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Stone Dog

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Posts posted by Stone Dog

  1. Re: VPP, Extra Capacity?


    The way Steve Long answered this question when I answered it was this, believe it or not:


    90 VPP; VPP can only take up to 45 Active Points (-1).


    Very cool.


    Shame that doesn't seem to work as elegantly when you start out with a 45 VPP and work your way up to a 90 VPP. It seems that the limitation increases when you plug more points into it. Is that right?


    I'll have to do the math later on and find out how that works.


    And thanks to Hyperman too for pointing out that Multipower slots already take into account those variations in real points.

  2. Re: VPP, Extra Capacity?


    AFAIK' date=' the most rules-correct way to do that would be to have, say, a 90 pt VPP with a limitation of '45 active points max per power' on the Control Cost.[/quote']


    But if I can't start out with that, is the limitation on the control cost (say it is -1/2) still appropriate if I start out with a 45 point VPP and keep putting points in until I get to 90?

  3. Re: VPP, Extra Capacity?


    I really do appreciate all this. I'm not exactly new to the system,but I'm just starting to delve into the mysteries of it to really make it dance a jig for me.





    So is it a variable sort of limitation? Look at it this way...


    The campaign in question started out with a 45 AP limit on powers. It still has this 45 AP limit and it doesn't look like it is going to change anytime soon.


    Now, I have myself a psychic VPP that I am pretty happy with, but only having 45 real points worth of nifty things at a time is something I'd like to increase.


    So what I want to do is start putting points into the VPP, but I only want to have those points go to capacity. Width, if you will, where width is the number of Real Points that can be used and Height is the Active Point cap.


    If I am understanding things right, the way to build it might be different than the way to develop it slowly through play.

  4. Re: VPP, Extra Capacity?


    Yeah' date=' what he said...VPP: 90, Limit no more than 60 pts active for any power...or what ever...[/quote']


    Yes, but I need to know things about the actual reasons behind giving it a -x/y limitation. These guys can be sticklers for details like that.

  5. Re: VPP, Extra Capacity?


    Hrm. I guess you are talking about this part?


    Limited Power A single power's maximum Active Points = 5x EGO of Wearer. Total real points usable is still = Base [150] (18 EGO = 90 max active points; -1/4


    So is this a kosher, by the rules limitation or a house rule? I need to know that to present my case to the GM.


    If it is a house rule, then how did you come by the numbers for that? I'm going to need all the help I can get, because these guys are pretty much traditionalists and they haven't bought into the idea quite yet.


    Would -1/4 still be a good limitation if the total real points usable was a flat number instead of an ego multiplier?

  6. Okay, the way that I understand it is that if you have a 60 point VPP, then you can have either one 60 Active Point power, or a number of powers with APs no greater than 60 and REAL points that total up to no greater than 60.


    Follow me?


    So what I am wondering is if there was some sort of discount or adder or something that I am missing to let you put more REAL points into your pool without changing the ACTIVE point cap.


    I guess the same question applies to Multipowers, but I don't have the book with me.

  7. Re: Iron Kingdoms-ish healing


    Why does a magical healing hurt?
    Not all of it does. There seem to be plenty of different types of alchemical potions and salves that don't deal with the issue.


    What's the reason behind it?
    The gods of the setting seem to have very strict opinions on how dependant on them humans should really be. Coming back from the dead is much harder in the setting (all the spells are bumped up to higher levels) and divine healing magic seems to suck so that people don't go running to the priests every time they break an arm or sprain an ankle. If you want divine healing, you better be sure that you really REALLY need it, because it is not going to be fun.


    What is the actual effect of the hurt?
    actually, I'm not sure. I'm just riffing on the basic idea without any conversion specifics in mind. There is a table though, I think.
  8. Re: Iron Kingdoms-ish healing


    This is exactly how I would do it...


    In fact I am going to log this away for future use.


    We had a good laugh about making it a transfer from REC to BOD, but then decided that we'd rather take the damage then have that happen.


    Which may be in theme, but is really rather nasty. We'll have to look at the books sometime in the near future.

  9. Re: Valdorian Resources


    Those resources would be very welcome, thank you both. :)


    Also I'm wondering if there are any issues of Digital Hero that have Valdorian specific resources in them? I can't seem to find a handy place to look that up.

  10. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters


    ok according to the 5th edition hero book when you reach negative your body stat your dead.


    Okay, let me try again.


    I'm interested in a FF style game where there is ZERO resurrection. NO bringing back the dead at all. Well, perhaps aside from coming back as an unnatural monstrosity on the side of evil, but that isn't really a PC option.


