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Mutliform and Disadvantages



I don't think this has been asked yet, and I need a little clarification regarding the costs of Multiform.


When you purchase Multiform you pay for the power, including disadvantages. a 250pt Multiform costs 50 Character Points, as is defined as 200 base points an 50 points of disadvantages.


Through the course of adventuring the character gains experience and now wants to buy off one of the Multiforms disadvantages, say a 5 pointer. So one character point is added to the Multiform to buy it off., making the multiform a 200base/45disad/5exp. Except now you've paid 51 points for what is still a 250pt form.


My question is that this seems like a form of "double taxation" in that you paid for the points of the disadvantage when you bought the power, and now you're paying again to remove the disadvantage. So you've essentially paid 2 points for the same five points in the Multiform: once to put the disad on, once to remove it.

On the true form you would get five points at creation for the disad to place into another area. In the multiform you actually pay a point to have a five point disadavantage (as well as the points to spend). While disadvantages are great RPing tools and add to the flavor of a character it seems unfair to force a character to pay twice for the same thing - once to add the disad and once to remove it.


Is this just an unfortunate side affect of having to account for "every point spent" or did I miss something somewhere?

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