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About This File

This is a write-up for Merlin the Magician adapted from various Arthurian legends, films, and RPG write-ups for D&D. Included is the Hero Designer file and character sheet (5th Edition) in Microsoft Word. Some design notes:


1) Most of what I read depicted Merlin as a diviner and seer who works through others rather than actively commit direct action. The most common abilities depicted were his divination to see into the future, ability to move through nature much faster than normal means (those traveling with him also moved faster as a result), and glamour magic (illusions). I increased the END cost for his glamour since he often needed to sleep for an extended amount of time to use that magic.


2) I adapted some of his abilities depicted in Romance of the Perilous Land RPG where Merlin is a druid and is able to summon forces of nature to strengthen others.


3) I definitely included his lust as a disadvantage, since it was his lust that got him duped into being imprisoned in a magical tree by the Lady of the Lake (Viviene) in order to get him to stop fawning after her. 😉

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