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Please help with this character

Guest Witch Doctor

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Guest Witch Doctor

I need some help writing the following character. I did a write up a while back and submitted it here. People seemed to like it. But the GM ruled that it didn't meet the game's requirements viz a viz the 50 point power cap. So, I need to figure out another way to write this character up.


The character is from Africa. His father was a military man. His grandmother was a medicine woman. He's a bit of both - a divinely powered super soldier. He draws on the world of the spirits for his powers. He has no overt powers, only the magically and/or spiritually sensitive can sense that he is drawing on the power of these spirits. The idea is that he draws on the collective knowledge and power of these ancestral spirits- he also gains their psych disads when he does so. He's spent most of the past 10 years wondering from place to place doing odd jobs so he might have the Jack of All Trades adder. He descends from a spiritual heritage of Guardians of Africa - though he knows nothing about it (and his grandmother, who might have, was murdered when he was about ten years old). Also, the character is for a "Indiana Jones/Lara Croft/Veritas" style campaign so the character should lean slightly more towards dime novel than four color in feel and non combat skills are important.

I tried to write this character with a number of skills and 10 10-point OSLs, but that got me in trouble with the 50 point real cost power cap. I tried to do him with a VPP, but I couldn't get it to work either (though I may have done it wrong). I want him to have Normal Characteristic Maxima and, perhaps, a weaker attack than most (but augmented with the Find Weakness skill (representing spirit assistance)).

He has 350 points to build on. I have the disads already worked out.

I hope that's enough information.

Please help

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Re: Please help with this character


You're on the right track. Lets see, the GM is treating the 10 Overall skill levels as a power? an 100 point one? But the problem is that it takes on too many real points, not too many active points? Well, either drop down to 5 OSL's, or add on some limitations (you would need a 2). You said that he sometimes he aquires personality oddities when he does this. That would be a side effect. He could sometimes start speaking ancient african languages, etc. That leaves many more limitations to go.


I'll post more if I think of more

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Guest Witch Doctor

Re: Please help with this character


You're on the right track. Lets see, the GM is treating the 10 Overall skill levels as a power? an 100 point one? But the problem is that it takes on too many real points, not too many active points? Well, either drop down to 5 OSL's, or add on some limitations (you would need a 2). You said that he sometimes he aquires personality oddities when he does this. That would be a side effect. He could sometimes start speaking ancient african languages, etc. That leaves many more limitations to go.


I'll post more if I think of more


Wait a minute, I got my terminology confused. I meant the points before disadvantages is too high.

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Guest Witch Doctor

What about this?


Character Name: Guardian


Real Name: Mbe Mhouwie

Player Name: Brian Newman

Player Email: Brian.Newman@wpafb.af.mil

Character’s Hair and Eye Color: Black and Brown

Character’s Height; 5’8â€, 135lbs

Character’s Nationality: none

Character’s Place of Birth: South Africa, age 23

Date of Birth July 23rd

Concept: Divinely Inspired Super Soldier


Background Story:

"You may go in now, Mr. Mhouwie," the secretary said, smiling at him. Mbe looked at the door, it seemed to grow to prodigious size in front of him just as the knot in his throat was growing. "He's waiting for you," the secretary prompted, kindly. "Uh..oh yes, sure, thank you," he replied.


It was as if his entire life had guided him to this one moment, though he'd never realized it before. He knew this was the right thing for him, though he didn't know why. ZOS was looking for superheroes.


What did he bring to the table?


Unbidden, the memory of his grandmother came to mind. It was something she'd said when he was seven. Her rice paper hands rested comfortingly against each of his cheeks. She'd told him that the spirits had selected him for something special in life, some greater purpose. He'd thought it was the kind of thing any grandmother would tell her grandson. Of course, his grandmother had been known in the community as a powerful medicine woman. He'd never shown any super powers, though. He couldn't fly, or shoot

energy beams.


He was about to turn away from the door and head back to his regular

life, hopefully this embarrassment would be forgotten. Officer Ife had been so proud of him as a soldier in the security forces of ZOS. Mbe had joined those forces a few years back, after he'd left South Africa. He'd left that country with nothing but the clothes on his back and those were more holes than clothes. But ZOS had been good to him and Officer Ife, his commanding officer, had been like a second father to him.

He'd needed that. His own father, his whole family, had died shortly after the conversation he'd had with his grandmother. His grandmother had been a strong believer that the real powers of the indigenous people lay in their spiritual roots. It was there, she believed, that they'd gain the power to reclaim their freedom. His father, however, had been more of a realist. He believed in the power of guns and ammunition, the more guns and ammunition, the more power he had. It was that that got his family killed.


It was what they called "the second youth day rebellion". None remembered it any more. It ended within twenty-four hours after when it started, with soldiers breaking into the homes of everyone involved and killing everyone in sight. Why had he survived? He remembered the soldier looking at him down the barrel of a rifle, he had been only seven at the time, and Mbe had waited for the resounding bang of gunpowder and his life to come to an end. Instead, the soldier had moved on. Mbe had spent several nights dreaming of that soldier's eyes.