    So, these characters basically have three states. Normal is having Body left. This is the state where Cure spells and Potions work. KO is between 0 and Neg Body. This is the state where only Raise spells and Phoenix Downs can work and cure spells and potions fail to produce any effect. Then there is -Body where there is no power available to the PCs that will bring them back under player control.


    This is because I'm assuming that during the game, things like Aeris' death in a tabletop game are determined by dice and not fiat so I want actual mechanical effects that dictate when a Phoenix Down can and cannot save a person's life.


    What I'm wondering is, what would appropriate limitations for such healing be?

  11. Re: Iron Kingdoms-ish healing


    You don't want to go with

    4d6 Heal, Side Effect 4d6 no range EB?


    We went round and round with that today and it doesn't seem... elegant. Side effects don't seem to scale very well, they seem to be set effects.


    A transfer from Stun to Body seems to be what we are looking for. Healing that hurts like hell and leaves you drained, but scales with how much is healed. You'll never get a few body back, but a gigantic amount of Stun that way.

  12. In the Iron Kingdoms, healing magic hurts. I don't have the full rules with me right now, but Cure spells pretty much suck ass in some way, which is why alchemical healing is a better option for most people.


    I'm trying to think of a way for Healing as a power to only restore Body and to do something nasty on the side. Probably just to do Stun instead of healing it, which would make it rough going in combat, but I'm open to other options as well.


    Perhaps a linked STR drain as the spell eats up the target's vitality to power the magic?


    Or a side effect Transform to leave hideous scars?


    The main problem is that Side Effect doesn't seem to scale automatically. It is set up in chunks. If the Side Effect is equal to the AP of the Healing power, then eventually it can suddenly become more of a disad than it used to be.


    Any hints?

  13. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters


    When Aeris dies in FF7 that was a plot device' date=' for the story.[/quote']


    For the sake of thinking about the mechanics though, lets assume it isn't a plot device. Lets say that something happened that made curing magic impossible and Aeris dying was just the way the dice fell.


    What would be the method for building curing magic that doesn't work when the target is below zero BODY, but not dead and an item/spell that only works when the character is in that in between state?

  14. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters


    Healing potions do not bring back the dead only pheonix downs do.

    But do they? PCs don't seem to die, they get "KO" status. Whenever somebody dies in the cut scenes, nobody goes rushing about for a phoenix down. Whenever somebody comes "back from the dead" it seems like it is a bad thing. Seymour for example. Otherwise Aeris would probably have only been down for a short while and made it to the last fight.


    So what I'm saying... is that actual capital D Death should be permanent, but maybe there should be a danger zone between "healthy and healable" and "dead and buriable" that the phoenix down can fix, but most white magic and potions can't. Say, between 0 and -BODY.

  15. Re: Making Dancing weapons?


    As an aside, a friend of mine once had the mad idea to build Mjolnir (Marvel's Thor) as a Vehicle. The way he did it was a lot of fun.


    Maybe a dancing sword that happened to be fully sentient could be built as a type of Follower.

  16. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters


    I know I'm really new around here and everything, but I just am pondering something. I admit that I might have missed something when I was looking over the 80+ posts, but please bear with me. :)


    In FF it seems that when people die, they actually DIE. It is just the case that in game play, people don't actually die that often. They get KOd.


    Maybe healing magic should have a limitation on it to prevent potions from working on somebody who has zero body? Justified by something like "At zero or negative body, the soul is no longer solidly connected with the body, preventing healing magic from performing at normal effeciency. At this point, a Pheonix Down is the only supernatural effect that will restore Body to the character."


    Just a thought. :)

  17. Re: Eberron Hero


    This is very cool stuff and I am enjoying reading it all.


    I would just add one thing for consideration, not as a critisism, just as a thought.


    My view of Adamantine is that is is NND(magic or adamantine). That is, it just slides through most defenses. Alternately it is the only naturally occuring thing in the world where things made out of it have special traits; armor made out of it is automatically hardened and weapons made out of it are automatically armor piercing. Either way, the warforged Adamantine Body trait wouldn't need the extra limitation regarding adamantine attacks as adamantine itself carries the countermeasures.


    Does that sound reasonable?

  18. I have just downloaded the Valdorian Age Player's Primer and I am wondering if there are any other free and legal resources for the game out there?


    I'm talking primarily about maps as in the ones that were provided for the Turkanian Age setting, but anything will do.


    I do see the thread for adventures converted for the VA and those are nifty, but do not need to be linked to again. ;)

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