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[Magic Item]Blade of the snake


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I wanted an opinion on htis build^_^


I was trying to model a magical sword, used by a clan of LizardMan, and that ìs in the hands of an NPC.


The sword takes its name from the clan, but it has not snake related powers.


It's a Bastard sword, tha make the wielder extremely strong, for some times, but this comes at the cost of the phiysical energy of the wielder that if use it for a combat too long risks its life.


You could almost say that the magic in the sword sucks it's wielder magic to continue working if it cannot use the sorrounding magic, moreover, teh wielder it's not usually able to notice the effect as he's enraged by the flow of the combat.


THe sword it's exptremely unwieldy, for its great weight, the mgical edge easily cut trough armor.


I've Build It in the following way:

Blade Of The Snake:

Sword, Bastard: HKA 2d6+1 35, Red END (0 END) +1/2, AP +1/2, Active Points 70; Side Effect (always while using the blade (Enraged; Go 14-; Recover 8-)) -2, STR Min 13 -1/2 NOTE (1), OAF -1, Real Weapon -1/4 NOTE (2); Limitations = -3.75; Real Cost = 14

PLUS Snake Skin: Succor 5d6 25, Red END (1/2 END) +1/4, Uncontrolled +1/2, 4 Char SImultenously (STR, CON, END, STUN) +1, Active Points 69; OAF -1, Limited Power (Half power, works only with END reserve) -1 NOTE (3), Self Only -1/2, Linked (Blade Wielded) -1/2, Side Effect (Specific Act: Every Phase sword used and spell cannot ber casted the wielder suffer 7 STUN and 3 BODY) -1/4; Limitations = -3.25; Real Cost = 16

PLUS END Reserve (60 END; 4 REC), Active Points 10; OAF -1, Linked (Blade WIelded) -1/2 NOTE (4) Limited Power ( Lose One third of effectiveness: Usable only for Snake Skin) -1/2M; REC: Slow Recovery 1 Day; Limitations = -2 NOTE (5); Real Cost = 3 NOTE (6)




(0) = I'm the GM so there are no problem on changing it^_^

(1) = I've used the Bastard, Sword Template, but I'm not sure this is a real advantage when snakle skin kick in it's not influent... the only function it has it's to limit the DC the blade does.

(2) = I mean that it must be tended like a real weapon, that it must be treated with car as there nothing magical to make it indestructible, only the edge has not to be worked on. In spite of this I'm still unsure about it.

(3) = It's a Campaing limitation. In this campaign everyone can used or a END reserve or END to power spells, the End reserve are cheap but must be slow to recover. I believe the power lose half effectiveness, and the sideeffect kick in too.

Considering this, I've priced it at -1

(4) = The end reserve it's there but cannot be accessed without wielding the blade.

(5) = I?m not sure of the way to counting on the Slow Recovery, I Mean that the END reserve refill one point after 6 Hours. I could use two approaches

a. 1 point every 6 hours -> 1 AP 1 RP

b. 4 point every day pro-reated -> 4 AP 1 RP

I've Choasen the second one, the power it's only a little more difficult to dispel as it has 10 AP and not 7 AP.

(6) = Calculated like: END + REC = (6 / 3) + (4 / 4) = 3.

I point it out here as I'm not too sure about it.


The functioning.

I wanted a blade that casted succor every round for a long time, giving a great power to the wielder for some times, after that It's dangerous to continue.


The character it's a lizard man and has the following relevant chars:


STR from 23 to 53

CON from 13 to 28

END from 32 to 92

STUN from 36 to 66


As the Totals on END and STUN suggest My idea it's to make the character practically untireable an unstannable.


On the tiring factor:

Every Sword Slash it's going to cost 5 From the normal strenght up to 11, so the character cannot fight long without recovering, the recover it's 8 and so he is going to spend 25 END every TURN (post-12 recovery already factored in)


a Typical slash, carried on in offensive strike make the character deal:


2d6+1 AP + 8 DCs from strenght + 2 DCs from Martial Arts


butthe power tops at 14 AP and they can be easily reached as 8 DC => 5 DCs AP

to which I add the 2 DCs from martial arts.

So the character rolls 4 1/2 K


THe power s are to last up to 20 Phases (the Char has SPD 3) and so it can last a good fight. After that the power stops and the character lose 7 STUN and 3 (standard effect on a EB od 2d6+1) so he is not going to last too much.


The slow recovery is there to keep the character to go in a fight every day and it's combined to an enraged to not make the character lull^__^


Let me know what you think of the build and if there are some better way to represent this.

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Re: [Magic Item]Blade of the snake


It looks more or less well-constructed...and extremely powerful. As GM' date=' I presume you are cool with the power level -- it would trash my FH games, but I play very low-power games. :)[/quote']


Yeah it is a powerfull Item, it's supposed to be a sort of "holy sword", it's not holy, as the world is godless, but its the chosen blade of a clan.


The campaign setting is not high magic, but it not even low magic.


there's magic, there's plenty of it, but it's usually of low power, with some object that are considerably more powerfull.


For example 3 campaign ago (I usually play in this world and the campaign are set one after the other) one of the players was able trick a duke into ordering his court wizard in doing some twenty magical ring linked to another.


The master could read the mind of the other ringbearers, and paralize them with an order.


The lesser ones were able to locate each other, and they could be put off only with the help of the magician itself.


Officially they were meant to let the memebers of a scouting party (sent to a far away isle) to not get lost, but in reality they were made to let the PC be at easy with a lesser paranoical distress^__^

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