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Everything posted by Zaransis

  1. Hi... first of all, I'd like to say that I'm, (obviously) new to the forums, as this is my first post (so I apologize if this is in the wrong place). I'm also relatively new to Champions. I've played DnD/White Wolf stuff for awhile, so I'm kind of aware of what I'm doing. I'll be joining a game soon, but I have no idea what is considered a good stat # for an archetype. In DnD, I know a good dex for a starting monk to have is 16-20, but since I haven't played in a Champions game yet, I have no idea what is considered a good dex for a martial artist. By good, I mean a dex that is fitting for a martial artist that also doesn't really gimp me. Strength and Con #'s would be good too. The game is 300 pts, so that should give you an idea of what I'm working with. So far, my attempts have been futile. I tend aim my main stats too high, so I end up with far too few points left for powers and martial art styles. Thanks. And also, for those who play City of Heroes, I'm aiming this character to be close to a martial arts/super reflexes scrapper.
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