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Spell: Traveling to the Dreamland


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Tonight I was speculating on a spell I?ve just created for my fantasy campaign, it's used to let someone send someone else in the dream land, a land similar to the obne described in Robert Jordan' Wheel of Time.


My personal write-up was:


Traveling to the Dream Land:

Extra-Dimension Movement (to the place in the Dream Land corresponding to the one in the Real World) 25, UaA (1 creature) +1 (Active Points = 50); Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2), Variable Limitation (-1/2 of limitations, -1/4); Extra Time (Extra Segment, -1/2), Limited Power (Usable only on Non-Magically Sleeping People, return to Real World if the Victim it's Awakened, -1 1/2) Real Points 13


First of all, I Justify the Lim Pow at 1 1/2^_^

I've reasond in this way: a normal man sleeps only for 8 hours a day so it's (roughly one third of a day, often less than that), moreover a similar limitation does not let use this ability in Combat, moreover if someone awakens the Victim the spell it's Broken. It' seems to me eligible for the "Power loses about two.thirds of its effectiveness".


the Defenses against the attack:

Being a Dream Walker (similar to the one described in the RJ's WoT), or having a mental or power defense, having spells or ability or the like that can be used to come back from the DreamLand.


The Idea it's that to use it the wizard has to make somehow the victim sleep and touch it for at least a couple of seconds, while concentrating or something the like to let the spell start. If the spell starts the Victim is sent to the DreamLand where she sleeps until:

1) She awakens in the real world

2) The caster decide to let it awaken. (this can happen thanks to campaign's definition of the interaction in the Dream Land)


Tonight I Was thinking about the spell write-up...


The ultimate goal of this spell is to imprison the victim for a limited time in a situation where she is almost helpless, or at least think to be it.

So the target can be interrogated or the like, obviously paying attention as hurting can make her awaken.


I was thinking that a similar effect could be reached even trough:

1) Mind Control

2) Images


So I was asking some suggestions for alternative write-ups. ;)



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Re: Spell: Traveling to the Dreamland




I was forgetting to say that I cannot use a direct effect like Mind Control (to know what you wont to know) as the main point of the spell is to play in the Dream Land.;)


Let me explain myself, with the current write-up the target play the encounter with the caster, if it was only a roll to let know something there would be no roleplaying of the encounter.


Moreover with the XDM the same spell can be applied to more than one target in succession and later interact with all of them in one place.


Moreover the target and the caster in this write-up are really ending in the DreamLand and are obliged to follow of the "physical laws" of that place!

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Re: Spell: Traveling to the Dreamland


It sounds more like Telepathy.


The Caster digs around the Victim's mind searching for information, conversing with the victim. The drawback is it takes time to get information out and possible KS: Dream Intereptation to understand some of the "subconscious" meanings or to leave "subconscious" meanings that the Victim will consider. (Persuasion, Seduction, and Conversation skills could work here rather than flat Mind Control)


The Victim, instead of told that he is victim of Telepathy, is told that he gets strange dreams about the Caster (unless the Caster uses Invisible or uses the bonus for thinks its own idea)


Side Effect could be the Caster gets something unpleasant from Dreamspace that hurts him.

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Re: Spell: Traveling to the Dreamland


The problenm there its that the Dream Land, it's a dimension not in the mind of the character, but overlaying to the real world, with some physical rules of its own.


So I built it with XDM as it seemed the most obvious thing to do.


Later I was thinking of other ways to build the same effect, and have tought of Mind Control or Images.


Mind Control:

The problem here is that I do not want just a 1 Roll Power, I wanted to create a spell that made the PC travel to the DreamLand (that it's reality different but still real)



It's better as they can even see the DreamLand as an Illusion, something that change the way they perceive the world around them, but with this approach I've some diffficulties, for example let us say that the PCs are 4 and they are spleeping all in the same room, now the spel is cast only on one of them.


In my intention in this situation the PC would find himself in the DreamLand, alone, the object would be there, but not the other PCs. They do not _seem_ to be absent, they _are_ not there at all. If He walks on one of them... they are not there and so nothing happens, there's no interaction with the normal world.



More or less the same situation, as the spell could be cast on more than one subject, and so they would all end up in the DreamLand, free to interact one another, and eventual wounds would be there even when they wake up (can be the cause of the wake up, making the projection coming back in the normal world)

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