching him discipline and self defence.


    When Batman discovered Jason, having taken the name Red Robin, was fighting gangs and criminals (age 12), Bruce extended his training to all areas of vigilanteism, including detective work and stealth. The training was harsh, and Bruce wasn't an easy taskmaster (it wasn't how he was trained in the league of shadows) but Jason never showed the true toll on his psyche the training was having on him.


    Batman was not ready for the sudden wave of meta-humans in Gotham. These were not normal criminals, and Batman would often have to improvise on the spot ways to deal with these wannabe criminal depots. But he managed, but it became more obvious he was only one man to the public. More often than not he would be seen tiring, and the mystery of Batman began to disintegrate.


    And with the rise of meta-human crime distracting Batman, normal crime doubled.

    The final moment came, when Bruce was almost 50, a new challenger arrived. His name was Bane, born into a mexican prison to serve his father's term, he had also been trained by the League of Shadows.


    He pushed Bruce to the brink, even releasing the inmates of Arkham Asylum on Gotham. This released the likes of Jack White (the self proclaimed Clown Prince of Crime), The Two-Faced Goblin and more. Finally, tracking Bruce to the Batcave, Bane proceeded to snap his spine, and then blew up the batcave.


    Jason had been away that night, but came back to find the batcave and Wayne Manor (which it was under) destroyed. He found the corpse of his beloved mentor, and screamed to the skies in fury.


    He was no longer Jason Todd. He was no longer Red Robin. He was Batman.


    He has his revenge on Bane. He had his revenge on Falcone. He had his revenge against the street punks who weren't smart enough to not jack a car in Gotham. And the man who called himself the Joker...well, "whose laughing now?"


    Iron Age- Jason Wayne

    Batman discovered Jack Drake had let a criminal go in exchange for information to go after Falcone. He also discovered Mr Drake's son Tim had impressive detective skills, helped by his girlfriend Stephanie Brown. Jack died in an explosion while Tim was on a field trip.


    Jason adopted Tim and convincing him Falcone's men had killed his father, and trained him to be a vigilante. However his methods were far more brutal than Bruce's (think All Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder by Frank Millar for Jason), and often Tim would starve if he got the slightest thing wrong.


    Besides training, Tim more or less spent all his time working with Stephanie to take down Falcone's organisation. However the two discovered some odd details; such as the method of Jack Drake's murder. The assaultant had to be expertly trained to sneak in, break the spine with a simple punch, and then have enough military grade explosives to torch the place.


    Soon after this discovery, Tim spoke to Jason about this, but Jason stated "you can't trust criminals. It's in her blood to mislead. Remember who her father was. Batmen never works with criminals, we stand above them. Never compromise, never surrender."


    That night on an impulse Tim went to meet Stephanie, but he saw her house was broken into. He found her and her father shot in the head, with numerous concussion marks across their bodies. It was clear the weapon was a nearby broken table. It looked like a mob hit. Except for the door...


    The door was on the inside, so it looked like it was kicked in. But the door was equally damaged on both sides of the door. Someone was already in the house, before they kicked the door down, and then kicked it again to make it seem like a break in.


    Only one man could have ambushed the Clue Fixer (Cluemaster mixed with The Fixer)..."Batman." Tim said with hatred.


    When he went after Jason, Tim was Red Hood, wearing a stolen motor cycle helmet and jacket. He found Jason waiting for him at an old chemical plant, where the two had their first mission, stopping a shipment of Ven-Oz which Bane had funded. Jason stood wearing the suit he wore in his secret identity as Jason Wayne, playboy extranordinaire. He looked at Tim with a smirk.


    "You think you know what it means to be batman? Batman is a symbol of fear, Batman is the nightmare that haunts criminals. Batman is what keeps people safe from themselves. Batman can never be defeated. So this battle is not a fight between Batman and an intruder. It is between two men, and only one will be strong enough to not only wear the mantle, but be the cowl." He adopted a fighting form and stated,


    "You have no limitations left. No one to hold you back or corrupt you. You can be Justice Incarnate. Be Batman! Or fall like a mortal." The two men fought hard, no gadgets or suits, just skill and wit.


    When Jason seemed to have the upper hand, Tim threw his torn off helmet and broke a chain causing the platform Jason stood on to break, and the mentor nearly fell to his death, before Tim grabbed his wrist. The man who was Batman looked up confused.


