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  1. I am creating a martial arts character and am trying to figure out the best way to mechanically create two special attacks. The first would require the character to jump at the opponent and apply a choke hold around the neck using my legs. The desired effect is a higher damage NND choke (still doing only stun) that better utilizes the strength of the legs. (Characters str is 40). I considered creating a HTH power to accomplish the increased dmg but was uncertain what the disadvantages would be to facilitate the jump and the grab with legs. I also considered using the table in Ultimate Martial Arts (pg 91), and just taking regular choke and bumping the martial manuever cost as described there. The second move would be similar to a moonsaw in professional wrestling from the top rope. The idea being that the higher the leap is from, the more damage it does. I would imagine that there would be a disadvantage that requires the attacker take dmg pending the result of the attack. Any feedback or additional info would be appreciated. Thanks
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