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About MarioTani

  • Birthday 12/06/1976

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    Newbie Hero GM
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  1. Re: Creating a notknownsowell spell It's not a matter of power lasting, but of lasting effects^_^ I want him to create flawlessly the spell if he want to use it. To be able to mantain each of them (never tought on both of them!) for 1 / 2 turns, and later be awfully tired for a great lenght of time. The effect should kick in when the power is shut off. He has 26 END. Using a power is 8 End / phase, so he should be able to suppress magic for a couple of phase and later fall tired to the ground, or activate the magical armor for a 3/4 turns with the same sideeffects. The character has SPD 4, so he acts on 3-6-9-12. If he actives it on 9, he can use it 3 phases and arrive at 8 End before the drain carry him to the ground (as I have already said I forgot to double the END drained!) If he use the armore he can use it for a tourgh combat (up to 2 turns if he fight at the best of his capabilities!) (and there I forgot to make NON-Persistent the armor^_^'') Maybe I could go with charges... but he would not be tired for days after that^_^
  2. Re: Creating a notknownsowell spell He should not. I was thinking on once / month not really more often. The whole point was to give him something that If used would make him completely tired. Leaving him out of combat for days, a week was what I was thinking about. The sideeffect has been chosen with that in mind. (but I forgot to double it and counted 2d6 END and not 2d6 CP in END^_^) No he has slightly less, 26 IIRC. But the real point was a crippling limitation^_^ something that would leave him used up for a week after a single utilisation. In other words, the Character has this chance, but he has not to use it. Surely in time he could buy-out some of the SE to represent a better resistance on dealing with the magical energy, but it's a warrior who has got a new toy^_^ that's not is most powerful ability (it's more like an option he has if he really wants to use it^_^)
  3. In the fantasy campaign I GM sometimes I create the PC's Sheets, this usually happens when the PC has to join the other in mid of an adventure or if it has to cover a given role. This time I'm creating a kind of errant knight who has spent much time in a Scandinavian or the like colture, and has come out with two magical powers. He knows how to cast the spell flawlessly every times He wants, but it's tiresome and some more. The character is not able to cast the spells by his own, but knows how to activate the spell in some objects. So he come back to his land with a sword engraved with a Rune of Magical Suppression and the body covered by some tattoos that can be activated to harden his flesh like steel. In order to cast both he has to concentrate for a couple of seconds, make some gestures so the spell starts, moreover he needs to chant a continuos litany to keep it going. Last of all it's tiresome. It's important to note that he never fail to use the power if it has the time and the chance to cast it. I've come up with the following spell designs. Rune Of Dispel 20 Suppress Magic 4d6, +2 All Magical effects simoultaneously, +1 AoE (Radius; *2; Not Selective), Active Points = 80; -1 OAF (Magical Sword Engraved with the rune), -1/2 Gestures to activate, -1/2 Concentration (0 DCV), -1/2 Incantantion (Continuos); -2 Side Effect (Extreme; Always): Drain END 2d6 (Delayed Return Rate= 1/day). Real Points = 13 Magical Tattoos of Defense 21 Armor 7 PD/ED, Active Points = 21; -1/2 Ablative, -1/2 Gestures to activate, -1/2 Concentration (0 DCV), -1/2 Incantantion (Continuos); -2 Side Effect (Extreme; Always): Drain END 2d6 (Delayed Return Rate= 1/day). Real Points = 4 The tattoo is not considered a focus as it cannot be removed short or surgery or something the like. The power as they have been written are good to me, but I was wondering if there was some more linear write-up for them^_^ Thanks
  4. Re: Battletech Mecha First Loves, Favourites, and just plain silly. As I am a Battletech player (pen & paper) still today... First Love: WarHammer! Hey! it's on the cover of the box-set! That's what you bought the game for! Favourites: PHX, surely, but today I got a fancy with BlackJack, or the Spiders. Just Plain SillyCharger, 5 small laser and a kick^_^, the real matter is that the other player would not sit ther waiting for you to come! (but there's some good canon variant out there) Special Tactics: I usually stay with a standard flanking attitude. 1 sniper or 2 cover the ground, 1 strong mech to take the blunt of the enemy, 1 or 2 fast with long range To propose a lance^_^: Dervish/BlackJack, Awesome, Spider/Hussar ahhh I forgot there's a special tactic: came close to kick range (1 hex) then shoot something else^_^. I noticed that usually when you're in close combat with another mech they tend to not consider the mech anymore... "hey we're not the clans! You got a kick on the leg, but it's you friend who got the PPC!":smoke:
  5. Re: Outside the HERO Box I'd go with Damage Classes. 1d6 of killing strike is 3 Damage classes the same as 3d6 of EB and both cost you 15 points. In this way you do not have problems with advantages
  6. hy I was building a magical power to be impervious to magical effects. I mean being totally immune to magical effects. I've come up with this write-up: Desolidification (affected by magic) (40 AP); Only to protect against magical effects (-1) Cannot pass trough solid objects (-1/2) Restrainable (-1/2) concentration (1/2 DCV, -1/4) Gestures (-1/4) 2 continuing charges (20 minutes) (-1/4). RP 11 The special effect is a magical tattoo on the chest that has to be touched to be activated and when activated makes the bearer impervious to magic. Magical effects react like the tattoed man was not there at all so magical alarms would not detect him exactly like a fireball would pass trough him without making contact with him but the powers would be there for all the others, so the magical alarm would be still functioning and the fireball would keep on going in the same direction as if it would have missed the bearer (even if the witnesses would have seen it pass trough the bearer). Obviously the bearer could not interact with anything magical when the power is active. Maybe I could let out Restrainable as it is an actual limtiation only while casting, but it's not the point here, in fact I've noticed that a similar resistance is usually brought (in official suplpements like grimoire and grimoire II) with dispel or power defence. My problem with them is that: 1. Dispel eliminates the power while I need a form of personal immunity to magical effects that stay in place for the rest of the world. 2. FF Armor PowerD. all of them stopthe magical effect while i figure it keeps going exactly like the bearer was not there! some suggestions? alternative write-up? let me hear what you think?
  7. Re: [Would-Be Hero-GM]Lethality 2. I use Hero for Fantasy. The matter here is what you mean to be "gritty/realistic". I usually use an High Fantasy Realistic Setting, there's magic there's a lot of it, but not everyone use it. The "normal" (not mages or magic using) follow normal world law of physiscs and the like. In general the greatest problem that arises is the lifting capacity of the players, as it is easy to have them with 15 -18 strenght. I use logic in that (and some tweaking from FH as for the armor). Travelling: there a complete section in FH that is based on the velocity of the character to make it possible calculating the distance travelled in a given time over a given terrain. Diseases & Infections: in FH are left to the GM (you can find some guideline in HARN MASTER ) Tactical COmbat: There a chapter about it (battles, sieges things like those) but I've never used it so I can't judge them gamewise. 3. SPD in a Fantasy Hero campaign with 150 Starting point (75+75) and NCM it's difficult to arrive at SPD 5 as DEX ususally is lower than 20 so the minimum cost to have SPD 5 is 30 points. (to which you have to add 1 point per point of DEX under 20 and 3 point per point of DEX over 10) To make an example: DEX 15 SPD 5 costs: DEX 15 SPD 35 total 50 DEX 18 SPD 5 costs: DEX 24 SPD 32 total 56 DEX 20 SPD 5 costs DEX 30 SPD 30 total 60 That's a lot of points on a 150 base. It's not impossible, but it's rare.
  8. Re: Flash: Inner ear/ Sense of Gravity/ Sense of Balence It seems to me that the game effects of having been FLASHed at the Sense of Balance, are similar to those of Being Stunned. So I will go with a Drain STUN power with the SFX "You lose Sense of Balance". THe difference with the "FLASH" model is that whit are possible several levels of "Losing Balance" represented by the recovering of the Drained poitns, while the flash as a Game Mechanic more All-or-Nothing oriented. Let me explain with an example If you drain the STUN (or something else for this matter) in the following turns he recovers some of the drained points, gradually "healing" from teh power effects. If you FLAH a Sense there's not a gradual "healing" in every given segment you can use the sense or you cannot. p.s. IIRC if a power that is not bought in increments, like senses, the Character has to recover all the point drained in order to use it. In this case there's not a Gradual HEaling Effect. So the powers share a similar working model.