    "You forgot the one limitation. My one rule." Jason stared at Tim with surprise, then fury, before he started laughing. "Well, then to stop me, that's the one you will have to break! HAHAHA!" With a series of pinches, Jason caused Tim's hand to go numb and release him. Tim's last sight was his suited mentor falling into a chemical vat, roaring with glee.


    There was a new Batman now. And a new threat. Gotham is divided in fear, of both Justice and Chaos...


    Next time:


    What kind of story will Booster Gold and Iron Man share? And who would win in a fight between Thor and Black Adam? Find out next time, on DC and Marvel Amalgamation!

  8. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights


    Or what of supers who were already there? Did they get a boost, alteration, weakening, or no effect at all?


    La Rose.


    It has no affect on those with DNA alterations. It only affected base line humans. Also it didn't linger in the air, so anyone in powered armor would have missed his chance. Basically Meta-humans (very few) and aliens (which there are none [or so I here]) in the country were unaffected.

  9. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights


    Point of clarification:


    EVERY individual within range of the effect began to manifest superpowers, without exception?


    And immigrants who do not already have powers, remain normal?


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary wonders what effect it had on non-Human animals


    It has no effects on animals (but those with powers might be able to give animals' powers ala B'wana Beast).


    Concerning immigrants, this land is very bad. Car bombs and bombing, most foreign businesses have removed their companies. Most visitors are either reporters or charity workers. However the generals are very violent, and most charites are discouraged/intimidated into not coming. You can count the number of foreign aid workers on one hand. Similar to reporters.


    Also when the DNA activator was released, some of the more confused and frightened citizens of the nations took their 'revenge' on the foreigners, who were there by choice. Most died, usually by accidents involving powers (not just the immigrants, a lot of people died by accidental use of powers) or the generals who systematically targeted reporters and foreigners, either for racially motivated reasons or because they didn't want the outside world from finding out about the extent of their power.


    About 3 foreigners had escaped by the third day, 2 French aid workers (one can turn into a Griffin now and carried the other away) and an American who literally tunneled to China. He is being held there on fears of espionage, but public support and international pressure for his release probably means they won't execute him. Probably. And the French workers are considering joining the French super team, after one finishes writing his tell-all book about the experience.


    After Red Jaguar took over, there were only two immigrants left in the country, both female British charity workers. 1 who seemed to be able to see ghosts had become mad, while the other gained the power to summon a lightning bolt from the sky, and strike a target. This takes time, and she is a sworn pacifist. However while the medium has been sent back home (Red Jaguar insisted) the lighting summoner has actually stayed in the country. She believes more good can be done, and that Red Jaguar (who helped protect her and her friend in the early days) it the best one to lead the country. She is proclaimed an official member of the new nation.

  10. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights


    He said they were making war drones equal to Iron man in addition to the super powered inhabitants' date=' They had 500 and would soon have 5000, ( Where the heck are they getting those resources and tech something is really not right)[/quote']


    I said, in the part regarding schools and machinery that they had matter manipulators, as well as possibly cyberkinetics. If you ever read Watchmen, Dr Manhattan mentioned he created enough (I think it was Lithium) that electric cars could be financially feasible. With careful management by super genius', telekinetics, Clairvoyant supers save time on running simulations (stop building that, it's going to cause an explosion) some duplicating metas and those with limitless stamina, it's feasible.


    Also, one of the super genius' have the genetic data of a super alien computer (ala Brainiac). It's likely stored in that is the information on how to build weapons.


    Of course just because it's feasible doesn't mean they are doing it by themselves. They might be getting help. You don't know.


    Snow Leopard: Are you out of your [expletive' date= deleted] mind? No [expletive, deleted] way!


    Cheeta: Um, what she said. My codename's more symbolic, I'm just a jock speedster, but that might be enough to let in that mind control over cats.




    All: Are you out of your [expletive, deleted] mind?


    Who are the characters swearing at? The government who wants them to go to the meeting, or just life in general?


    Also, I think cheetah is safe, unless his DNA is partially feline (due to powers being from a drug which is extract of super cat etc), he is immune to mind control. Unless he is turned of course.

  11. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights


    My players want to know if they can bring guests.


    Anyway the situation has gone way beyond diplomancy. Your senario is potentially worse than anything I've ever done in their opinion. No halfway messures.

    Do you mean that in a good way (Oh dear god, we have hit Defcon 1!) or a bad way (This is a terrible scenario, you suck as a GM, I am going to go play Starcraft)?


