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HTH Attack/Martial Strike/Rapid Fire

Lowly Uhlan


I'm building a character to poosibly replace my current one. His primary attack power will be a STR of 30 coupled with a 4d6 Hand to Hand (physical) attack.


My question is:


If I buy rapid fire for the HTH Attack will I be able to use Martial Strike (applied to the HTH Attack)while rapid firing? Will my STR apply to damage while using RF?



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1 answer to this question

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Hmmm, I'm not sure I understand the question.


First, you don't buy Rapid Fire; it's a Combat Maneuver anyone can use (assuming the GM allows it in his campaign at all, since it's an optional maneuver).


Second, Rapid Fire is for Ranged attacks, and what you're describing is a HTH Combat attack. You'd use Sweep, not Rapid Fire.


Assuming you mean Sweep, the rules for Sweep specifically allow characters to use it in conjunction with other Combat or Martial Maneuvers, as appropriate. The rules for HA specifically allow HA damage to add to Martial Maneuvers that cause Normal Damage, such as Martial Strike.


Assuming you're talking about the Advantage Autofire, the rules for adding damage to Advantaged attacks are on 5E 270-72.

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