  9. Re: Why Are You Hitting Yourself? I've never build something like this, so I do not know if this could work... Why not modeling it with a EB, limited with "up to the damage done" and some bonus to Block and the following hit with a manuever "must folow block" Some problems i see: - the counter is not automatic - The SFX of the effect is not matched (maybe it can be done with a variable SFX) - Counter damage does not happen in the same time
  10. Re: Help with a spell to remove wings I go with the SFX lot. After all she has Flight, and the SFX of flight is that she has wings, so to fly the wings are there, the wings are not Relevant for game mechanics unless she has some disadvantage linked to them as an Distinctive Feature. I would let the player select even a disadvantage like: Dist. Feature (WINGS) Concealable (with a spell che can use) 10 if the spell is really easy it's only a 5 points disad.
  11. Re: Storn's Fantasy Art, Comics and Doodles Let me say that your art is Marvelous! I'd like to check the webcomic too but I get a 404 error:(
  12. Re: Eosin's Weapons List The illustration are amazing, and the writeups seem itneresting. I've only a problem about them: Resistant PIercing. I've never heard of it . What is? where I can find the rules about it? thanks in advance for the eventual help
  13. Re: Side Effect: Temporary Elimination of a MP slot As written in the previous post, I believe it's a 1/2 limitation. I've resoned in this way. There are similarities between Activation Roll and RSR, in particular AR has two options, BurnOut and Jammed. It seems to me that I need something like a RSR with the option Jammed. As Jammed is worth 1/2 limitation more than AR, and its game effect it's just the one I want, I've decided to go with: Limited power (Disabled on a failed RSR) -1/2 . It seems fair to me.
  14. Re: Side Effect: Temporary Elimination of a MP slot Just a clarification post: Lord Liaden - I've ruled it as a 1/2 limitation based on a similar reasoning. Dust Raven - My point was not on "how to limit a MP" but more in the direction: If I read the rules correctly, I should use Side-Effect, and in order to disable the slot I need a 200 AP power (classified as an Extreme Side Effect a -1 limitation). The real matter it's that if the side-effect was a real power, it would have been limited maybe even heavily, after all it can only be used on a single combination Power-special Effect and only when it failed the RSR.
  15. Today I was trying to create a mage that uses the "souls" of objects and dead people, to animate some other objects in order to get some powers.trying to create a mage that use the "souls" of objects and dead people, to animate some other objects in order to get some powers. For you who knows the comic, this is heavily inspired by the manga: Shaman King In the end I've decided to go with a Multipower, it's something like: Huyl Weber's Souls'es Conjuring Multipower 60 AP Limitations: RSR -1/2 Incantantion -1/4, Focus (OIF, Difficult to replace) -3/4, ET (Phase) -1/2, Concentration -1/4, LockOut -1/2 More than this there should be a side-effect that prevent from using anyone slot if the RSR roll is failed, something that i think is not more than a side-effect (to be generous). But... To use Side-Effect the key is the Active point in the Side effect so I've to make up the cost of the drain. To drain a 60 Point Slot you need a 20d6 Drain with the standard effect rule, this sums to a 200 AP power that end up in a Extreme Side Effect. I'm GMing so I could easily rule that this is a limitation not worth more than 1/2 (depending on the redundancy of the slot in the multipower), but I prefer not doing it. Moreover it seems to me that there's something strange about it. 200 AP are usable for: Drain Body: 30 Pt (this leaves you dead if your CON is 15 or less) EB: 40d Normal Damage (this leaves you dead as well standard effect 120 STUN 40 BODY) HKA: 13d6 +1 Killing Damake (as Above for the damage) EB: 20d6 AOE (this kills a lot of people in a 11" radius 22 meters that is more than two basketball playfields) It just seems too much to me... way too much I could build it with suppress: Suppress a given Slot 20d6 Standard Effect, Red END 0 (disabled only for a couple of hours) +1/2. AP = 150 slightly better but I would not let a player have this kind of Red END limitation on a suppress, as it's clearly something worth more (from a turn to a couple of hours there are 5 Time slots or a 1 1/4 advantage by itself if used on a Adjustment Power) and moreover ac ouple of hours are usually more than you need to have your enemy without powers. So it seems to me that or I'm missing something on the way this side-effect has to be build or the side-effect limitation is overpriced... On the other side: - The price of drain is well balanced as whown by the above examples. - I've used the Side-effect limitation before And have not had this kind of problem
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