    The Red Jaguar said all are welcome, and if you bring any guests he is very surprised, but a seperate room is made for them. They can watch the meeting, but he will not address them directly, preferring to talk to your characters, trying to find out more about your ideas, and the biochemist who caused all this.


    The others would not attend but rather head up a strike team to destroy the remotes possibly inserting Glitch Girl to do it. There might be other cyberkinetics but none have her experience and training. depending on the exact local other favor would be called in. Tme to go all out!


    They would show the World's greatest hero the pictures of the remotes if possible to get him on board or at least his kids. hell the whole Protectors should know. These guys need to go down hard NOW!!! ( Their words)


    Remember, you only find the envelope, after you come to the hotel. If you refuse to come to the nation, you won't find the envelope. However your team mates who do go might inform you somehow.


    Volt - he would go- and talk to the guy.Try to sound him out. Would ask him if he considered payment for the destroyed nuclear plant. He'd point out it was legal at the time and they could have been asked to leave or shut it down. He'd also ask if he ever considered what the people in the county to be reunited would want.


    And then repsond accordingly. He'd use the pill if reponses were poor.

    Red Jaguar nods at this, before saying, "I am only following the example set by the US. Have you ever heard of the Suez Canal? The Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalised the canal in 1956, despite it being built and owned by the British and French. The European nations retaliated, but they were forced to back down, despite it being their property. Do you know who told them to do this?" He leans towards you and you sense he is smiling under his mask.


    "The United States. And this is a similar event, except we don't want our nation polluted by the US' dirty by products. So the US should be on our side, or be deemed hypocrites. It is not legal for them to profit from a war torn country."


    "Regarding the other nations, of course they want to be part of our world. Who wouldn't want to be connected and cared for by a nation with the ability to change the world for the better, where we are not intimidated by finances and greed of other nations. Where all can contribute to society."


    Olorin - Best person to send. Could bring in others to help if needed-and this is known by very few. He could, in effect, do a spell to find the truth about this guy - and the guy would not know it unless Menton level. He'd act accordingly and use the pill if needed. If he had time, he'd find out the truth about the pill. He'd love to duplicate it, but that would be unlikely.


    When you enter the room, you see the person with the White Jaguar is Firstborn, the child telepath. As you try to read his mind, you are overwhelmed by a flood of psionic energy. It takes almost all your power to maintain a tough enough shield to keep it out. You have discovered 3 things:


    1. Firstborn's sheer mental strength is unlike anything you have ever experienced. His power rivals Charles Xavier when he uses Cerebro.


    2. He has no idea how to use it. All he is doing is reading minds. He could be so much more powerful, control minds or even telekinesis. However he doesn't know how to turn off or reduce the strength of his telepathy to focus on other pursuits.


    3. His power is still growing.


    If you try and read Red Jaguar's mind, you leave yourself open to Firstborn getting past your mind shields and learning everything you know.


    Futurian - "Oh' date=' this is going to be fun. If he trys to change me, my nanites should stop that. I hope he's surrounded by tech when I talk to him, he could be in for a suprise." He'd actually take it seriously. However, he's no diplomat. Unless, the guy was a true hero, which I doubt, ther will be a fight. No tech and Futurian is doomed. Lots of high tech, and Futurian will probably win. In any case, any machines Futurian gets near will not work according to original specs. - Use your imagination - and Futurian can be quite a goofball.[/quote']


    The room is composed entirely of manipulated quartz and ruby formations, as well as ornate furniture. Your in trouble.


    However, Red Jaguar is adorned completely in his costume. No bare skin is visible, and you believe bare skin is required to activate his transformation power. Also no matter how you antagonize him, he doesn't attack, and even stops his more violent guards from acting against you if you insult him.

  12. Re: Super powered Nation-The Lightning strikes


    Ok.' date=' I talked to my group and showed them your post. We may be misreading you but it seems to use that the biochenmist had already sent it before confronted by the World's greatest hero so holding himself responsible is crazy and the Un guys were really quick to arrest him and kill the scientist.[/quote']

    Actually it was on a timer. It released while the biochemist was talking, and the world's greatest hero was mulling it over. And the reason the soldiers shot hi is because he made off as if to run, and after a battle with some mercenaries, the soldiers were quick to open fire.


