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Posts posted by Crissa

  1. Hey, I noticed that in the books I have there are charts of pre-built weapons... But is there somewhere with those broken out to powers so I can see how they were built, and design my own steps of weapons for a campaign?


    Saber, Tonfa, brass knuckles, hand blades, and weapons made from various silly things like dragon's teeth, unicorn horn, etc are what I'm trying to make and I just seem to be unable to find some breakouts of weapons already.


    I know I probably even have it on my shelf. I tried the Hero Google, but the wording eludes me on this question. I don't have any of the equipment-only books 'cept Ultimate Vehicle.




    You know what would be awesome? Google for the printed materials. Instead of URLs, it gives you page numbers and columns...

  2. Re: Healing Flash or transform damage


    I didn't want to pipe in, as that was what was going through my head. Generally you don't want to have the repair ability cost the same resources as the attack... That leaves you with healers which are unable to really do anything but waste actions in combat.


    I was wondering, healing flash damage is listed as the same level ability as simplified healing... As if you had to buy it specifically as Healing: Flash Damage 10/phase healed. That's both nonrandom (unlike other abilities) and it's double the cost of Flash. That led me to wonder if seeing it as a same level option was wrong, and healing flash damage was supposed to be a side effect of healing.



  3. I'm looking at ten variants of the same power (Healing again, actually, to heal each stat)


    (x = base cost)

    Ten powers at x would cost 10x;

    A Multipower with ten slots costs x + 10(x/10) or 2x;

    A single power with a +2 Advantage costs x + (2/1)x or 3x;

    And an Control framework for the same would be x/2 + 10(x - x/2) or 5.5x.





  4. Under Healing in FRED, it says that healing can undo status effects or Transforms or flash damage... But there's no suggestions of how to price this at all. I used the search tool and found... Cleric/Wizard spells which was interesting, but didn't have any base cost, so I couldn't figure out the math.


    I've seen Simplified Healing in the software, but I don't have the software, so I don't know what it costs.


    What do you suppose you'd price at.


    • Cannot Heal Self (that unicorn again)
    • Only for Flash Damage (Cure blindness)
    • Only for Transform Damage (Dispel Magic?)
    • Only to count for healing Disabled, must take Can Heal Limbs.


    Anyone have any links or comparisons? Very helpful so far ^-^



  5. Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


    It's a cartoon thing. I probably shouldn't have mentioned touch.


    For a permitted (nonattack) version, about buying a VPP with the 'usable by others' mod with the SFX 'Only for granting their powers UBO' to borrow (mimic their movement powers?


    I'm still unclear on what sort of skill roll it is to match someone's dance steps, though it's a good point that you'd need to buy the same DCV to match their DCV.



  6. Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement


    They're not missing any senses, I just figured it'd be easier to have a power say 'you can do this' instead of rolling dice.


    You know, the old cartoon mirror trick, or something. The idea being it's a way to follow without actually leaving (or attacking) the partner. Maybe you could compare it to one of Spiderman's Venom (the suit's) attacks. They'd obviously not be able to move farther than their inches, or fly or teleport.


    I'd figured someone else would've thought it up and had an idea.


    I want this to:

    Move on their move (sorta automatically)

    Match their movements exactly

    No additional movements (until the power is deactivated)


    ...I thought the latter would be an SFX.



  7. Re: Potions


    Gesture (drink potion)


    Another thing from FRED would be


    Usable By Others (not at the same time) +1/4


    So you could make potions and hand them out to the party; it's a higher bonus (but cheaper than buying two potions) to have one you can drink yourself.



  8. How do you do a 'Limit Break' style power?


    I'd like to introduce powers that either happen based upon how much beating a target has taken - like a Final Fantasy style Limit Break, where a power gets to be used once some tally has been taken. Or powers that take multiple rounds to trigger, but don't take concentration.


    I've tried searching, but I don't know what keywords to use. In Mutants and Masterminds, this would be with Absorption, Boost, and Delayed...



  9. Re: Possession


    There were very few threads on the subject ^-^; Also, search engines tend to choose the earliest thread rather than the most recent.


    Your second thread seems to have the best solutions.


    But what about a character that can willingly lend their body as a defense or transport? Or retaining your powers (their powers) in such a situation?



  10. Re: Invisibility


    Wouldn't Invis to Touch just mean people couldn't find you by touching you; not confer any of the benefits of actually being desolid?


    So you'd be immune to many blind things. They just wouldn't know you were there via poking. But the locked door would still stop you...



  11. Re: Possession


    Well, I figured it'd be Mind Control... Because that's what your attempt is to do; to control the subject's actions.


    The other effect is to hide in the subject somehow. Desolid is one way - though that doesn't make you invisible in any way, and how would you price 'only for occupying the space a character already occupies?' Because that seems a serious discount as you're actually not really doing much you could with the normal price of desolid. Also, this doesn't make you untargetable by normal powers, even.


    If you're using mindscapes ala telepathy, the extra dimentional movement seems to match it... But I don't know how any of that works or the cost thereof. The Character Creation tome seemed unhelpful; I'd thought it'd have more of the mentalist powers in it.


    Using Transform seems kinda... I dunno; 'special effect:you're not targetable' seems kinda like a biggie, and it doesn't really have a mechanism for the target to recover. Of course, Transform is like the highest cost of the attack powers.


    I was thinking of a character (an amorphous creature) that could stick people inside them to protect them. Then I was wondering how you'd price that at all (usable by others, range:touch, special effect:they're inside?). Or of a mecha character, that can let someone else 'drive' and use their attack skills with the mecha's powers... (usable by others, not while using themself, range:touch, special effect:they're inside?)



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