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Hello Steve:


I have a question about Transform. You cannot use Transform to kill a target, but could you turn a target into an object and then destroy the object to kill the target? Say...could you turn people into cookies and then eat them?



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1 answer to this question

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There are several perspectives on this question that need to be taken into account.


From a game balance perspective, this could be considered potentially unbalancing. OTOH, a Major Transform is expensive, so in many campaigns it may not cause as many problems as it would seem at first blush.


From a rules perspective, you have to ask, “If you do that, what happens when the Transform wears off?” The sudden appearance of proportionally-sized bits of flesh and bone taking the place of the cookie crumbs in the eater’s stomach could cause, shall we say, a little distress. ;)


From a “realism” perspective, the answer would seem to be, “Why not?” Realistically, if you can’t do to a cookie created via Transform what you could to any other cookie, then it’s often not a very useful Power.


In the end, due to the vast breadth and variety of possible uses of Transform, this is an issue that has to be left to the GM to adjudicate in the light of common sense, dramatic sense, and considerations of game balance. I think the points above argue in favor of cautiously allowing characters to do something like what you suggest — it’s not significantly different from a Killing Attack, after all — but ultimately each GM needs to decide whether he’s comfortable with that.

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