    So my group thinks that the UN unit that arrested him is dirty and involved in the whole thing.They see no other explanation for how they're acting The also think some sort of mind control is probably involved because our hero is going along with the nonsense. Our version would not be doing anything but trying to solve the problem and he has too much public and high up support to be railroaded. They feel without a doubt The UN guys are definately dirty. Absolutely No doubt in thier minds. So look into them' date=' they probably have a failsafe just in case. Also look who in the nation has had their pockets secretly lined by theses guys. look also for surprize details like the powers are temporary unless given a pre exposure treatment or some such. Could be the creation of a secret rogue UN unit super army.[/quote']


    Sounds interresting. A good theory. Maybe they were VIPER infiltrated?


    Also check how events occurred in Part 4.

  13. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights


    Oh, my comment was not so much on the man calling himself such, but it would seem to me that it would play out in the media like that. This man was able to create a super's formula that could transform a whole nation. It wouldn't take long for him to start gaining various kinds of nick-names, that included. : ) I was just curious how the Teleois analogy would react. : )


    Well what can he do? The biochemist is dead. What, Telios is gonna clone the bio-chemist, just to turn him into an actual DNA bomb, and release him over the whole of Africa, with some horrific mutations occuring? Who would do that?


    Wait... :0


    That's just a theory. He hasn't acted though.

  14. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights



    Also, it isn't so much that I think that the governments sending negotiators is a good idea, but that sending a group of supers is a bad idea. Two or three: okay. Anything more than that, and you are risking the safety of your own nation because they can be too easily transformed (obviously no one with intimate knowledge of a nation's defense strategies or other supers should be allowed to go).

    The government isn't sending you. You were invited by the Red Jaguar. Every super hero on the ship was invited. The government only encouraged you specifically to go, and find out about RJ. (maybe the other PCs, but they probably ignored the other NPCs. To your knowledge)

    Lastly, what are the campaign world's villains doing? Namely the Menton and Dr. D analogies? Surely they aren't just sitting by and doing nothing. And of course Teleios can just be sitting idly by while someone develops a name for themselves as being the world's greatest geneticist.


    La Rose.


    Who is calling himself the world's greatest geneticist? The biochemist is dead. He never said he was the best, he wanted to help his people. And when have the PCs ever known what those guys were upto? You still don't know who the pill is from. It could have been from anyone. Even one of them.


    They haven't acted openly though. They have been very quiet. Too quiet...

  15. Re: Super Powered nation: 40 Days and 40 nights


    The Rose would likely go even without strong pushes from the various governments that he could be prodded by. BUT he would be damn sure to talk to some brainiacs about getting a No-Longer-A-Cat-Man medicine and find a way to inject it real damn quick! Likewise, although he would really like to have other super's there to assist, it is probably the last thing the world needs. If White Leapord can make two mega-supers cat-men and control them, what is to say he couldn't do it with the visiting supers? And if that is so, then there is very little good that would come from having a bunch of them in one place for WL to transform. He would also be strongly questioning the government's competency if they seemed to think sending a bunch of supers in like that was a good thing.


    Secondly, this seems like a time to get ahold of Teleios! : )


    Spoiler related -


    If I had someone with me that could confirm it would change WL into a norm, my question would be if it would transform his captives into norms and how long of an effect it would have? Could it stop him from transforming them back? Also, what happened to Red Jaguar? Isn't he the one controlling everyone, including white leapord? That would seem to be the person to really tag down. It may be that the best solution is to untransform the two villains and let the three of them go at it until they are all almost beat, and then take in the remaining ones to be tried later.


    La Rose.


    I mixed White Leopard with Red Jaguar. White Leopard was the guy's original name, I forgot to change it to Red Jaguar. I have edited it. They are the same person.


    also the pill is only enough to remove one person's super powers. If it turned Red Jaguar into a norm, the captives don't become mortal. They turn into their super powered forms. Also the pill seems to be permanent.


    The reason the government is sending you is because a diplomat couldn't defend himself if he turned violent. Also supers are the most likely ones to stop a meglomaniac. Also since you have powers, your more likely to be able to talk to him, then a mortal who he would look down on.

  16. (See part one, two and three below:

    part one here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/81026-A-Super-powered-Nation

    And Part two here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/81369-Super-powered-Nation-The-Gathering-storm

    And Part Three here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/83235-Super-powered-Nation-The-Lightning-strikes)


    40 days ago a biochemist released a DNA activator over a war torn nation in Africa, shortly before his death. Because of the activator everyone in the nation gained super human powers. The following has occurred over the last 40 days, as the United Nations have scrutinized the country.