He spent more than a decade after that moving from place to place in South Africa, making what money he could, staying alive anyway he could. There wasn't much hope for a black orphan in South Africa, but somehow he'd managed to survive. It was shortly after turning 23 that he heard about the new deal with

the ZOS security forces. Crossing the border hadn't been easy, but he'd made it.


He'd dragged himself into a recruiting station, famished and filthy. It was the first place he'd gone as soon as he got to freedom. They accepted him. They were willing to give him the food and medical care that he needed and he joined the security forces as soon as he was able. That was when their generosity paid off. He excelled in training. In fact, it was as if, the harder the task, the better he was at it. He went on to advanced training and that was when he met Officer Ife who'd taken an instant liking to him. It had been Officer Ife who had sent him to this very spot, facing the door heading to the head of ZOS.


His sweaty hands wrapped around the cold metal doorknob and he slowly turned it. Taking a big gulp, as if to swallow the knot in his throat, he headed inside.



“I am the walking Avatar of Africa, an embodiment of all that is true and good and ancient. I am empowered by the spirits of our ancestors and our ancestors’ ancestors; I am the spiritual descendant of a long line of Guardians stretching back to the dawn of time. You are making me angry. Consider very carefully your next move.â€

- Guardian Spirit to a member of the White Legion


“Most super heroes are known by their powers, but that’s not what makes a real hero. What makes a real hero is what’s in the heart and gut, in the soul. I don’t know if I believe all this stuff about him being empowered by the Spirit of Africa, but I know Mbe has shown more intestinal fortitude than most super heroes ever will. The African people could have no better example of a standard to aspire to.â€

- Officer Ife



Mbe knows that he excels when under the harshest challenges. He has learned to embrace difficulty with open arms as an opportunity to grab the spotlight. In fact, he will often make challenges even more difficult by, for example, alerting the enemy that he’s coming after them or the like. Mbe is considered by Africans to represent all that is good in Africa. Despite this, he carries the psychological scars of his past life. He tries his best to hide them. Mbe feels that he has an obligation to his people, but he also knows that the biggest challenge he’s had to face (the death of his family) was one he was powerless to control. Secretly, he fears that a situation like that will occur again.




Mbe is of medium height and lean build. Since his time under the ZOS Special Forces, he’s physical conditioning has reached exceptional heights and his body shows it in the way of lean, wiry muscles. He has a dancer’s physique. He carries an aura of command which is broken by the occasional lopsided grin – like a boy who has been forced to grow up too fast but still has a boyish charm peak through every once in awhile.



Mbe has been chosen by the Spirit of Africa to act as a Guardian of the people. While he is in the league of the other members of the team, his powers, for the most part, work very subtly. The more difficult the task, the better he is at doing it. On a game mechanics level, he has luck-based powers and skill levels which only work to offset penalties to the roll. He carries a variable power pool of gear from the ZOS armory (assault rifles, grenades, medical supplies, etc.) and is trained in Commando Martial Arts.



8 Str 18

30 Dex 20

16 Con 18

6 Body 13

3 Int 13

6 Ego 13

8 Pre 18

4 Com 18


4 PD 8

4 ED 8

20 Spd 5

4 Rec 10

0 End 36

0 Stun 31



Combat and Roll Information




Combat Phases

Str Roll 13

Dex Roll 13

Con Roll 13

Int Roll 12

Per Roll 13

Ego Roll 12

rDef PD/ED r11/11 19/19

Run 6â€

Swim 4â€



10 Elemental Control “Spiritual Assistance Iâ€; Costs End (-1/2), Side Effects

Minor Always (variable Mental or Social Disad)(-1/2), Visible (can be sensed by Magically or Spiritually sensitive characters)(-1/4)

11 1.) Combat Skill Levels 6 8 - pointers

10 2.) Find Weakness 14- any attack


24 VPP “Well Prepared Soldier†Pool 20; OAF (-1), Only items which he

might reasonably have (-1/2)



4/8 8†Gliding OAF(-1)

Smoke Grenade MK I;

8/20 Darkness to Sight Group 2†radius (30): OAF (-1), Range

based on Str (-1/4), Reduced End (0 End; +1/2)

Combat Knife

7/15 Killing Attack – HtH 1/2d6: Ranged (can be thrown +1/2),

Reduced End (0 End; +1/2), OAF (-1), Range Based on Str (-1/4)

Jet Pack

8/20 Flight 10â€: OAF(-1), Reduced End (0 End; +1/2)


10/20 HtH Attack 4d6: OAF (-1)


47 VPP “Spiritual Assistance II†Pool 40; No Extra Time (+1), Side Effects

Major Always (variable Mental or Social Disad)(-1), Only Powers that Mimic Trained Abilities and Powers that Mimic Martial Arts Maneuvers (-3/4), Cannot Create Foci (-1/4), Costs End (-1/2), Visible (can be sensed by Magically and/or Spiritually sensitive characters) (-1/4)


