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Ocelot servopanzer


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As promised, here is a first-draft writeup of the Ocelot servopanzer from GOO's excellent Centauri Knights book (special thanks to Surbrook and his BESM to HERO conversion notes):


Size 2 (1.6 hexes tall by 0.8 wide) (5 points)

+5 STR (25 STR total) (5 points)

+10 DEX (20 total) (30 points)

+3 BODY (15 total) (3 points)

+9 DEF (11 total) (27 points)

+1 SPD (4 total) (10 points)

-2" Swimming (can't swim) (-2 points)

+3" Running, No Turn Mode (+1/4), Sideways Maneuverability (+1/4) (9" total) (15 points)

9" Leaping (9 points)

Enhanced Perception: +4 to Hearing rolls (4 points)

High Range Radio Perception (12 points)

Night Vision (5 points)

Infrared Perception (5 points)

Lasercomm: Mind Link, any willing target (15 AP), OIF Bulky (-1), Only with other vehicles with the same mind link (-1), Affected as radio and hearing groups, not mental (-1/4), Must maintain LOS (-1/2) (4 points)

LIfe Support: self-contained breathing (10 points)

Diminished eating (1 point)

Safe Envirionments: low pressure, vacuum, high pressure, intense cold, intense heat (7 points)

Extra Limbs: two legs, two arms (5 points)

IR Stealth: Change Environment: -3 to Infrared Perception PER rolls, 1" radius (14 base points), Persistent (+1/2), Reduced endurance (0 END, +1/2),. Inherent (+1/4) (32 AP), Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Self Only (-1/2) (13 points)

Radar Spoofing: Radio Group Images, -5 to PER rolls, 1" radius, Mega-area (1"=1 km; +1/4) (31 AP), No Range (-1/2) Set Effect: up to 6 images of target vehicle (-1), Limited Effect: radar only (-1/4) (11 points)


Total point value: 179/5 = 36 points


The Ocelot is an older model, obsolete by today's stardards, but still in fairly wide use. Its most notable feature, other than its sheer size, is that the operator's arms are not contained in the suit's arms, but in a pair of "master arms" extending from its torso, whose motions are mimiced on a larger scale by the "slave arms"


A few notes on my design thoughts:


25 STR might seem low for a suit of power armor, but that gives a lift capacity of 800 kg, which is MORE than the BESM version, which can lift "about 1/2 tonne."


I'm assuming that the character wearing it will, for DEX and SPD, use the lower of his or the suit's values. For most characters, this shouldn't be a problem.


The suit is supposed to have food, water, and power supplies for about a day of operation. As far as I could tell, that wouldn't be worth anything as a limitation, so I left it off.


The IR Stealth is a little off; it costs 13 points, as opposed to 6 points for a +3 to the Stealth skill, but ONLY applies to watchers using Infrared Perception. I guess it applies to Concealment as well, which makes it come out about even, although it still has a narrower application.


The ECM should probably be some kind of INFRARED spoofing, but I just gave it the system from UV until I have a better idea of how I'm going to handle guided projectiles in the game.


There are no weapons listed. This is partly because the Ocelot has no built-in weapons, and partly because I just haven't gotten around to writing up its standard loadout yet, and wanted to get this posted tonight. It normally carries a big harmonic knife (aka vibroblade) and a hand-held 25mm autocannon or missle launcher.



I welcome any comments, critiques, or suggestions that you might have.



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Re: Ocelot servopanzer


I haven't tried to tackle the ghost fog yet, but it seems like maybe a Restainable Multipower with slots like Tunnelling, fills in, only through Osiran "smart matter", or some form of clarisentience, or a force wall. Using the ghost fog to make solid items would be a Transform, I suppose.



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Re: Ocelot servopanzer


Okay, here's two of the weapons the Ocelot carries:


Kobra 25mm autocannon:

3d6+1 RKA (50 pts) Explosion (+1/2), Autofire x 5 (+1/2), 30 Charges (+1/4) (113 Active Points)

OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Min 20 (-1)

35 Real Points, 7 if the vehicle owns it.


The Kobra is described as a short-barrelled electro-thermal autocannon firing Armor-Piercing High-Explosive shells, but the writeup in the book doesn't include the "Armour-Penetrating" weapon ability. Trying to represent a APHE round realistically would probably involve an AP RKA with a linked non-AP explosion.


Ocelot's Harmonic Knife:

3d6 HKA (45 pts) Armor-Piercing (+1/2), Zero Endurance (+1/2) (90 Active Points)

OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4), STR Min 20 (-1)

28 Real Points, 6 if the vehicle owns it.


That's a mean knife! It plugs into the Ocelot's power supply, but since I wrote the Ocelot up with no END, I had to make the knife Zero Endurance. Remove the Armor-Piercing and maybe reduce the damage if the knife isn't powered.


I'm going to work on the missle launcher next. The missle will be an Automaton (not a vehicle, because they can't be that small), and the launcher a Summon.



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