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Expanding Shield Bubble


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There is a character concept one of my players came up with that utilzes density powers and he wants to increase the Density of the air to protect him (as per UNTIL Powers Database) but also wants to be able to expand the protection to include those near by.


How would you construct such a defense that you can expand to a bubble like area to protect an area?

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Re: Expanding Shield Bubble


Depending on special effects, I can see it as either:


1) a Force Wall or


2) a Force Field with the Usable by Others Simultaneously advantage (possibly with a Limited Power limitation to reflect that they have to stay close to you).


Don't have a copy of USPD on me (I'm at work), but you should be able to extrapolate it from the base power pretty easily. Perhaps build it as a separate slot in an any Power Framework you're already using to represent your Density powers.

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Re: Expanding Shield Bubble




I did two different versions, not sure which I like best.


The first is a straight Force Wall with 0 END Advantage and No Range Limitation so it came out like this:


Airfield: FW (8 PD/6 ED; 6" long and 1" tall), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (67 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)


The second I built Like this:


Defensive Powers: Multipower, 45-point reserve

3u 1) Air Field: FF (12 PD/8 ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

4u 2) Larger Airfield: FW (8 PD/6 ED; 6" long and 1" tall)


The Multi-power does allow the character to have a personal defense and then expand the area at the cost of endurance to protect those around thim. (Need to go back and add in no range limitation on it though)


Which do you guys think is better?

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