    Day one: As people react in fear over their powers, there is violence everywhere, as people believe they have been cursed. Those with speedster powers such as teleportation begin to discover they can leave their country, and in the violence attempt to do so.


    Day Three: All the ones with flight, teleportation, super speed etc have escaped the country, taking as many of their family as they can. In the mean time the previous two generals have gained powers of their own. Omajadsin, has gained strength and a scaly hide similar to Grond in durability. He also grew to 8 feet and a pair of wings sprouted from his back. He called himself the Dragon, and while retaining more intelligence then Grond, he became more savage than before, eating civilians.


    The other General, Modave gained the power to manipulate light, to make solid constructs out of light (similar to Green Lantern, but no ring needed). He creates fortresses of lights and moving platforms, where he battles the opposing general. The entire country is a war zone, but the UN stays out, because Modave (now calling himself Lightbringer) has created force fields around the nation, preventing anyone from entering or leaving the country.


    Day 7: After frantic battles, satellite imagery and cameras focussed on the nation stop working. It appears some metahuman with technological powers or the ability to manipulate radio and television waves, has managed to halt it all. The media black out has the world terrified. For the next 10 days, the public is unaware of what occurs in the super powered nation.


    Day 17: The black out ends, and a new breakthrough has occurred. A new leader has appeared, calling himself the Red Jaguar, has control over a third of the nation. The Red Jaguar, underneath his costume which is a mix of superhero –like spandex and African Witchdoctor robes, appears to have enhanced physical abilities (about equal to Warpath) along with the ability to control all feline creatures, including feline based meta-humans. This can be determined by the fact he has a personal guard of enhanced beings, all with cat like bodies. He also has gathered a majority of the people to his banner; those who can escape the other two generals have flocked to him. The other two generals however seem focussed on destroying each other, rather than this new comer.


    Day 20: The Red Jaguar has assaulted the home base of The Dragon, and has done an amazing feat. He has transformed the super powered tyrant into a catlike meta-human under his control. All the area the Dragon controlled now belongs to The Red Jaguar, and almost all his followers now support Red Jaguar. Additionally Lightbringer has now focussed all his power to create a stronghold that floats in the sky, for his own protection.Day 22: The Light Fortress was brought down, by a combination of the overwhelming power of The Red Jaguar’s supporters, and the combined genius of Red Jaguar's advisors. All three of the advisors have super intelligence to some degree: Newborn, a 12 year old whose telepathy is so strong he can use the knowledge of every human in the country, as well as remember everything he’s seen. One-Mind, an old peddler whose central nervous system has now become his entire brain, allowing him greater knowledge but also causes immense pain if he touches anything (Think Ultimate Iron Man). And finally Cognitive the old advisor to the Dragon, his body has become bio-mechanical. His entire DNA contains advanced alien intelligence and his mind works as a super computer (his powers come from a scrap of a Brainiac like being). He has become more emotionally distant, and speaks like a machine, but he helped organise the machines that drained the energy from the force constructions, that led the Light Bringer becoming a cat being prisoner.


    Red Jaguar is hailed as leader of the new nation, and he promises to make it strong again. As a gesture of good will, he returns all the journalists who came to the country after the blast but were trapped by the forcefield.


    Day 23-38: The nation is revitalised, and with the advice of the super intelligent beings the nation quickly becomes a wonder of the world. Plant controllers and weather manipulators revitalise agriculture, while those who can manipulate earth and metal begin to rebuild destroyed residences from the wars. They are designed with brand new materials that super powers have converted from what was around; diamond, quartz, granite and marble. Under the administration of Newborn, universities and schools are built, and robots are designed for the first class, to act as the perfect teachers. Machine controllers and matter manipulators, under Cognitive, revolutionalise industry, allowing the factories to rival China and Germany. And One-Mind assists Red Jaguar with administration and the beginning plans for a future government.


    Red Jaguar speaks to the world, stating how he wants [insert nation name here] to become a great power, and be part of the world stage. He says all are welcome to come to the nation, and he cannot wait to be part of the UN Security Council (he was never invited) and help the world be great. He also asks for all the speedsters who escaped the nation that they are free to return. “Your home is safe for you, we need you to help rebuild it.” Regarding the transformed generals he states, “When we have developed a way to contain them, so they can be tried and punished fittingly, they will resume their true form and receive judgement. Until then, they will remain like so.”