“Spirit of the Ancientâ€

15/23 Life Support (Extended Breathing 1, Diminished Eating 1, Diminished Sleep 1, all Immunities 20), RSR: (Survival -1/2)

“Spirit of Warâ€

13/32 CSL 2 8-pointers Usable by up to 4 others (-1), RSR:

(Tactics -1/2)

“Spirit of the Predatorâ€

8/20 Pre +20

RSR: (Acting -1/2)

“Spirit of the Preyâ€

15/30 Invisibility to Sight Group, Reduced End (0 End; +1/2),

Requires a Stealth Roll (-1/2), Only works in Shadows or Darkness (-1/2)


25 End Reserve 100 End 15 Rec “Spiritual Assistance IIIâ€


16/24 Armor 8PD/8ED; OIF (-1/2)



3 Acrobatics

3 Acting

3 Animal Handling

3 Breakfall DEX

3 Bureaucratics

3 Climbing DEX

3 Combat Driving

3 Combat Piloting

3 Demolitions INT

2 KS: Emergency Scene Operations

3 Navigation(Orienteering) INT

3 Paramedic

3 Interrogation

3 Scholar

3 Scientist

2 Science: Ethnobotany

2 Science: Trauma Medicine

3 Shadowing

3 Sleight of Hand

3 Skill Levels +1 to all Per Rolls

3 Stealth DEX

3 Streetwise

3 Survival: Savannah

2 Swim + 2

3 Tactics

1 WF: Nightstick


9 Z-Optima Package

AK: Southern Africa INT

Credential: Z-Optima Membership

Credential: South African Regional Police Powers 0

Criminology INT Deduction INT

KS: History of South African Region INT KS: Known Superhuman Criminals 11 or less

KS: Purity INT + 1

KS: Mythology of the World 11 or less

Science: Anthropology 11 or less

Science: Archaeology 11 or less

Soc Lim: Publicly Known in South African Region

Hunted by Purity 8 or less

Monitored by Z-Optima 14 or less

Money (150,000 Annually)

Z-Optima Base

Z-Optima Communicator



6 Combat Luck 3/3



4 Reputation: Hero of the People widely known 2 levels


Point Totals

Char 113

Power 142

Skills 82

MA 0

Talents 6

Perqs 4

Overall 347

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Re: Please help with this character


Personally I think you're getting too complex for your character concept. I know that I felt a headache coming on trying to puzzle out your power section. This is what I'd tell you if I was GM for your campaign.


My summary: Luck based & spiritually based power. Highly trained soldier with some nice pieces of equipment.


Problems I see:


1. EC with Skill levels and Find Weakness. Seems pretty iffy to me. I'm pretty picky on any modifiers to skills. I'd disallow it without a better tie in to character concept. And seeing 6 levels of combat skill like that raises the first red flag for me. There's also the side effect that isn't really documented out with concrete examples. Plus there seems to be some overlap in side effect with the 2nd VPP (Point 3 below)


2. VPP with soldier equipment - that seems ok to me.


3. 47 VPP “Spiritual Assistance II†- This is what keeps giving me that headachy feeling. First off - try doing it with a multipower. I'm assuming the abilities listed below it are example powers for the VPP.


- Side Effects Major Always (variable Mental or Social Disad)(-1) -- After putting it in a multipower, I'd want to know exactly what side effect you envisoned for each slot. And just how much of a disadvantage it would really be.


- Only Powers that Mimic Trained Abilities and Powers that Mimic Martial Arts Maneuvers (-3/4) -- I'm not really seeing how a soldier type needs to rely on spirit guides for basic martial arts moves and exactly what skills a spiritual avatar would be able to help you out with. Hence the request for a multipower that states things explicitly. If those 4 "Spirit of" powers shown below the VPP are example powers, then 3/4 don't seem to fit anyway: Life Support, Presence and Invis. And for Skills I want to see a *really* good reason for trying to buy down their cost in any way.


4. The end reserve - it's not clear what this applies to - I'm assuming the two previous Spiritual Assistance (EC then VPP) items. It should be mentioned explicitly.


5. For a lucky character it seems a bit odd he doesn't have any luck at all - though that's your choice.


6. For a soldier it's odd that he has no innate skill with martial arts whatsoever.




I agree with you that it's an interesting character concept. I really don't agree with some of your choices for power frameworks and when you were putting skills in there. The side effect limitation as well needs more documentation regarding what limitation relates to what set of abilities. I'd recommend drawing up a multipower and see what comes of that.


What you can do with skills really depends on your GM. I'd want to see a very very very clear reason why a particular spirit would give you any skill abilities. An example would be "Spirit of the Prey" - Concealment +. I'd still rather see invisibility used for that though. Skills really don't belong in power structures to my mind without some superb rationale.

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