    Red Jaguar also says, “We will make our country as great as it used to be. All past mistakes will be undone.” There is confusion as to what he meant, until the 39th day.


    Day 39: A nuclear facility owned by the US on land in the nation, is attacked by 3 meta-humans. A being who can turn himself and others desolid, a woman with super senses, and a man who can absorb radiaton, assault the nuclear facility, and drain the reactor core of all its energy. They then proceed to destroy the facility. The people were from the super powered nation.


    Red Jaguar responds that the land was sold by the previous ruler, “who did not speak for the people of our nation. That land is ours, and we will not have your radiation polluting it.” Additionally, it appears flying superhumans were spotted by a neighbouring countries’ militaries on its’ boarders. The country used to be part of that nation, but gained independence 60 years ago. “All our brothers shall be home again. There will be no false division.” The Red Jaguar asks to speak with world leaders, to iron out their issues and come to an agreement. The problem is no world leader wants to be in a room with a man who can turn them into catmen and then control their minds.


    Day 40: Your character, which was on the ship when the DNA activator was released, is asked to attend a meeting with the Red Jaguar. You and the other super heroes who were on the ship (which will probably include the other PCs) will all be treated like honoured guests in the brand new hotel palace, made for this occasion. Besides getting various presents, you will be able to converse freely with the Red Jaguar, something no one outside the nation has been able to do. Your government is putting a lot of pressure on you to go, you are a superhero and more likely to be able to deal with ‘their kind’. Also you are the best chance to find out what the Red Jaguar’s full intentions are. If your Government sponsored, it’s very unlikely they will let you refuse this offer.


    The world’s greatest hero, throughout this whole ordeal has spent his time assisting those who escaped the super powered nation, helping them adjust to their new home, as well as offering financial and legal support to allow them to seek asylum. He also tries to train them in their powers, and a few join the reserve team of the world’s greatest hero’s team. Other nations, such as Italy and Singapore, welcome these refugee meta-humans and try to get them to join their national super teams (which are short in members) in exchange for citizenship and support for their families. Almost none are forced to turn to crime, and most that do are quickly put on the right path by the world’s greatest hero. The hero cannot attend the meeting with the Red Jaguar.


    How would your character react to the invitation?


    What would your character say to the Red Jaguar, or ask him?


    And how much room service will you order, since your government is footing the bill, and matter creators can make literally anything?


    Read the spoiler, and then write how that might change the above answers.



    In the hotel room the night before you meet the Red Jaguar, you find an envelope containing pictures, a letter, and a clear pill the size of a penny. The Letter reads:


    Red Jaguar has gotten too out of control. He plans to assault neighbouring nations, claiming to unite his countrymen. However Red Jaguar believes in Pangaea, where all continents used to be connected. Thus he thinks the entire world should be united, and plans to spread his forces across the whole world. No one nation can handle the power he brings, especially if he succeeds in what he is building. The pictures show that he is developing remote controlled war machines as he doesn’t want to sacrifice his people. Each War machine is the size of a fighter jet and as powerful as [insert powered armour superhero from your campaign. Think Iron Man level]. In 2 days he will have completed 500 of them. In a week he will have 5000.


    What you must do, is take the pill in the envelope, and get him to take; it is soluble and is invisible in liquid. The pill will remove his powers, it is designed to work for those affected by the power activator. Additionally, he will be unable to maintain the Dragon and Lightbringer in their cat forms, allowing them to be free of his control. They will destroy him, and the war machines he is working on, and prevent the country from becoming a threat to the world.


    For the freedom of the world, please act.


    You don’t know who sent this, and you are the only one to get the envelope. The photos are genuine, but you can’t detect where the war machines are being built. Additionally if you have advanced chemistry skills, or someone you tell does, he will verify the pill isn’t fatal and will do as told.


    What would your Character do? Use the pill, to protect the world? Tell Red Jaguar what is going on? Get better locks for your hotel room door?


    And who does your character think sent it? Your government’s intelligence? VIPER/HYDRA/KOBRA acting in self interest? A traitor in the midst of Red Jaguar’s circle of trust? The hot barkeeper who gives you complimentary drinks...wait hold on. It’s not the barkeeper.



  17. Re: Super powered Nation-The Gathering storm


    Thread necromancy! Also here are my characters' responses:


    Kumudo: (super strong guerrila fighter, ex-member of the Black Panther movement) "whoa! How did you find me? And oh S*** what happened to you man? Those are some mean side effects." He glances around at the heroes and anti-villains and nods his approval. "Personally I don't think we need more firepower. If you could pick which powers are gained, you could give some of the struggling people in your country the power to heal the sick, or grow crops. I think we ourselves, along with your teleportaion is physical strength enough. What we need is to inspire the people and give them the firm ground to grow as a nation. Us killing those generals will help towards that." He looks at the volunteers. " Can you bleeding hearts keep up with that?"


    Zero Core (paranormal investigator with Alex Mercer's powers): Zero Core acknowledges the biochemist with a nod, before speaking. "I am glad you didn't go through with your plan. I am also sorry your escape route was so...taxing. I however am not the best person to vet the process. I am not a good judge of character nor a telepath. However I am willing to be a part of this group. We can do good. Also if you worked with any other member of my team, Dorian would be manipulating the group and your serum for his own end."


    Harry Noel (from a Wild Card campaign, has a symbiote who is a joker and gives him his power) "I am sorry but I can't help you. I am the wrong guy for this job, I am only a history graduate, and I won't be a part of a plot to de-stabilise a country." He would then realise he was probably trapped in this dimension, and more importantly if he gave powers to a secret psychopath there would be trouble. His limited telepathy would stop that. At least until he could call for aid. "And by that I mean I won't fight. However, I am willing to telepathically veto anyone you want to give powers." And maybe get a distress call out somehow.

  18. Re: A Super powered Nation


    Thread necromancy! Also, I forgot to say how my characters would react.


    Kumudo( a super strong ex-member of a neo-black panther movement): "This is incredible. Your right, our people need the power to defend themselves. How much time do you need? I will hold the rest off. You might want to find a way off though. Do you have an escape pod? I'm bulletproof but I don't think you are."


    Zero Core (a cross between Wraith(marvel) Alex mercer (prototype) and Nero (Devil May Cry 4):

    "If the war with the D'morrans was still on, I agree we would need the power. But we already have a super powered nation in Antartica, and they have nearly destroyed the world repeatedly. Not by their own hand but the fear of other nations. The world is on the brink, and we can not have such a volotile situation. If you were to give a limited number, that would be fine, and most likely more effective. There is too much danger in your plan." He moved to the machine and begins typing. "Go away. I will say I didn't find you. If you have a way off this fortress use it." He then begins to download all the information to a CD. It might prove useful.


    Harry Noel (from a Wild Card campaign, his powers come from a symbiote joker aka Venom, who used to be his best friend) "this is a terrible idea. I got my powers from a similar event. Thousands died, some by my own hands. It was horrific...this power should never be forced on people, and I would hate if one of the generals got more power to oppress their people. If you could limit it that only a few good volunteers..." He sighs before calling his officer, saying he has the biochemist and now needs people to make sure the activator doesn't drop.

  19. Re: Super powered Nation-The Lightning strikes


    I agree with Balabanto with this.


    Also the arresting the world's greatest wouldn't fly with any of my players. feels like if you shouldn't try to be a hero becuase if you ever fail you get arrested. It would distract from the other probelm as the wrongheaded Govt types were dealt with and the Hero freed. I my campaign the above character is really really liked by the PCs and the would take his judgement in a microsecond over the Govt. neutralizing him for this "mistake "is idiotic. What kind of totertalian regime is this? The Law enforcement guys need to be arrested first! If he blamed himself that's another issue


    The reason why the UN is acting this way is a combination of fear and misinformation. They don't know why the greatest hero allowed a whole war torn nation to become super powered. Was it to gain a following of his own to take over the world? Did he want to see chaos? Perhaps he has loyalty problems? The UN/SHIELD are assuming the worst and are already trying to think of ways to contain/stop the hero, if he did somehow organize this.


    Secondly, the greatest hero is not saying a word to defend himself, because he feels too guilty. Anyone who has telepathy or even looks into his eyes knows he is incredibly heart broken that he lost concentration for a moment. His lack of concentration, focussed on the DNA activator having been dropped without him noticing, allowed the biochemist to be shot.


    In the hero's opinion, in his grief, he thinks the UN aren't furious enough at him. He won't say anything until he is satisfied with the punishment. Someone would need to speak on his behalf.

  20. Re: Super powered Nation-The Lightning strikes


    Couple of ways to slice your question about the world's greatest hero.


    First does he have an official duty or responsibility to intervene. This is a central issue when it comes to voluntary super heroism. When he fails to act can he be held accountable.

    In this WWYCD, you substitute the world's greatest hero from your campaign. Whether he is like Captain America or Superman, depends on your campaign. The default for this setting (if your campaign doesn't have one) is a super powered hero who volunteered to join the UN team. He was supposed to be acting under the orders of the UN for this mission, but usually is freelance.

    It seems in this scenario he made a judgement call. Some will not agree with that but can they persecute him because they disagree.

    Actually, he hesitated. He didn’t make a judgement call, he was trying to consider the best option.

    I could envision a scenario where the World's Greatest Superhero is granted asylum in this new super human nation.


    Was there any direct harm? Who has jurisdiction in this matter? What would the public outcry be like over the World's Greatest Hero being persecuted over such a nebulous action/inaction?


    Well, it’s only been a minute since the DNA was released. It is unknown what the full effects will be. The UN/SHIELD/UNTIL want to make a judgement quickly. The public at large don’t know what has occurring, and the people in the third world nation is also completely unaware of why they suddenly got powers.


    Great scenario...keep the questions and ideas coming.


    LA Singletary

    Thanks. I have a part 4 planned . Until then, see part 1 and 2, and write your responses to those.

  21. Re: Super powered Nation-The Lightning strikes


    Alright, what about the world's greatest super hero? They are considering him responsible for letting this happen, especially since they can't punish the scientist (who's dead). Right now they are torn between strapping him to a kryptonite toped nuke aimed at the moon, or a life time sentence in the Negative zone.


    What do you say should be done about the world's greatest hero?

  22. (This is part three of a WWYCD story, see part one here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/81026-A-Super-powered-Nation

    And Part two here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/81369-Super-powered-Nation-The-Gathering-storm)

    This is an alternate timeline to the other WWYCD. Here’s what happens:


    A rogue biochemist that worked for the PC's home government, stole a flying fortress from a less then well known weather super villain. He collected the DNA from several hundred registered super humans and arrested super villains, and used it to form a special DNA bomb. He had also hired several mercenaries to protect him while he prepared the weapon.


    The UN/appropriate forces for your campaign (i.e. SHIELD, UNTIL etc) along with several superheroes assaulted the slow moving fortress, and took down the mercenaries. But just as the world’s greatest hero (not your character, the equivalent of Superman) reached the biochemist, he explained to them that it wasn’t a bomb. It was a superpower activator. The device would give the people of his region, super powers, to fight the corrupt generals who were ruining his country (See part 1 for a full explanation).


    As the hero considered what action to take, the biochemist said, “Well, it doesn’t matter what you think anyway. I have already released the activator.” The UN soldiers rush in at this point, and the biochemist makes as if to run, but is gunned down, with two shots in the head, and several in the back.


    Your hero is one of the few who was on the ship, and saw the activator reach the country, and the energy is clearly having an affect. Within seconds the whole country is affected by the energy, but aside from the rare visible mutation, it’s hard to see what powers the people actually have.


    The UN soldiers grab the world’s greatest hero, stating they are arresting him for causing this international incident. They bring up a screen communication with the UN/UNTIL/SHIELD heads who are worried about what to do about the situation.


    They aren’t sure what to do about the nation, what to do about the world’s greatest hero (who should have stopped it, but just practically gave a war torn nation the equivalent of an atom bomb) and don’t know anything about the activator.


    Some are discussing nuking the country, others say a large forcefield quarantine/move the whole country into the negative zone, and others want to conscript the super powered people into an international army. The biochemist is definitely dead, and if someone could converse with his spirit, he’s silent as the grave, so he won’t say whether there is an antidote or not.


    The council turns to the heroes, and asks their opinion (right now they are that desperate).


    So now it’s up to your character. A whole third world nation now has super powers (about 100,000 people in total), and the powers include some of the most dangerous villains and heroes alive. But do you have the right to state (if it's possible) that the potential force for good should be stopped, out of fear of their powers?

    What does s/he/it advise the UN to do about the country?


    What does s/he/it advise them to do with the world’s greatest hero (who remains absolutely silent)?


    What will the hero do herself/himself/itself?


    EDIT: Part 4 is here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/83340-Super-Powered-nation-40-Days-and-40-nights

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